D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

That is not all that indie means. It means you don't use the major studios for distribution, either
Most indie movies are distributed by a studio. Though sometimes that studio specializes in indie films, like NEON.

Look at any list of indie movies these days, and you will see most are affiliated with a studio distributor. That's not a rhetorical statement - you should look.

Just to be clear, I am not just some fan on the net about this topic. My wife works in the industry and has for 30 years. Most people I know work in the industry. I've consulted for the industry. I am not just making stuff up here.

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Ok, everybody is arguing semantics on a word that's up for interpretation while missing out on the main point.
Lucas did things his way without a lot of studio involvement. The story wasn't designed by committee to appeal to targeted focus groups. A lot of the filming techniques were innovative and continued to be used for decades.
Do you see this same spirit in modern blockbusters?

Yes. eg: Dune 2.
Nolan and Villeneuve have been making blockbusters with art house sensibilities for a while now.

throw it away? hell no I spent to much money on that crap. Sell it on eBay? yeah that the ticket! down to just to books to sell. I am keeping my slip case PH/DMG/MM set because its pretty and while I will never play the game again I am collector.

I'm going by what the market is asking. Curse of Strahd Revamped was $100 four years ago. B&G sells box sets for hundreds of dollars. SJ, PS and BoMT were all around $90. And most consider CoSR and the latter projects inferior. Further, even $150 is steep for a single box set; $30 more gets you ALL three 2024 core books.

I'm not arguing that better campaign settings wouldn't be Appreciated, but I feel they would end up being out priced for all but the most ardent fans and whales.

I would expect to pay $100-150 and would pay it

Most indie movies are distributed by a studio. Though sometimes that studio specializes in indie films, like NEON.

Look at any list of indie movies these days, and you will see most are affiliated with a studio distributor. That's not a rhetorical statement - you should look.

Just to be clear, I am not just some fan on the net about this topic. My wife works in the industry and has for 30 years. Most people I know work in the industry. I've consulted for the industry. I am not just making stuff up here.
Fair enough, but then they should change the definition. ;)

The OGL thing caused me to look at other systems. After reading through and now playing PF2e for the past 2 years (while still playing in two long-running 5e campaigns), I can say that I'm (mostly) abandoning 5e because in all honesty, I think PF2e is a much better system. (I played in a PF1e campaign for a year before the "D&D Next" (5e) beta started, but didn't care for it. I get why some people like it, but it wasn't for me.)

Thanks for posting your alternatives to, links.
I still think 5E is very enjoyable.
I do not buy anything new for 5E from WoTC simply because I do not think it brings anything that I personally find interesting enough that I want to utilize, mainly it seems to be more rules.
If they made an Interesting Adventure or Campaign I would check it out.
If anyone does, independently, something interesting with 5E i would check it out

Someone should patent WotC-Fan-Hate as a source for clean energy. It seems to be entirely self-sustaining. Endlessly renewing itself without any need for stimulus.

I mean it’s been a couple of years now since they did anything even slightly objectionable but the hate threads haven’t slowed a bit. I truly am impressed.

Someone should patent WotC-Fan-Hate as a source for clean energy. It seems to be entirely self-sustaining. Endlessly renewing itself without any need for stimulus.

I mean it’s been a couple of years now since they did anything even slightly objectionable but the hate threads haven’t slowed a bit. I truly am impressed.
What you do matters, even if it happened a couple years ago. Especially if you're unrepentant about it and were essentially strong-armed into changing your mind.

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