D&D (2024) Does anyone else think that 1D&D will create a significant divide in the community?


Depends on how you look at it. Level Up has a priduct list and a community you can be a part of, one that is no less valuable to me than WotC's. Nobody but me and my tablemates know much of anything about my houserules.

Yeah, and I get that, but its likely going to end up the same way everything seems to. The 3PP will follow the numbers (players) and thats almost certainly going to be the rules updated version. Especially if the claims of 'keeping the current SRD' in the CC up to date holds true.

Wizards has an incentive to keep the masses tied to their rule set, not 5e as it was on release.

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and so you know waht the millions think?

You can read the minds of the silent?

no? then I guess we only have those talking to go by.

Do you HONESTLY expect that a common experience for someone with the 2014 phb going to a game where the DM has the 2024phb to be just "Okay you use your rules and we will use ours" or do you think the common answer will be "Here uppdate to these rules"

I don't expect most people to come to a table insisting to use their rules instead of those all agreed beforehand.

But no. I don't read minds, but I have played so many tables with so many rules (variants) and so many people. It was never an issue.

So I honestly expect someone with a 2014 book either playing by the rules set upon the table or playing their own game. They won't come online just lamenting about more options.

I feel like they aren’t trying to excite 5e fans about 1 D&D at all.

I guess I should say most 5e fans.
No. I think they want to streamline the system. Making it more consistent. The opposite of excitement. But probably a good baseline to put exciting things on top.
The irregular strucure of 2014 D&D which tried to avoid consistency because of 4e's undeserved reputation of having samey classes hindered creative design more than it helped.
Cross class paragon paths ore epic destinies were very cool. But if importance of subclasses are totally different for all classes, cross class or multiclass subclasses are just impossible.


I feel like they aren’t trying to excite 5e fans about 1 D&D at all.
It is still over a year away, plenty of time for some marketing stuff. Apart from that I find it hard to create excitement about a minor rules revision, esp. when you just see small bits every other month or so

Apart from that I find it hard to create excitement about a minor rules revision, esp. when you just see small bits every other month or so
Well, it is when the rules revisions are basically a wash for most people. If they were addressing a bunch of things that had been widely agreed upon complaints about 5e I think it would be a different story. If there were more widely agreed upon complaints about 5e, things that most people agreed it got wrong which were nevertheless superficial enough that they could be solved in a completely compatible new edition, I think it would be a different story.

But basically they're just remixing a system people were mostly content with, without a lot of broadly agreed upon points of discontent to make crowd-pleasing changes to. Level 1 feats seems like a crowd-pleaser (I'm not opining on whether it's a good change, just saying it seems likely to be a selling point for a broad number of players), I can't see much else that's likely to get the average player excited.

It's almost like it would have been perfectly fine to just not do a new edition yet...


Eh. The new edition got my attention. Some of the underlying design philosophy updates are very attractive and address some of the issues that got me to skip 5E. They may not have a Killer App, but until The Incident there were good directions being explored that could sell more books than Spelljammer would.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Yeah, and I get that, but its likely going to end up the same way everything seems to. The 3PP will follow the numbers (players) and thats almost certainly going to be the rules updated version. Especially if the claims of 'keeping the current SRD' in the CC up to date holds true.

Wizards has an incentive to keep the masses tied to their rule set, not 5e as it was on release.
They certainly do, but I have faith that EN Publishing has enough faith in their own system not to change to meet 1D&D's mediocre (IMO) standards.

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