D&D 5E Doctors & Daleks - Cubicle 7 Brings Doctor Who to D&D 5E

Cubicle 7 -- makers of the official Doctor Who roleplaying game -- has announced that the Doctor will officially be coming to 5E soon under the name Doctors and Daleks. There are no dates or details yet, over than that the Doctors and Daleks Player's Guide will launch 'soon'. A NEW COMPANION FOR YOUR ADVENTURES THROUGH ALL OF SPACE AND TIME! The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite...

Cubicle 7 -- makers of the official Doctor Who roleplaying game -- has announced that the Doctor will officially be coming to 5E soon under the name Doctors and Daleks. There are no dates or details yet, over than that the Doctors and Daleks Player's Guide will launch 'soon'.



The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game in Doctors and Daleks. Take your gaming group into the TARDIS and travel anywhere, anywhen. Want to meet Leornado da Vinci? Or see what life is like in the year 3,000? What about another planet entirely? All of space and time is your Venusian macro-oyster, but keep your wits about you — there’s a lot of danger in the vastness of eternity.

We are delighted to announce that we are working on Doctors and Daleks – a new line of products that brings Doctor Who adventures to your table using 5th Edition rules! The first release – The Doctors and Daleks Player’s Guide will launch soon.

The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game in Doctors and Daleks. Take your gaming group into the TARDIS and travel anywhere, anywhen.

We’ll also continue to support the new Second Edition of our award winning Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game, with a host of new products on the way soon!

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I'm late to this thread but I have a question: How do play Doctor Who as an RPG anyway? Does everyone get to play a Doctor? Are the PCs companions and the Doctor an NPC (or an OP GMPC)? Do you play "Agents of Unit" (which would make it more like a Delta Green game, IMO).

How does it even work?

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I'm late to this thread but I have a question: How do play Doctor Who as an RPG anyway? Does everyone get to play a Doctor? Are the PCs companions and the Doctor an NPC (or an OP GMPC)? Do you play "Agents of Unit" (which would make it more like a Delta Green game, IMO).

How does it even work?
I have not played yet but my understanding is you play mostly companions to the Doctor, though they have rules for making a new Time Lord, Time Agents, or investigators and defenders like UNIT. So for example in one of their newest adventures in their 2e starter set there is an adventure with this description, "The Timeless Library is a brand new adventure for players of all experience levels. It sends a group of new and varied companions on a journey to a vast library filled with dangerous artefacts and even more dangerous invaders."


I'm late to this thread but I have a question: How do play Doctor Who as an RPG anyway? Does everyone get to play a Doctor? Are the PCs companions and the Doctor an NPC (or an OP GMPC)? Do you play "Agents of Unit" (which would make it more like a Delta Green game, IMO).

How does it even work?

You can play humans, aliens (ailurians, zygons, sontarans,and ood all have pre-generated trait packages in 1e), and timelords. Timelords get better at skills and some stats, but have a lot less storypoints as balancing. It works remarkably well.

So you can have bumbling fools stealing a TARDIS (which has traits of its own, including haunted, restless, and overprotective), or you can have a timelord and human companions and a zygon, or you can have a full party of timelords. And yeah, there is a UNIT book too and the Black Archive which can be used to play Torchwood despite that show not being part of the license.


B/X Known World
I'm late to this thread but I have a question: How do play Doctor Who as an RPG anyway? Does everyone get to play a Doctor? Are the PCs companions and the Doctor an NPC (or an OP GMPC)? Do you play "Agents of Unit" (which would make it more like a Delta Green game, IMO).

How does it even work?
You can have any setup of PCs you'd like. One Doctor with multiple companions. Multiple Doctors and multiple companions. No Doctor. All Time Lords who aren't the Doctor. UNIT agents. Any combo you'd like that suits the Doctor Who franchise. It's advised that when you're playing one Doctor and a group of companions that you rotate through who gets to play the Doctor. The "power" disparity is handled with story points, your typical metacurrency that lets you do cool stuff. The Doctor starts with few or zero, while the companions start with a fair amount. Like Fate, the story points are supposed to flow like water.


Doors and Corners
Support the current game. Clearly it needs more love.
Why would you think that one excludes the other? I think this is the thinking that's got too many people in an uproar. That it's either one or the other. It's not. I can have both unless they explode like matter-antimatter or the whole Two People in the Same Space thing as in Time Cop.

I have the current game. It's good. My daughter and I play it from time to time instead of a board game or card game as a quick evening of fun.

I'm not a huge enthusiast of collecting tons of splat books though (except for Savage Worlds. I may need an intervention there. Heh.) So I admit that my library of DWAITAS is much, much smaller than my Savage Worlds collection.
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I'm not a particular fan of the name "Doctors and Daleks." For one, it makes it seem like every game session is going to be a "team-up" between multiple incarnations of the Doctor. I think I'd have gone with "Time Lords and TARDISes" instead - it keeps the (assumed to be desired) alliteration while sticking to the most generic factors likely to be involved in each session.



Doors and Corners
But, I think, they were looking for a D&D pun which Doctors and Daleks fills, but Time Lords and TARDISes does not. Though I suspect you already knew that and I'm being decidedly unhelpful. :LOL:

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