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D&D General #Dungeon23


I think it's mighty early to be armchair quarterbacking what will and won't work. Jesse is a fantastic game designer and I think I'd at the very least be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Just my two cents.
I was just making an observation as an experienced freelance writer. I am looking forward to seeing how many of these project reach fruition -- mine included -- and how many cool smaller dungeons appear due to really strong starting concepts that ended up petering out.

It looks like #hex23 and #point23 are also things folk are latching onto, so it won't just be dungeons. I like dungeons so I'm aiming for that route.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Speaking of themes, I'm re-reading Terry Pratchett's Jingo, and it occurs to me that something like the newly risen city of Leshp would make for a great mega-dungeon.

It's above the surface of the water, so while there are multiple entry points around the perimeter of the city, there's still a limited number of ways in and out of the complex. You have a mix of ancient watery ruins to explore, along with modern wildlife and competing parties of adventurers. For variety's sake, you could have some lower levels of the city still underwater, bringing that sort of challenge into the mix, along with, say, strange towers that other parties have landed at via airship, giving you yet another way in and out of the mega-dungeon once you work your way there and gain access to the airship, by whatever means.

And since it's a city, getting to 365 sites worthy of discussion wouldn't be that hard, in theory, even before you add in the tentacles and such.


I'm doing the #Dungeon23-Challenge.
My Megadungeon is a lost City, that was sealed a thousands years ago with a sarcophagus (imagine a magical version of the thing that they put over Tchernobyl), because below the city portals to hell opened and devils and demons started to invade. In order to stop the invasion and the spread of the demons to other places, some mighty wizards sealed the city by putting a mountain in top of it.
Now thousands years later an entrance to the lost city was found ...


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I only just heard of this on Wednesday when I came across Questing Beast’s video about it, but count me in! I might not be able to start mapping on Sunday, since I just ordered a notebook from Amazon on Thursday, but if I need to do a couple two-room days in the first week or two, no big deal.

My initial idea was actually not to make a single megadungeon but a handful of smaller dungeons and maybe one large-but-not-MEGA-dungeon. Wanted to theme them all as abandoned mines in a sort of fantasy Appalachia. But, as I started brainstorming around that idea, I quickly realized what others in this thread have already pointed out: the idea was too narrow, I would have run out of steam too quickly. So, I’ve decided not to overthink it. I will probably need to do some pre-planning to make the dungeon or dungeons cohesive enough for my liking, but probably just one week at a time.

One thing I do know I want to do is stick to a consistent 7 rooms a week, 1 level a month, with the additional 2-3 days each non-February month being hidden rooms. Whether any given months’ levels end up as standalone dungeons, or connected to a few other months into a super-dungeon, or all together as a single megadungeon, I guess I’ll decide as I go, but right now I do think I want at least the first three months’ levels to be interconnected to make a nice beginner dungeon. Oh, and I’m going to do levels 0-11 instead of 1-12.

For stocking rooms, I plan to use the B/X formula of one third of rooms being empty (with one sixth of those containing unguarded treasure), one third containing monsters (with half of those carrying treasure), one sixth containing a trap (with one third of those protecting treasure), and one sixth containing a special feature. I’ll probably roll all the rooms for a week at the beginning of the week so I can have a rough plan for how to fit together whatever I roll. That’ll serve as good inspiration for the week’s theme.
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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
This does sound like an interesting writing challenge. I think the biggest challenge, other than just keeping up, might be to tie everything together by the end.

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