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Does anyone have E-Tools yet?


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I'm just curious if anyone on these boards has been able to track down, purchase, or actually possess E-Tools in their hot little hands yet?

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    Fed-Ex tried to deliver this afternoon, but I wasn't home... Now I have to wait till tomorrow! I am soooo impatient...



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I just got home about a half hour ago and it's here. I'm just about to install it. I'll update as it goes if anything 'freaky' happens.

First off, the thing comes in a CD-Sleeve, no box, no jewel case, no DVD style package. Just a paper sleeve. It is *ZERO* install instructions, nothing on the sleeve, nothing on the disc. I does have a list of the minimum system reqs.

Well I'm off to install. I will post more as I get along with the install.

* Art *


Got mine today too!

Be sure to post any problems, suggestions, etc. at Fluid's website(and read through the message boards there, too) -- a number of things that seem like bugs actually aren't, and some weird things have pretty easy fixes.



First Post
E-Tools... shouldn't be given away, much less sold.

I have it.

I will be calling svgames and demanding a refund.

I was really hoping this would make preperation for games much easier. That I wouldn't need to hop around the web to generate NPC's & encounters. That it would just do a few things that take up valuable time. (I've been a Dungeon Master since 1981, and for me, it's my primary role in my gaming).

It is absolutely one of the worst pieces of software that's ever touched my computer.

The only redeeming value is the ability to cut & paste a statblock of any monster in the MM.

  • You can't resize the child windows (modal as well). This is extremely annoying when working with horizontal scrolling.
  • Rings have 0 value in the generate treasure app (bug, fixable)
  • Rods have 0 value in the generate treasure app (bug, fixable)
  • BAB's are listed in reverse order (ie, +2/+7) (bug, fixable?)
  • Doesn't list multiple attack bonuses for higher level characters (8Rog/2Ftr = +8/+3, but only shows +12 (14 STR) for magic weapon +2 instead of +12/+7)
  • Weapon Focus isn't taken into account for Attack Bonuses in the stat block
  • Can't make multiclass generated characters.
  • Generate NPC creates NPCs straight from the DMG (Fighters always have EWP: Bastard Sword, etc...)
  • When trying to create a group of monsters (Warband, 4d8), it creates a whole freaking tribe. (bug, fixable?)
  • It counts Orcs, Hobgoblins, Merfolk, Goblins as characters, not monsters (because they're listed as warriors!! uhh... stupid)
  • Must create every normal magic weapon/armor as a custom item (minor).
  • No default wands listed (as they are in the DMG) (minor)
  • Changing character stats & skills uses a very clunky and ambiguous interface.
  • Incorrectly lists Dwarves inherent magical resistance as +2 reflex save vs spells. PHB (p.15) clearly lists this as +2 save vs Spells & spell-like effects.
  • Crashes when you create a custom magic item then have a character purchase it (repeatable).
  • Custom items (House rule) are not available unless you shut down program and restart it.
  • Website forums down night of release.

It doesn't even have a decent online manual (I didn't mind no physical manual or instructions).

I was really really stoked about this product and would gladly have settled for the quality of free online stuff that's out there wrapped up in one program.

What is truly pitiful is how long the gaming public has waited for this for this truly pitiful software.

I really do hate being harsh on anything, I really do try and give things a fair shake, but I can't find much of anything to give anyone any good news about.

EDIT :: I've edited my bulleted list to accurately reflect the state of the program as I wade through it (with Eric's guidance).
Last edited:


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RE: Does anyone have E-Tools yet? (LONG)


Install wise the app is a breeze, maybe 4 minutes total and that included me playing around with the install directory. Very simple install, but some form of install instructions need/should be in the "package".

Note: You must have the CD in the drive for the app to function. This is obviously for copy protection, but none the less something to remember.

The app itself is very attractive and relatively simple to use. I created a character or two with little effort. Very basic characters, but a nice feel for the program's character generation.

The Toolbar icons are generally easy to determine what function they are for. BUT, they do not support any type of mouse-over effect. So no little pop-ups telling what each icon's function is. The icons are pretty easy to understand, so this overall is more a personal thing, than anything.

Most of the applets* load very quick, except for the "New Monster" & "Monster Generator" which are all of 10-14 seconds to load. A great travesty this is !! :D (jk)

Unlike "Character Generator" bundled with the PHB, this does not take control of your screen and resize it to some other resolution (800x600 I believe). Now you can choose to run eTools in a 'maximized' window, but the images do not resize, they just move to the upper left portion of the screen. The images do not resize or adjust scale. The individual applets are not re sizable (by right clicking the title bar and selecting 'resize', by double clicking the title bar, or trying to grab&drag the borders).

The "New Character" applet includes *10* different dice rolling/generation methods.

Each applet is color coded and easy to read, though the light blue is a tiny bit distracting over all the colors aren't that bad. Now that I look at it again, the "Treasure" color does annoy me. Overall I would have picked different colors, but nothing here to make me destroy the CD/App in disgust.

Along with the inability to resize applets, there is something that I find a bit 'odd'. You can only have one applet open at a time. If your in the "New Character", you cannot also be in say: "New Monster". Strangely enough, if your in the Generator section, you can open up all of the other applets, but not vice-versa. Very odd indeed.

So far that's as far as I've been into the app. I believe it will have a very good value for the money. I would think most DM's will find it useful and it is a good tool in the DM's arsenal.

Player's who don't DM will find it of less use.

A few additional things, the print preview open's 2 separate windows, one that is a nice clear view of the character and one with the page breaks handled for ease of printing. The "New Character" applet, just like the "Character Generator" bundled with the PHB prints a section that is for the DM, to show just how you tried to minmax that new character of yours. Though eTool's produces a separate page that is to be handed to your DM for approval.

Rating: 3.8 out of 5 (no exacting micrometer measurable scale, just my opinion)
Reason: Some of the small things annoy me, and will bother others. Some of the small things that will bother others may not annoy me. So make of this what you will.

PS: Eric, I would love to read/post to Fluid's board, but all I get it is the following error:


Error Encountered
No record specified for editing.

I tried Netscape 4.7 & IE 6.0 and I get the same error.

* I am using the term 'applet' because when every an icon is clicked a new window is spawned each time. Which is as good a definition of 'applet' as I can think of.

* Art *
Comments AND corrections are most welcome !!!


First Post
I found the UI (user interface) to be of very poor quality, something someone of my poor artistic skill could do. The effect he's describing (not able to open App B with App A open, is what they call a modal window -- you have to finish with it first).

Loading times were never an issue (1.8GHz XP+) so that's a plus.

DM's can't really use it very well, because even the stat blocks aren't correct (not enough so to make you trust it by default).

Believe me, I'm dying for a nice electronic aid, but this ain't it.


Re: RE: Does anyone have E-Tools yet? (LONG)

artmc said:

Note: You must have the CD in the drive for the app to function. This is obviously for copy protection, but none the less something to remember.

I've been running it all day, multiple times, with no CD in the drive.

Each applet is color coded and easy to read, though the light blue is a tiny bit distracting over all the colors aren't that bad. Now that I look at it again, the "Treasure" color does annoy me. Overall I would have picked different colors, but nothing here to make me destroy the CD/App in disgust.

If you are interested you'll find instructions on changing the color schemes in the help file.

Along with the inability to resize applets, there is something that I find a bit 'odd'. You can only have one applet open at a time. If your in the "New Character", you cannot also be in say: "New Monster". Strangely enough, if your in the Generator section, you can open up all of the other applets, but not vice-versa. Very odd indeed.

There are some "choke points" in the applets where you have to make a decision and then to on to the next set of screens; once you get beyond these choke points you can open up many windows at once.

So far that's as far as I've been into the app. I believe it will have a very good value for the money. I would think most DM's will find it useful and it is a good tool in the DM's arsenal.

Player's who don't DM will find it of less use.

I'd say that's a fair assumption.

PS: Eric, I would love to read/post to Fluid's board, but all I get it is the following error:

Hmmm. No idea. Keep trying I guess. I will be doing all of my "customer support" from there (not that I work for fluid but as I've been providing feedback to Fluid on the program for nearly a year I know a trick or two).

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