Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Escape From Old Korvosa


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Ah...ready for some more exploring?" asks Edmond holding his arm next to the lever.

OOC: We're on that part where only chests are available, right?

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Dr Simon

OOC: Meh, apologies for the delay. Real Life and all that nonsense. I've reattached the four positions that the lever gives you - pick a direction.


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: We are at #3 right now. So wherever the next one takes us. #4? What is that blue thing there?

Dr Simon

OOC: Well, one way to find out...

Edmond pulls the lever, and once again there is the sensation of movement. The dead-end corridor with the tiger heads now appears where previously was a blank wall. A quick investigation shows that it's previous position has now been taken by a small circular room, in the middle of which is a small raised pool of clear liquid. Ignatius' sight tells him that the liquid is magical.

OOC Again: So you are now in position 4 on the map above.


"Well, that is interesting," comments Ignatius. "The liquid in the pool is magical. No clue as to what it does though..."


First Post
"I doubt anything that will help us," Mhairi said with distaste. "Is there any way to learn more before someone tries to drink it?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Vencarlo, did you maybe overheard something about it? Or even tried it?

Ignatius, what type of magic it radiates?"

[MENTION=21938]Dr Simon[/MENTION], hint?


First Post
"I doubt anything that will do us any goof," Mhairi said. "Is there any way to find out more before one of us has to drink it?"

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
"I mislike this place more and more the longer we're stuck here," Manachan says from his post by the door. "Take some in a waterskin for later study, and lets move on now that our way has opened."

Manachan Character Sheet

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