Dragonlance Dragonlance: Solamnic Knights & Mages of High Sorcery Preview

WotC has shared another preview of the upcoming Dragonlance setting/adventure with a look at backgrounds and feats for Solamnic Knights and Mages of High Sorcery. Feats include Squire of Solamnia and Initiate of High Sorcery. Interestingly, one prerequisite is "Dragonlance Campaign", which implies that the feats can't be used outside that setting...

WotC has shared another preview of the upcoming Dragonlance setting/adventure with a look at backgrounds and feats for Solamnic Knights and Mages of High Sorcery.


Feats include Squire of Solamnia and Initiate of High Sorcery. Interestingly, one prerequisite is "Dragonlance Campaign", which implies that the feats can't be used outside that setting.


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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I just checked and it does not go into nearly as much detail as Curse of Strahd does.
Why not both? There's plenty of info in the Gazeteer that isn't in Curse of Strahd, and Curse of Strahd added a fair amount too. I don't exactly care for how they changed Strahd's history in CoS, but otherwise there good stuff in there.

So women being allowed to be members is not even common knowledge in universe.
It's a good thing you don't need to read all 200+ DL novels then, because the game setting material published in previous editions has that all covered and as mentioned over and over, none of them say a word about gender and some actually show women.

Why'd I bring up the novel? Because people like to say "Well in such and such novel it said..", without possibly considering the character saying it in the book may have been wrong. In this case, the source of the info is Astinus who literally knows everything that happens so safe to say he knows the truth.


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Why not both? There's plenty of info in the Gazeteer that isn't in Curse of Strahd, and Curse of Strahd added a fair amount too. I don't exactly care for how they changed Strahd's history in CoS, but otherwise there good stuff in there.
I imagine a lot of new DMs reading Curse of Strahd would be somewhat confused at the seemingly random arcanoloth in the Amber Temple, but there's no reason you can't make him Inajira.

Yup. The problem with VRG though, was that too much of the book contradicts what I want for it to be worth the money I paid for it.
I bought VRG with the intent to use some of the material to run Curse of Strahd when my group finishes our current campaign (Descent into Avernus). WotC announcing SotDQ got me excited for DL again, so I talked my group into letting me run DL1-14 instead. We'll see how long that takes and what people want to play next, but might go back to CoS at that time and finally read VRG thoroughly. I thought they made some changes when I couldn't find a stat block for Lord Soth, but I'm not very knowledgeable about Ravenloft so maybe they took him out of the setting in 3E or 4E. It's also possible he's in the book and I just missed it flipping through it.

I bought VRG with the intent to use some of the material to run Curse of Strahd when my group finishes our current campaign (Descent into Avernus). WotC announcing SotDQ got me excited for DL again, so I talked my group into letting me run DL1-14 instead. We'll see how long that takes and what people want to play next, but might go back to CoS at that time and finally read VRG thoroughly. I thought they made some changes when I couldn't find a stat block for Lord Soth, but I'm not very knowledgeable about Ravenloft so maybe they took him out of the setting in 3E or 4E. It's also possible he's in the book and I just missed it flipping through it.
They changed more than that mate. Most of it is in name only, and after Domains of Dread I can’t fathom a decision being made to leave out Azalin. Again.

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