Dragonlance Dragonlance comes to DMsGuild

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Reeks of Jedi
Somebody needs to write and put up on the DM's Guild, "Orcs of Krynn"!!!

Common wisdom holds that orcs have not appeared on Krynn . . . . but secretly, unknown to the peoples of Krynn, the orcs have had a hand in every important historical event throughout Krynn's history! Learn the secrets of the Orcs of Krynn, and how they will soon launch their own war of conquest to dominate the continent of Ansalon!

So the True Ogres aka The Irda?

I feel curiosity about possible uchronies or alternate timelines.

Maybe an adventure about tinker gnomes creating five autognomes with lion-head and these can assemble into a bigger morph with the battlecry "Woltron".

Or an idea to explain a crossover Transformers-Krynnspace. The action is not in Krynn, but in the planet Chislev. The excuse is the classic crashed alien ship, but really the crashed was caused intentionally by the deity Chislev. Usually the cybertronians wouldn't be wellcome in the planet, but in this case there is a serious menace. The planet has been "tainted" by strange creatures, maybe from the Far Realm, and then to stop the infection complete regions have been "pruned", this means become demiplanes. Then there is a deal between the cybertronians and the clerics of Chislev. These are allowed to keep in the planet, but they have to work as agents of "plague control". Thanks special cybertronian biology they are relatively innumne to the infection caused by these aliens. Of course the bad guys discover a portal to the Shadowfell, and after kicking-ass a lot of infernal outsiders they build a stronghold. And then Hasbro can sell the decepticons what transform into a spider-dragon.


Somebody needs to write and put up on the DM's Guild, "Orcs of Krynn"!!!

Common wisdom holds that orcs have not appeared on Krynn . . . . but secretly, unknown to the peoples of Krynn, the orcs have had a hand in every important historical event throughout Krynn's history! Learn the secrets of the Orcs of Krynn, and how they will soon launch their own war of conquest to dominate the continent of Ansalon!
Mine is Tortle Island, where the PCs are the judges of an annual mating competition to choose the hottest young tortles to mate with one another. It is a dating reality show with zero combat. Hosted by Takisis and Kitiara.


About Baldman Games Dragonlance story line. Tina if stuff apparently. I wonder if they’ll be making a whole setting book like they have for their other story lines?
Isn't that just for Adventurers League?

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist

Voidrunner's Codex

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