DUNGEON Magazine Monster Index!

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Monster Junkie
I'm finally going through and putting this index into the same format as the Dragon index (article, author). I'm also pruning any critters that appeared somewhere else first (often Dragon). Finally, I'm using italics to differentiate the monsters that only have an abbreviated stat block as opposed to a true monster writeup.

Does anyone have Dungeon #3? I can find no information on Hatred, Ambition, Power, and Pain. Are these even monsters? If so, what are they? And most importantly, can you provide the article name and author(s)?


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
I'm finally going through and putting this index into the same format as the Dragon index (article, author). I'm also pruning any critters that appeared somewhere else first (often Dragon). Finally, I'm using italics to differentiate the monsters that only have an abbreviated stat block as opposed to a true monster writeup.

good call! don't eliminate all references to appearances prior to Dungeon; where possible, this should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. especially, keep anything which is an update from a previous edition (1E--->2E--->3E)


Monster Junkie
Fear not! I just removed monsters with references to stats from books from the same edition as the adventure, or from earlier issues of Dragon or Dungeon without any signifcant update. I also found a few we'd missed in the process. :)


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Shade said:
Does anyone have Dungeon #3? I can find no information on Hatred, Ambition, Power, and Pain. Are these even monsters? If so, what are they? And most importantly, can you provide the article name and author(s)?
Hatred, Ambition, Power and Pain are embodiments of the forces a powerful wizard named Magus of Trelm used to create The Book With No End. They are unique creatures with abbreviated statblocks, from the adventure "The Book With No End", by Richard W. Emerich. They are described as a rolling, boiling column of flame (hatred); an amoeba, which constantly seeks to expand and envelope (ambition); a ball of electricity (power) and a silently screaming mouth (pain).


Monster Junkie
Echohawk said:
Hatred, Ambition, Power and Pain are embodiments of the forces a powerful wizard named Magus of Trelm used to create The Book With No End. They are unique creatures with abbreviated statblocks, from the adventure "The Book With No End", by Richard W. Emerich. They are described as a rolling, boiling column of flame (hatred); an amoeba, which constantly seeks to expand and envelope (ambition); a ball of electricity (power) and a silently screaming mouth (pain).

Thanks! I had a feeling you'd come to the rescue. :cool:


First Post
BOZ said:
and, even more importantly, if you find something missing let us know. :)

A few possibly missing here:

#138: p.80 Majalor. Another of the Mud Sorcerer's elite guardians, he is a "Unique Undead" according to the stat block.

#134: p.32 Rope of Climbing and Entanglement. (It's an intelligent magic item, but it's given a full monster stat block.)

#130: p.45 Soap Swarm

#123: p.79 Erivatius (demigod)
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Monster Junkie
Meds said:
A few possibly missing here:

#138: p.80 Majalor. Another of the Mud Sorcerer's elite guardians, he is a "Unique Undead" according to the stat block.

#134: p.32 Rope of Climbing and Entanglement. (It's an intelligent magic item, but it's given a full monster stat block.)

#130: p.45 Soap Swarm

#123: p.79 Erivatius (demigod)

Thanks! I'll work those in.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
A couple of possible additions: There is a Tiamat Idol on p57 of Dungeon #16 and a Caribou on p55 of Dungeon #20. I'm not sure the idol is really worth counting, but the Caribou probably is, since it did eventually reappear in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two and more recently in Frostburn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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