Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Escape From Old Korvosa

"Y'ever see a cat playing with a mouse?" says Vencarlo. "I'll wager anything these potions are here just to keep us alive a bit longer so we can be played with some more. Assuming, that is, that they aren't poisoned as well. We're wasting time here."

Mhairi examines the third and final chest. No signs of any traps on the outside. She carefully picks the lock and, as she does so, a tiny whisp of misty gas escapes from the lock as the last tumbler clicks into place. On a hunch she lifts the lid ever so slightly, and a bit more of the mist escapes, sweet-smelling yet acrid, and she closes the lid again quickly. The chest is full of some kind of noxious gas. Whether there is anything else in there remains to be seen, but opening the chest fully to see will release the gas.

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Mhairi doesn't answer Vencarlo, being engrossed in her work. On confirming her hunch, she stands up. "Gas trap. Unless we have a giant fan or can open it down on the docks, this one should stay closed."

She turns back to Vencarlo with a frown. "What do you mean wasting time? What are you in such an infernal hurry for?"

"Because we need to get out of here NOW!" snaps Vencarlo. He pauses and takes a deep breath. "My apologies," he continues in soothing tones. "This place is beginning to wear on my nerves. But should we not, at least, continue our search for Seneschal Neolandus?"

"How much of a gas? Can we open it and leave it for couple of minutes to spread to harmlessness?

Vencarlo, patience. Healing potion might mean difference between life and death and we're not loosing THAT much time. When we're done here, I suggest we go on with exploring additional passages, find more passages. Or enemies."

Noting Vencarlo's concern, Ignatius goes ahead and uses his spell for eliminating toxins and rot in food and drink on each of the vials in turn. "Poisoning should not be a problem now," notes the ifrit. "And I could try burning the gas away if we are willing to roll the dice on their being any flammable contents of value. Just pop the lid a bit, I blow in a fan of flames, and unless it is explosive that might clear it up good."

Mhairi shrugs in response to Edmond's question. "A chest full? I don't know how big a space it will need to become harmless. Probably more than this room. In any case, I'm not opening it. Or standing anywhere nearby if Mr Pyromaniac himself over there tries to explode the premises... If I had to guess, I'd say it is a poison trap. Makes sense in the scheme of things."

"'Breathe deeply your salvation'," says Vencarlo, repeating the Vudran quote written on the third chest. "Very droll, if that's poison gas."

"I'm with Ed; a few minutes spent here isn't going to make that much difference in our time, but could be a big part of our survival. Still, I have no suggestions about dealing with the gas trap other than hauling the chest about with us until we can get it somewhere it's safe to open. That's likely more trouble than it's worth."

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"Well, if the rest of you want to back away to the lever room I am willing to see if I can burn this gas away," says Ignatius. "I cannot immunize myself against poison but should things go south I can at cure myself of the effects."

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