D&D General #Dungeon23


01.13: Lesser Dining Room

Access: A door in the south wall leads to the Master Stair. A door in the west wall leads to the Welcome Chamber (01.12). This door cannot be opened from the Lesser Dining Room unless it has first been opened from the Welcome Chamber.

Description: A large polished oak table surrounded by tall backed, black lacquered chairs dominates this room. These furnishings appear normal, if certainly expensive, unless the legs are examined: these are carved into the shapes of curling, twisting columns of smoke or gouts slime or ribbed tentacles. The table is set with eight places: fine china a silverware that all seems slightly off, as if warped or partially melted. Cabinets with glass doors hold more dishes, as well as wine glasses and drink tumblers. This room is cleaner and drier than most of the rest of the manor, though some moisture and mold has entered through the chimney in the north wall.

All You Can Eat: If a character sits down at one of the place settings, the dishes suddenly fill with hot, succulent food. Eating the food restores health and vitality. However, as the character eats, the food replaces itself, and the character discovers they cannot stand from the chair unless they finish their meal -- which of course they can’t. There are two ways to escape this trap: one is to simply break the dishes, ending the magic at that place setting. The other is to force oneself to purge what has been eaten, which causes damage equal to twice whatever eating the meal healed.

Treasure: The silverware in the room, including that in the cabinets, totals 12 sets, worth a lot in weight alone and more to a collector. Note that the magic is in the place setting at the table and so dishes can be taken from the room but will not fill with food anywhere but the table.

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Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Week 2:



01.14: Private Study

Access: There is a single access to the room, a locked door in the south wall.

Description: The Private Study is a tightly packed room, making it feel smaller than it actually is. Bookcases and cabinets strain with bound ledgers and other bookkeeping. A large mahogany desk is covered in more paperwork. The Alastairn family wrote everything in its own strange language or code. With enough study ( a few weeks) intelligent characters can learn to decipher it from the volume of material here. Most of the books are mundane accounting, but an interesting fact can be gleaned from those that can read the ledgers: most of the Alastairn family income came from mysterious “artifacts” sold to rare collectors, rather than any typical aristocratic business dealings. Most of the money out went to paying staff, providing salaries for family members, repairing and furnishing the manor, and the like. But savvy characters might realize that the labor costs are outsized for a manor that produced little on its own. Most of the workers were put to use digging into the depths of Mornrax hill (although the ledgers don’t say that specifically).

Hidden Drawer: There is a locked and secret drawer built into the desk. The lock is a five-ring combination lock. Each ringe has 6 possibilities, meaning there are thousands of combinations,a nd thus a random attempt has little chance of success. A skilled safecracker can employ their skills by feeling for catches and listening for clicks, however. Failure to open the lock in either manor results in the freezing of the lock (ie it cannot be opened without breaking it) and causes a pressurized vial of noxious acid to burst. Not only is the one attempting to open the lock exposed to the deadly poison, the contents of the drawer and ruined and unreadable.
If the lock is bypassed safely, the drawer is opened safely and a small leather bound journal is found. It is written in the same code as the rest of the documents in the study. The journal details the following puzzles and traps in the levels below Parenic Manner: [come back and fill this out as development continues]
The drawer also contains a silver letter opener that can be used as a dagger or sold for a neat sum, as well as a simple brass ring bearing the Alastairn family crest, used for sealing letters with wax. Neither is harmed by the acid.

That's a hard post to follow! Wow.

1/8 — Chtiksizz (use Snow Day map)

Description: This cave features a large igloo-like structure with heavy furs covering the entrance passage. A barbarian outcast (perhaps sentenced to death in 1/7 — Sacrificial Grotto) from a nearby coleopteran hive lives here. He has not been given a name in a humanoid language, but a transliteration of the sounds might be something like Chtiksizz (character sheet: PDF or GCS*). His natural affinity for beasts allowed him to befriend and tame, to some degree, the ice wyrms. He is barely sane after years spending time only with his wyrms, but is capable of communication and negotiation. His primary goal is to retain his independence and protect the wyrms, whom he considers to be family. He is concerned that there isn’t enough food to feed a third wyrm when the egg hatches.
Vision: -10 (total darkness) outside; -3 inside the shelter from Chtiksizz’s collection of glowing crystals.
Hearing: -2 (moaning wind)

If Chtiksizz is killed or otherwise neutralized, his primary items of value are his meteoric shields, though he has a few tidbits in his hut that may also be useful:
  • 2 Dwarven maces [$250, 5 lbs. each]
  • 2 medium meteoric shields with spikes [$8,720, 30 lbs. each]
  • 3 hatchets [$40, 2 lbs. Each]
  • 30 yards of worn-but-usable giant-spider silk cord (supports 360 lbs.) [$300, 1.5 lbs.]
  • 17 lbs. of solid animal fat (lard or tallow) which can be used for food or as fuel for lamps [$20, 17 lbs.]
  • 1 whetstone [$5, 1 lb.]
  • 1 stone disk, roughly 6” diameter, with an intricate carving of a solar disk being pulled by two great beetles. Holy symbol. [$50, 3 lbs.]
  • 3 burning stones (DF8: Treasure Tables, p. 23). [$250, 1 lb. each]
  • 5 glowing crystals (dim glow giving -3 to vision in a 2-yard radius) [$500, .5 lb. each]
* GCS files are used with Richard Wilkes' free GURPS Character Sheet software.
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1/9 — Ice Wyrms (use Snow Day map)

Description: This cave is lair to a pair of ice wyrms (Monsters, p. 38). The wyrms often burrow under the snow and enter a state of near hibernation to conserve energy. Deep below them, embedded in the ice, is a single egg. While frozen, it is effectively in a state of suspended animation. When ecological conditions allow for it, the parents will awaken the egg and allow it to hatch.

While hibernating, the wyrms are impossible to detect via mundane means without digging into the snow. They will awaken as soon as they detect the party. Begin rolling for Detect (Heat) when the first PCs enter the cave. They will burst forth to attack in tandem, always hungry for warm flesh.
Vision: -10 (total darkness); max -3 with illumination (due to blowing snow)
Hearing: -2 (moaning wind)

  • Ice wyrm egg [potentially worth up to $1000 to the right buyer, 200 lbs.]
  • Ice-generating organs from each worm are valuable to alchemists. Requires successful rolls against Physiology (Animals) to identify the organ and Surgery to remove it (see Dead Monster Bits, Exploits, p. 24). [$7,500, 50 lbs. each]
  • Teeth can be fashioned into 1d very fine large knives per wyrm using the Armoury (Melee Weapons) skill. [$800, 1 lb. each]

1/10 — Ice Weasel Warren (use Snow Day map)

Description: The center of this large cavern is home to a pack of ice weasels (Monsters, p. 37). They are not inherently aggressive, but they are defensive of their territory. They are likely to engage in playful nipping when the PCs first enter the cavern. This will become increasingly aggressive (and numbers will increase) as the party nears the warren. If this does not dissuade the interlopers, the full colony will attack. The safest route is to skirt the cavern on its west and southern sides.
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: -3 (moaning wind)

1/11 — Thinning Veil (use Snow Day map)

Description: The already cold temperature drops rapidly as one passes through the southern passage into this chamber and the wind picks up, whistling through the shards of ice that protrude from the wall and ceiling. The cave—antechamber to an elemental vortex—contains 2d ice alfs (Norðlondr Óvinabókin, p. 115) and a larger ice elemental. Treat the ice elemental as an earth elemental (Monsters, p. 25) with these additional traits: Extra Attack (1), Immunity to Cold/Ice, Vulnerability (Fire/Heat attacks ×2). It has Brawling-14, attacking twice with ice shards that can do 2d+4 cutting or impaling damage (it’s choice).
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: -4 (whistling wind)
Exits: Two passages. The southern passage leads back out to the wider ice caves (see 1/5 — Snow Day). The east passage leads to 1/12 — Elemental Vortex.

Bitter Cold:
Each PC must roll at -7 vs. HT for exposure when they first enter the cave and again every 5 minutes. See 1/5 — Snow Day for modifiers and other details.

  • The “heart” of the elemental can be identified and retrieved with successful rolls against Thaumatology and Surgery. The heart is a grenade (Exploits, p. 44) that produces a 3-hex ice slick upon shattering; treat this as the Grease spell (Spells, p. 57). [$960, 0.5 lb.]
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