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D&D 5E Does an item to enhance Unarmed Strike exist?


If you want to use an official item, there is the "Insignia of Claws" which can be found in the HOTDQ. From what I remember it gives a +1 to hit & dmg for unarmed and natural attacks.

Welcome to the boards and you remembered correctly.

INSIGNIA OF CLAWS Wondrous item, uncommon pg 94 HoTDQ
The jewels in this insignia of the Cult of the Dragon flare with purple light when you enter combat, empowering your natural fists or natural weapons.
While wearing the insignia, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls you make with unarmed strikes and natural weapons. Such attacks are considered to be magical.

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Remember that an unarmed strike is not necessarily made with the hands. It could be an elbow strike or a kick or a headbutt. This means you can get very creative with these items. The "gloves of +1 unarmed" could be a sash or a tunic or a pair of boots.
Or a broach, like the Hoard of the Dragon Queen item.

Personally, I really like the Hand Wraps of the Inferno posted above. I'm going to use those. Cheers, Jester.


Bourbon and Dice
I'd rather just let monks use monk weapons with their martial arts and flurry. Simpler solution and allows them to use a wide variety of options.


A first draft of some ideas. I'll probably throw these onto my blog next week after a second glance or two.
Hand Wraps of the Inferno
Weapon (unarmed strike), rare
These long strips of loosely woven silk cloth appear pale yellow in hue but subtly shift to shades of orange and red when wrapped around the hands and wrists.
While wearing these hand wraps, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes that use your fists.
Additionally. when you slam your fists together, you can choose to ignite the hand wraps, wreathing your fists in fire. This fire does no damage to your hands or arms, but targets hit by unarmed strikes with your hands take an extra 1d6 fire damage. The flames last for 1 minute or until you choose to extinguish the flames as a bonus action. Once used, this property cannot be used again until the following dawn.

Bands of the Tiger
Weapon (unarmed strike), uncommon
These metal rings are made of solid bronze, and appear worn, dented, and scuffed. While the rings are loose, when the wearer makes a fist the rings pull together, acting as a solid piece of metal. The rings are found in sets of four, but there are occasionally paired sets with eight rings.
While wearing these rings you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes that use that fist, and your unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage.
As a bonus action, you can cause the rings to produce either small spikes or blades. This changes the damage type of your unarmed strikes to piercing or slashing, chosen when the item is activated. If wearing two sets of rings, the rings change at the same time, but need not be the same damage type.

Ring of Forceful Striking
Weapon (unarmed strike), rare (requires attunement)
Forged of heavy platinum, this ring is adorned with a stylized fist.
While wearing this ring you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes.
The ring has 12 charges. You can expend a charge while making an unarmed attack to increase your reach with this attack by 5 feet, and this attack deals force damage. The ring regains 1d4+5 expended charges daily at dawn.

Encircling Blades
Weapon (dagger), uncommon
This dagger has a wide, flat blade. When placed over the knuckles the blade curves, wrapping around the hand. While the weapon encircles the hand, it loses its edge and appears as a single wide band of metal.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this dagger, including unarmed strikes while worn around the hand. While the dagger is wrapped around your hand, your unarmed strikes with that fist use a d4 for damage.

Rope Arm Wrap
Weapon (unarmed strike), rare
This short length of hemp rope coils around the hands and forearms.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes with the first encircled by the cord. When you hit with an unarmed strike using this weapon, as a bonus action you can choose to have the rope uncoil from you arm, wrapping around the the target grappling them (escape DC 12 + your proficiency bonus). On your turn, as a bonus action you can end the grapple and return the rope to your arm.

Consider these stolen for my game.

I'd rather just let monks use monk weapons with their martial arts and flurry. Simpler solution and allows them to use a wide variety of options.

Yeah, I've been considering this, too. Even if you've got a high-damage die weapon, its really not going to add that much to it.


I would just give the monk a magic armband or something that gives magic weapon bonuses. Or a magic tattoo. Or a blessing of the gods.

Easy fix, but yeah it's a bit annoying there is no example in the DMG.

Jaron Mortimer

First Post
Don't forget about the Monk's Belt/Monk's Robe! That was one of the go-to items in previous editions that hasn't surfaced yet. The version I made for my players was Very Rare, allowed them to treat their Monk abilities (Unarmed damage, Ki points, and unarmored Movement speed) as if they were 5 levels higher than their current level, added +1 to their AC, and required attunement. Didn't unbalance, and it was a welcome find!

Assuming they found this at level 16+: Fists go to 2d6, speed goes to +40 ft., and ki points would be equal to whatever the adjusted level would be (so a 20th level monk with a monks belt would have 25 ki points).


Up until 6th level, the Blessing of Weapon Enhancement (DMG p. 228) can arguably be used on a monk's unarmed strikes.

Because the blessing system is meant to be open-ended, with the examples given being just examples, I think it would be entirely legit to grant the monk whatever unarmed bonus you want and call it a blessing.


I feel like the monks can gets overlooked in the treasure department. People seem to assume that because a monk can still be functional w/o any gear (no weapons, no armor) that they are still effective, but they quickly fall behind the power curve which leads to unhappy players and an un-fun game.
Just want to say there is no power curve. There is no expectation on PCs getting magical items at all. So no, you can't "fall behind".

That said, if you choose a class that does not do weapons, does not do armor, and does not do spells, then... yes, you're right, you will find fewer items that fits your character.

So theoretically you can fall behind your party members, but why would you? You would simply end up with a bigger share of the other stuff, wouldn't you? The stuff that isn't the tools that monks eschew.

In a 3E campaign, not getting your full use out of all "body slots" would be a major problem, since you would swim in items. But if you get four items total, over your entire twenty level career, you would be exceedingly unlucky if you couldn't work something out.

Feel free to houserule away, but I kind of understand why the DMG didn't bother adding those items in.


First Post
I am hoping to use some basilisk claws set into gauntlets to increase the unarmed strike damage. Maybe 1d2 to 1d4 increase... I have to talk the DM into it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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