D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]

The heroes make there way into the keep, though once it was surrounded by a high stone wall, said wall had completely fallen. Peering into a few of the darkened entrances the heroes see only ruin and destruction on what had once been beautifully furnished dwellings of these long dead people. Murals of tall elf like beings going about their daily lives are depicted on many walls not chocked by vines and weeds. Everything has a forbidding feel too it, as if some linger curse echoes silently through the quiet streets and buildings.

Near the center of the ruins there once stood a great marble fountain with partially destroyed elf warrior like figures pointing their thin swords towards the heavens as if in defiance of something. Surround the fountain are nine crystal monoliths, most knocked over but from their placement could well be reflective of the stone monoliths you had encountered in the forest. Finally there is a partially ruined spiral staircase near the fountain. Cold yet foul air wafts up from somewhere deep below the earth...

GM: It depends on what the heroes would like to do. You could go search for where Corwin thought he saw the demon thing disappear. You can search some of the ruined residences within the city. Or you can descend down the stairs, single file. The stairs are partially ruined but so long as you move at 1/2 your Move you don't need any kind of roll to not fall or trip. Movement over 1/2 Move requires a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC12, if you take the Run action the DC increase to 15.

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Shara walks through the keep in awe, occasionally brushing aside vines to look at the murals. This place felt wrong, yes, but there was beauty here too. She absentmindedly touches a hand to one of the murals as she looks it over, wondering about the people who built such a place.

Corwin's voice pulls her back to the present, and she joins him and Lucious to peer down the stairs. "Together, then," she says with a nod. "I'll provide some light for whoever goes first."

[sblock=Mini stats]HP: 33/33
AC: 17

Spell slots: 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 2/2

Spells prepared: Burning Hands, Faerie Fire, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield of Faith, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Inflict Wounds, Prayer of Healing

Channel Divinity: 1/1
Warding Flare: 3/3

Inspiration: 3

HD: 3/3 (d8)[/sblock]

Hunter smiled, glad that he wasn’t the only one who found a sense of foreboding at the stair case. “I agree we should stay together, and a nice slow stroll down a scary staircase is just what we need to prepare ourselves for later.”

I just noticed I had mage hand as a Bard spell and a Wizard spell I was going to change the Wizard cantrip to firebolt if there are no objections.

HP 28/28
AC 15
Spell Slots 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 2/2
Bardic Inspiration 3, 1d6
Bard Spells
C: Vicious Mockery, Mage Hand, 1st Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire, Healing Word, Silent Image, Tasha’s Hideious Laughter
Wizard Spells,
C: Firebolt, mending, message, 1st Alarm (R), Detect Magic (R), Find Familiar (R), Comprehend Languages (R), Shield, Magic Missle.)
Weasel Familiar AC 13 HP 1 SPD 30

Lucious stretched out his senses and could fell the magic of the area - ancient and tainted, it permeated the whole town, seep out of the walls and welled up from the very ground. The crystals had the same type of magical auras as the stone monoliths from the forest - transmutation. There was a bit of a newer, linger auras also that the warlock thought felt like necromancy.

GM: for Hunter changing spells, no problem. I am going to assume that Magen leads the way as he like to do that. The rest of you need a marching order I am going to assume, hope that is cool because...

With the young knight Magen in the lead the way down the heroes descend into a large, cold underground chamber. Towards the middle of the chamber is a shattered stone monolith, this one must have been larger then any of the others you have seen before. Shattered tables and debris of unknown purpose litter the floor around the destroyed stone as if it exploded. A strange buzzing noise softly echoes through the room and with the light provided by Shara's spell the heroes spot five shadowy figures appear from around the corner of the room!!! They are wearing rotting cloaks so you cannot see their faces or make out much of their bodies. But they are also armed with weapons!! Four of them are wielding thin bladed longswords while the last has a draw longbow. They are silent for a moment and then rush forwards!!!

GM: [sblock=Map] Map.Cham.jpg[/sblock]
[roll0] and [roll1] for cloaked figures.

Initiative and Actions for the heroes. No one is surprised

“Oh, that thing had friends, how nice,” Hunter says dryly as he readies his crossbow and follows the others.

If he gets to move Hunter will move to K13 and will fire at the shadowy figure in K7. If he is stuck in the bottle neck he will take the dodge action.
Hunter Initiative: 1D20+3 = [10]+3 = 13

Crossbow to Hit: 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25

Crossbow damage crit: 2D8+3 = [7, 3]+3 = 13

HP 28/28
AC 15
Spell Slots 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 2/2
Bardic Inspiration 3, 1d6
Bard Spells
C: Vicious Mockery, Mage Hand, 1st Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire, Healing Word, Silent Image, Tasha’s Hideious Laughter
Wizard Spells,
C: Firebolt, mending, message, 1st Alarm (R), Detect Magic (R), Find Familiar (R), Comprehend Languages (R), Shield, Magic Missle.)
Weasel Familiar AC 13 HP 1 SPD 30 [/sblock]

Magen Brigward, Fighter 3

Seeing the bow drawn against them Magen is slow to act, but his actions are carefully planned. He closes steadily with the nearest enemy, thumping his sword against his shield, it is only when he is a few steps from his target that he dashes forward, releasing a bestial shout that speaks to the most primitive parts of everyone's mind. Magen's shield crashes into his enemies face, trying to push him back, while his sword cuts low, leaving his enemy fearing the warlord in front of him.

[SBLOCK=Actions and Rolls]
Magen Initiative: 1D20 = [4] = 4

Shield Bash: 1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14
Athletics or Acrobatics check to resist
Attack and damage: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18
1D10+3 = [7]+3 = 10

Superiority dice damage: 1D8 = [6] = 6
Target must make a DC 13 WIS save or be frightened.

Given Magen's low initiative, I'm assuming that the enemies will be acting first and penning us in, so Magen will use the shield bash to push is opponent back if he can. If he can't, because of additional enemies behind, or if they let Magen out of the narrow stair case, he'll knock his opponent over instead.

OOC: Found a place to stay, so should hopefully be able to post more regularly again, just need furniture to arrive.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Magen Brigward
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 17 (19 with shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 36/36 (HD: 3/3d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed, Loading
Shield Bash: Bonus action +5 contested roll vs athletic or acrobatics
Manoeuvre Save DC: 13

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Superiority Dice(d8): 3/4
Inspiration: 2
Healing Potion: 1
Bolts: 36[/SBLOCK]

OOC: Initiative: 1D20+1 = [2]+1 = 3

If they beat our init (which it looks like they did), would you mind playing their turn so we can decide on our actions? I'm finding it nigh impossible to declare anything when I don't know if we'll be stuck, where they'll move, how many will approach, etc.

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