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D&D 5E Doctors & Daleks - Cubicle 7 Brings Doctor Who to D&D 5E

Cubicle 7 -- makers of the official Doctor Who roleplaying game -- has announced that the Doctor will officially be coming to 5E soon under the name Doctors and Daleks. There are no dates or details yet, over than that the Doctors and Daleks Player's Guide will launch 'soon'. A NEW COMPANION FOR YOUR ADVENTURES THROUGH ALL OF SPACE AND TIME! The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite...

Cubicle 7 -- makers of the official Doctor Who roleplaying game -- has announced that the Doctor will officially be coming to 5E soon under the name Doctors and Daleks. There are no dates or details yet, over than that the Doctors and Daleks Player's Guide will launch 'soon'.



The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game in Doctors and Daleks. Take your gaming group into the TARDIS and travel anywhere, anywhen. Want to meet Leornado da Vinci? Or see what life is like in the year 3,000? What about another planet entirely? All of space and time is your Venusian macro-oyster, but keep your wits about you — there’s a lot of danger in the vastness of eternity.

We are delighted to announce that we are working on Doctors and Daleks – a new line of products that brings Doctor Who adventures to your table using 5th Edition rules! The first release – The Doctors and Daleks Player’s Guide will launch soon.

The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game in Doctors and Daleks. Take your gaming group into the TARDIS and travel anywhere, anywhen.

We’ll also continue to support the new Second Edition of our award winning Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game, with a host of new products on the way soon!

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No, I don't play it because I don't care about Dr. Who. I think you're missing the point tho, because this whole kerfuffle isn't even specifically about Dr. Who the game or the franchise or whatever. It's about the industry standard of 5e being the only game that gets the majority of attention in the TTRPG scene.<SNIP>
Nope, it's about Dr Who. At least in this thread, so if you're not going to contribute to THIS discussion, then start another one.

This is why our mods work overtime here. Thanks again guys!


B/X Known World
Looking at the character sheet and depending on what stats they use, renaming 5E stats, etc. Conversion might be a snap.

For stats, the Doctor Who RPG has Awareness, Coordination, Ingenuity, Presence, Resolve, and Strength. Those track really well to WIS, DEX, INT, CHA, ??, and STR. Resolve is more a willpower and determination than physical toughness, so WIS mark 2.

For skills, the Doctor Who RPG has Athletics, Conflict, Convince, Craft, Intuition, Knowledge, Medicine, Science, Subterfuge, Survival, Technology, and Transport. Those track really well to Athletics, ??, Persuasion, ??, Insight, History (ish), Medicine, ??, Stealth / Sleight of Hand, Survival, ??, and ??.

I imagine they'd keep the stats the normal 5E stats, but maybe change the skills a bit, like with Adventures in Middle Earth.

I really hope success levels makes it in.

ETA: The simple way to do it is crits for “yes, and”; fumbles for “no, and”; rolling the DC exactly for “yes, but”; rolling the DC -1 for “no, but”; and everything else as normal, success for “yes” and failure for “no”.
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We are at the mercy of WotC and D&D?

There's a sort of truth to that, but also its a messed up way of looking at things, IMO.

D&D was the category originator, D&D is awesome, people love D&D and want to play D&D. Even when they want to play Star Wars or Dr. Who. Its what we know and what we're comfortable with. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

There is room for TTRPGs other than D&D, there are a lot of great non-D&D games out there. D&D-powered games are certainly on an upswing, but we've also never had a time with more non-D&D games also. If you want to play a non-D&D game, you are spoiled for choice!

Let folks who want to play D&D, or D&D adjacent games do so, let those who want to try other games do so. Let publisher publish want they want to, what they are passionate for, what they think will pay their employees salaries and allow them to continue publishing games.

There is room for all at the table. Let the unnecessary frustration, "fatigue", and sour grapes go.
Please stop trying to invalidate people's real frustration with the state of the TTRPG market. For many 3p/indie publishers or even game tables, this frustration isn't coming out of nowhere. It's a real one. If your only recourse to hearing that frustration is to invalidate it rather than understand or sympathize with it, then it makes your call for an open table ring hollow.

Dire Bare

Very good sir. Might I recommend the Doctor 7 Sourcebook, Dragonfire episode.
After following your link, and poking around a bit . . . C7 has published almost 40 books in their Dr. Who line using their current game system! I imagine that's part of the reasoning for the upcoming D&D version, they are potentially running out of good ideas for new books! That's traditionally time for a new edition, and instead of doing that, C7 is starting a parallel game line to complement and extend the existing game.

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