Dragonlance Dragonlance: Solamnic Knights & Mages of High Sorcery Preview

WotC has shared another preview of the upcoming Dragonlance setting/adventure with a look at backgrounds and feats for Solamnic Knights and Mages of High Sorcery. Feats include Squire of Solamnia and Initiate of High Sorcery. Interestingly, one prerequisite is "Dragonlance Campaign", which implies that the feats can't be used outside that setting...

WotC has shared another preview of the upcoming Dragonlance setting/adventure with a look at backgrounds and feats for Solamnic Knights and Mages of High Sorcery.


Feats include Squire of Solamnia and Initiate of High Sorcery. Interestingly, one prerequisite is "Dragonlance Campaign", which implies that the feats can't be used outside that setting.


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It shouldn’t be an enforced rule, and I don’t think anyone’s arguing that. It should be present in art as a visual element which this image does but the 5e art does not. Visual style helps establish the feel of a setting. 5e has enforced a uniform art across its settings, which I feel is a mistake.
The "feel" of DL is knights, dragons, knights charging dragons sometimes riding dragons.

It's hopeless romance, rifts between siblings, honour and justice and love and compassion and how these come into conflict.

Moustaches seem a very secondary element to me.

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It's an iconic look for them, even in-setting.

Sometimes makes me wish they made it so those who normally can't grow mustaches, like women, would need a special paste to spread on their upper lip to grow a luxurious mustache. And as the months pass, it slowly fades and fall off before they repeat. :p

Huh, the official piece of art of him while alive I have seen have him has him clean shaven.
Which piece? He has facial hair on the cover of the Lord Soth novel, and the “idealised” Lord Soth from When Black Roses Bloom also has a moustache. (It’s also a reuse of the Vinas Solamnus art so maybe not great example). The art on the wiki is fan art, so take with grain of salt.

Which piece? He has facial hair on the cover of the Lord Soth novel, and the “idealised” Lord Soth from When Black Roses Bloom also has a moustache. (It’s also a reuse of the Vinas Solamnus art so maybe not great example). The art on the wiki is fan art, so take with grain of salt.
The novel cover:


You don't get much fiercer a mustache than that.

WAIT is Lord Soth basically a rip-off of Darth Vader?

Dire Bare

The complete lack of mustache on those Knights is killing me.

Like, why even change that? Why was that needed to change?
Modern gamers don't like moustaches?
You guys just keep killing me. Complaining about mustaches based on just a few pieces of artwork. Complaining about mustaches when the actual source material has non-stached knights going back to the original novels and games.

Paladine on a cracker, I'm now in the camp WotC should publish errata for the upcoming book canonically stating all knights have shaved their staches and suffer expulsion from the order should they grow them back . . . just to fuel the foolish fire while I munch popcorn.

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