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E6 Red Hand of Doom (OOC)

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It's a bit late, so this is quick and rough, but just on a glance I'm thinking something like this:

Stats: Str bonus reduced to +2

Powerful Build: +2 size bonus to grapple, trip and bull-rush attempts (as well as any other such contested rolls that grant a bonus for size), as well as another +2 bonus to resist special attacks with a limited size of medium (improved grab or swallow whole) Treat has having the monkey grip feat for Large weapons (-2 penalty, but you can use a one-handed large weapon in one hand, or a two-handed large weapon in both hands). You can take the Monkey Grip feat as well, which then lets you wield large weapons as if you were large.

Gah! I'ms slow! (re-checking e-mail)

Idea 2:
Stats: Str bonus reduced to +2

Powerful Build: +2 size bonus to grapple, trip and bull-rush attempts (as well as any other such contested rolls that grant a bonus for size), as well as another +2 bonus to resist special attacks with a limited size of medium (improved grab or swallow whole).

and you have access to 2 feats:

Mighty Build [Racial]
You are a big boy.
Prereq: Powerful Build.
Benefit: The size bonus granted by Powerful Build increases by +2 (to at total of +4).

Monkey Grip [General]
Special: A character with the Powerful Build feature may take this feat a second time. Doing so negates the -2 penatly to wield weapons that are one size larger.
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First Post
Just an update. Still working on my character, but here is where I am at now. Note that this is all standard stuff from the SRD so far. No Arcana etc. I mainly own fluff books (I love me some fluffy fluff), so SRD all the way:

Arondal "Smoke" Merconta

Notes: flipped Dex and Int.

Race: Human, of Vesh

Description: A young man in his mid-twenties, third son of a wealthy merchant family. Spent three months as a captive of the Vangal in the Plains of Lede while leading a family caravan. Tanil came to him there and helped him lead his people to freedom. Since that day he has been dedicated to her cause, and specifically to the release of innocent slaves. Olive skin, dark hair, grey eyes, open and handsome face, with a short black beard. He smiles often and has seemingly unlimited energy.

Class: Cleric of Tanil, with particular emphasis on her Freedom domain

Attributes (with modifier in brackets)
Strenght: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 13 + 1 at level 4 = 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Hit Points: (4D8 + 8 + 3) 35


Base Attack Bonus: +3 (cleric lvl 4)
Melee: +4

Clerical Spells
0 Level: 5
1st Level: 3 + 1 (domain) + 1 (wisdom) = 4 + 1
2nd Level: 2 + 1 (domain) + 1 (wisdom) = 3 + 1

Domains: Travel, Trickery (to focus on the freedom element of Tanil)

More to follow ....

Feats: bonus 4, + 1 from human + 2 for level 1 and 3

Feats (7)
Toughness (+3 hp)
Combat Casting
Improved Initiative (+4 initiative)
Self Sufficient (+2 heal, survival)
Weapon Focus (mace)
Iron Will (+2 to will save)
Great Fortitude (+2 to fortitude save)

Armour Proficiency (light, medium, heavy) Cleric Bonus Feat
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Well, ATM, we seem to have the cleric and melee roles covered, leaving, out of the classic four, rogue and wizard. IIRC, neither of those roles are more or less helpful in this campaign.

In general, the encounters will tend to be more melee focused, so a party without such characters won't be gimped (which is not to say there are no spots where lacking one of them won't be a hurdle).

So, ATM and without giving anything away, I'd have to say that either a caster type or ranger/rogue type built for ranged attacks would be a solid addition.


First Post
I'm not sure about the equipment, because you said you'd give us some magic items or something? Anyway, here's a character:

Elnath "Shadow" Hildigrin

A familiar and welcome sight to travellers and villagers in the area is this young man, clad in a recognizeable floppy hat and dark coat, bow hanging over his shoulder. Trailing not far behind him is a battle-hardened hound.

He has seen his share of hardships. After his village was burnt to the ground and raided by goblins, he swore to hunt down every goblin in revenge. Of course, he can't abide by any other threat to the defenseless, and comes to the aid of many in his travels.

A generally cheerless guy, the only companion in his travels is a guard dog whose owners were killed by bandits. After finishing them off, the dog started following Elnath around.

Human Ranger 4
Chaotic Good

HP 4d8+12 (36 HP)
AC 16 (+3 dex, +3 armor)
Init +7 (+3 dex, +4 feat)
BAB +4 / Grapple +7
30 feet speed

Str 14 +2
Dex 16 +3
Con 16 +3
Int 10 +0
Wis 12 +1
Cha 09 -1

hide 7 +11
move silently 7 +11
spot 7 +8
listen 7 +8
swim 7 +9
climb 7 +9
survival 7 +8

fort 4 +7
reflex 4 +7
will 1 +2

H1 Weapon Focus (Longbow)
L1 Point-Blank Shot
L3 Precise Shot
R1 Track
R2 Rapid Shot
R3 Endurance
E1 Improved Initiative
E2 Able Sniper (+2 on ranged attacks against flat-footed opponents within 30 feet, +4 on hide checks to snipe)
E3 Improved Rapid Shot (Removes -2 penalty for rapid shot)
E4 Natural Bond (+3 druid level for animal companion)

Light armor, martial weapons, simple weapons proficiency.

Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Goblinoid)

2x +8 ranged (1d8+2 19-20) / +9 (1d8+3 19-20) within 30 feet

Masterwork Composite +2 Longbow (575gp)
Masterwork Studded Leather (175gp)
Explorer's Outfit (10gp)
Climber's Kit (80gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Belt pouch (1gp)
Bedroll (1sp)
Flint and steel (1gp)
Hempen rope (1gp)
Trail rations (10 days) (5gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
40 Cold Iron Arrows (4gp)
125 gp

Animal Companion: Riding Dog
Medium Animal
HP: 4d8+8 (26 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 feet
AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, +2 armor)
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+4) / +6 grapple
Special Attack: Trip
Special Abilities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: 16 str, 17 dex, 15 con, 2 int, 12 wis, 6 cha
Skills: jump +7, listen +6, spot +6, swim +4, survival +1 (+5)
Feats: Alertness, Track, Combat Reflexes

Medium Leather Barding (20gp)
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First Post
I like the fact we have a "smoke" character and a "shadow" character, one is privileged and charismatic, the other a gritty, serious loner. I fixed my hit points and will complete my character tonight.

Voidrunner's Codex

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