Dr Strange 2: In the Multiverse of Madness (Spoilers)


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
[Potential Avengers to talk to Wanda snipped]
Just one other person who watches over everybody. Nick Fury. He kept track of Banner when he was on the run before Avengers, including keeping others off him. He's the type to follow up, that's his MO. Though that doesn't mean it's going to be a friendly "how ya doin'?".

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
That's the thing, he escapes and is now in his own series saving the universe as a hero etc... and I've never seen anyone complain about him not getting punished the way they have with Wanda. But I guess it's still unclear what his actions at the end of Loki the TV show will result in, I recently saw that they're currently filming season 2 so hopefully it's not too long before we find out
Loki is being celebrated as a hero by the viewers in the TV show. But really, he's just the protagonist (see the earlier confusion in this thread between antagonist and villain), and he's not stopping the pruning for some grand heroic gesture for the people. He's doing it because it will save his life with the TSA coming after him, and also because it doesn't fit his mental picture of how the universe works so it's abhorrent to him. Regardless if he is doing good (or not), he's not doing anything heroic which takes intent.

Thomas Shey

Just one other person who watches over everybody. Nick Fury. He kept track of Banner when he was on the run before Avengers, including keeping others off him. He's the type to follow up, that's his MO. Though that doesn't mean it's going to be a friendly "how ya doin'?".

Its entirely possible that pretty early on he was offworld. We probably won't know until Secret Invasion.

Thomas Shey

Loki is being celebrated as a hero by the viewers in the TV show. But really, he's just the protagonist (see the earlier confusion in this thread between antagonist and villain), and he's not stopping the pruning for some grand heroic gesture for the people. He's doing it because it will save his life with the TSA coming after him, and also because it doesn't fit his mental picture of how the universe works so it's abhorrent to him. Regardless if he is doing good (or not), he's not doing anything heroic which takes intent.

I dunno. I think there's also elements of his deciding that annihilating whole timeslines full of people just because you think its The Greater Good started to bother him too. Much as he's an arrogant nit, that's getting into Thanos levels of destroying the village to save it, and I think that's a bit much for him.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Oh my GOSH, yes. How Stark and Banner didn't end up in front of an international court I have no idea. #Zemowasright
Well, that's what the Sokovia Accords represented, right? The Avengers were operating at their own discretion, but brought together by SHIELD and Nick Fury, with some government oversight/monitoring from them. And with SHIELD and Fury in turn reporting to the World Security Council. The Ultron/Sokovia incident led to an ultimatum to the Avengers, and to all superpowered beings generally, to register and operate only under direct government control.

Just one other person who watches over everybody. Nick Fury. He kept track of Banner when he was on the run before Avengers, including keeping others off him. He's the type to follow up, that's his MO. Though that doesn't mean it's going to be a friendly "how ya doin'?".
I had been focusing on folks who hadn't been dusted, personally. Although I guess it's hard to say whether folks who were or weren't dusted would be in a better position. Natasha, for example, had five years to think about stuff, but also five years' distance from what happened. Nick would have it fresh in his mind when he poofed back into existence, so it's as recent a memory for him as it is for Wanda. But both would be dealing with the chaos of the world's population suddenly (re)doubling.

Voidrunner's Codex

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