Dr Strange 2: In the Multiverse of Madness (Spoilers)

Thomas Shey

So between the time Wanda has her full on break (aka Wandavision) and reading the darkhold, I don't know if there was really a chance to intervene. I mean Wanda beats up Sword, beats Agatha, takes the book and leaves. She really doesn't hang around as far as we can tell, she pretty much immediately goes into an isolated area and starts reading the evil book. This is one reason I'm not on board with the idea that "Wanda let everyone go and so is back on the heroic path". I mean the very last thing we see in Wandavision is Wanda has literally gone from torturing people to isolating herself and reading a dark book.... its hard to argue that she is trying to go down any redemptive path there.

I think its a grey area. Obviously, staying away from the dark magic book would be a better idea--but at that point she also knows ignoring the unknowns in her powers is not a great idea either, and to the best of her knowledge, the Darkhold may be the best source of information about how to manage them.

Keep in mind, again, while she knows its a book of dark magic, she does not know about the specifically corrupting elements of it; that's something I think people tend to project on her because we have a privileged frame of reference and know more about it than she does. Even Strange doesn't know about that until Wong tells him about it.

Now an outstanding question is, was anyone helping her before the break? We certainly don't see anyone helping her which is not great, and is certainly a tragedy and a pretty damning criticism of her fellow avengers.

I think the weakest part of the movie, though one that can be rationalized, is that after the Return, everyone seems to have kind of gone their own way.

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Thomas Shey

I think I'd want to review Endgame, at least, before deciding how damning her being left alone is to the other Avengers. Circumstantially my recollection is that none of them may have been in a good spot either. Especially since she was dust for 5 years and none of them seemed to have a really strong relationship with her. To some extent she and Vision seemed to kind of isolate a bit. Cap or Black Widow seem like the ones who'd be best equipped to help her, of the ones who survived the snap. Maybe Hulk?

That's largely the issue where you can rationalize it I think. Nat's gone; Steve's effectively gone; and Clint's tied up with reconnecting with his family. Its not even clear who's running the Avengers after the Return. Like you said, Bruce maybe? But as noted, Bruce isn't the best person to think in those terms either. Sam would be a good candidate, but I think the whole shield thing through him completely off balance. That leaves, who?
That's one of the ways you can work through this; the Avengers are in serious disarray after the Return, and its not clear how many are thinking in terms of the rest of the group instead of their own stuff at that point.

Thomas Shey

So if we look at Endgame after the snap is undone.... last we see of Wanda she is at Tony's funeral. In terms of those best positioned to help her.

The Best
  • Old Cap: Seems to have some time on his hands, has a pretty strong relationship with Wanda, is always looking after this teammates. Cap seems the most likely to be reaching out to Wanda, it would actually be exceptionally weird if he didn't (unless the last scene we have of him is basically shortly before his death, aka that was his last hurrah).

Or possibly him leaving the planet. Notice you see know sign of interaction with him post that scene from Falcon and the Winter Soldier. We don't know what happened with him, but he clearly seems out of play.

  • Falcon: Worked with Wanda pretty closely when they all worked for Shield, is in a pretty stable place after Endgame, also has a good heart and is used to helping people through tragegy and grief. Sam seems a very strong candidate for helping Wanda.

Except, of course, we see him thrown off kilter by the whole shield thing, and sometime after that immediately was being deployed to solve problems (though its unclear by whom).

  • Hawkeye: Clearly going through some things, but at least has his family back so is in a much happier place. I could see that he wouldn't be the most available for Wanda, but I would imagine at least a phone call or something to check on her considering their connection.

Assuming he had any way to reach her and she was responding. Given her situation at that time, that seems a big if.

  • Ukoye: Her and Wanda fought in the battle of Wakanda, and Wanda saved her life. Nothing like that to form a strong bond. Now I don't know Ukoye enough to know how "emotionally supportive" she is, but she at least would have a connection with Wanda.

Probably waaaay too tied up with Wakandan problems at that point if I had to guess.

  • Banner: Banner didn't necessarily know Wanda that well, but he did know Vision, and might at least feel partially responsible as his creator. So he might feel some responsibility to look in on Wanda. He at least is probably one of the best well off after Endgame, and would have the time.

He's the best argument, but Bruce has tended to be a somewhat distant guy in many ways; and if anyone was trying to manage the remained of the Avengers in general, I can't think who if not him.

Thomas Shey

Sam is a strong candidate with his background in recognizing the need for and providing support for those recovering from mental/emotional/physical trauma, as well as serving with her in the Avengers and later on the run after Captain America: Civil War. I can't come up with a good reason why he would not look her up.

Its a point, but we don't have a good time frame, and she may well have indicated she wanted to be alone to process for a while.

Thomas Shey

There was also the framing device for Iron Man 3, which is Tony telling Bruce about his issues and Bruce first nodding off and then telling him that he's not that kind of doctor.

And notably, this was with Tony who Bruce was probably closest with of all the Avengers other than Nat.


He's the best argument, but Bruce has tended to be a somewhat distant guy in many ways; and if anyone was trying to manage the remained of the Avengers in general, I can't think who if not him.
MCU Bruce does not seem like a particularly forward-thinking guy. Put a problem in front of him, particularly a science problem, and he'll focus on it and Get It Done. But he doesn't look at the horizon and think "What's out there? What is happening now that may have ramifications later, and is there a way I can deal with that at the easy early stage instead of the late difficult one?"

I'm also not sure when in the timeline the She-Hulk TV series is going to be. I'm guessing it's going to be before Shang-Chi, as Emil Blonsky appears to be a free man in Shang Chi and defending him in court is one of the plot points in She-Hulk. But if Bruce is busy helping his cousin adjusting to her gamma-powered self, that provides a reason for him not checking in on Wanda.

Another thing: we don't know to what degree the events of Westview were public. I can definitely see the government trying to keep their botched operation hush-hush, and thus not tell anyone in a position to do anything for Wanda about it.


Thomas Shey

Another thing: we don't know to what degree the events of Westview were public. I can definitely see the government trying to keep their botched operation hush-hush, and thus not tell anyone in a position to do anything for Wanda about it.

Always an argument, especially since the people most plugged into Alternate Information Sources are either dead, retired or semi-retired. Knowing how things go, Zemo probably knows more about it than any of the current Avengers.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I'm also not sure when in the timeline the She-Hulk TV series is going to be. I'm guessing it's going to be before Shang-Chi, as Emil Blonsky appears to be a free man in Shang Chi and defending him in court is one of the plot points in She-Hulk.
I think Wong returned Blonsky to his cell in The Raft after their fight. The Marvel films and Disney+ TV shows generally happen in order of release, except for notable exceptions like Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain Marvel, and Black Widow.
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Meanwhile, Loki invaded Earth, killed tens of thousands of people and escaped capture only to become a hero. But I've never seen the kind of demands of punishment that people seem to make towards Wanda.
Umm, wasn't he imprisoned for life? Had Thor Dark World not happened, Loki would still be in prison.

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