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Eadric et. al. (The Paladin and his Friends).

My notes regarding Graz'zt were - like much of my life - confused and disorganized. Some areas had been developed in detail, others were jotted notes, some were thoughts that I hadn't gotten around to writing down. They formed a skeleton around which events would unfold. This will occupy several posts - I'll post a section at a time as it becomes organized. I'll try to answer any questions regarding this stuff.

(The entry for Graz'zt reads):

Graz'zt: Demon. According to Orthodoxy, a fallen seraph, and one of the thirteen Princes of Demondom. Abyssal magnate of the first order. Also called Vaz'zht, the Ebon Lord, Lord of the Triple Realm, Lord of the Lamiae, and the Dark Prince. Graz'zt is reckoned an arch-fiend by most scholars of the Fallen. As one of the Stricken, his celestial name is no longer spoken.

Numerous conflicting myths surround Graz'zt. In Shûth, he is considered one of the bhíti – primordial fears which emanate from Bralaiah, the principle of dissolution. Irrenites regard Graz'zt as one of the Dolours – an order of dark celestials amongst whom Rhyxali, Elazalag and possibly Socothbenoth are also numbered: he is constituted of the first and second principles. Urgic demonology – although scant on details with regard to Graz'zt in general – places Graz'zt close in kinship with Palamabron and Belial.

Graz'zt makes his abode in the Infinite Abyss in Azzagrat (also called Degrazatz or Mezzafgraduum), three mutually coterminous planes usually numbered 45, 46 and 47, although some sources place him close either to planes 121 or 333 or 366 or even, archaically, layer 399. It may be that Azzagrat has moved with the passing of time, or that ancient truths have been replaced by newer ones. Like other powerful fiends Graz'zt has, over the course of aeons, bound his demesne to his will. Azzagrat responds to his thoughts and mood, such that the lansdcape changes to accommodate his desires. Beyond the city concourses of Zelatar – where the streets steam, and every tower is blackened by the acid which falls from the sky at Graz'zt's whim – the landscape is bleak, and the earth often erupts in paroxysm, reflecting the mood of its ruler.

There are many points of connection between the three planes of Azzagrat, and large areas of them are coextant. In these regions Graz'zt's perception – and that of many of his servants – stretches into all three realms simultaneously through the use of true seeing. Zelatar exists primarily on the 45th and 46th layer, whereas the numerous abyssal mansions which house powerful vassals or favoured concubines exist on the 47th layer, in proximity to the Argent Palace. The city is a sprawling, multidimensional nexus with portals connecting to a dozen other Abyssal realms. It is inhabited by fiends, half-fiends, degenerate feys and ten million other evil creatures who sell, steal, kill, exploit, indulge and feed. They dwell in pits or in soaring towers, or upon pilons of rock.

The Ebon Lord wages war with Orcus – a conflict which has persisted for countless ages. Their armies ravage many of the planes which lie between their respective Abyssal realms. Other powerful demons are either aligned with Graz'zt or opposed to him, and many more form a huge, shifting tapestry of alliances which changes on an hourly basis. Graz'zt also wars with Fraz-Urb'luu (although no real offensive has occurred for millennia), with the succubus-queen Soneillon, with Baphomet and with Yeenoghu.

Graz'zt most important servitors are mariliths and succubi, although he holds numerous other demons and monsters in thrall. A single balor, Ainhorr, serves him in the capacity of steward and majordomo. He once counted others in his train, but they are lost or slain.

Graz'zt is said to visit his cultists with a simulacrum, thus circumventing the Celestial Interdict. Correspondences include the following triplicities: the materials charcoal, basalt and silver; the herbs henbane, nettle and mandrake; the colours of black, indigo and blue; the principles of eroticism, secrecy and pain; and the numbers six, seven and seventeen. The star Ashva is linked to his cycle – he will arrive in his full power if conjured when Ashva culminates over Jeshat.

Graz'zt, his Sevants and his Allies

Court favour in Azzagrat is transient at best. Nontheless, certain noteworthy entities retain positions of influence:

1) Ainhorr, an advanced (32HD) balor and Graz'zt's majordomo
2) The marilith Merniem (Rog7), a current favourite. Merniem is sly and manipulative – even by demonic standards
3) The marilith Chenez (Ftr8), a general in the war against Orcus. Chenez is a brilliant strategist.
4) The marilith Tefrut (Sor12), an advisor and occasional lover. Graz'zt – suspicious of sorcerer-demonesses – is wary of her potential.
5) The marilith Hirmis (Blk7), a champion on the demiplane called Tirche – territory disputed with Yeenoghu
6) The marilith Zhequei (Sor6/Loremaster7), the recorder. She keeps her own counsel in most matters.
7) The marilith Kholou (Rog10) – Graz'zt's mistress of ceremonies
8) The marilith Naihveh (Ftr 8), who commands the palace guard of deathglancers – elite advanced bodaks created by the Prince
9) The marilith Seniq (Ftr 9), currently in disfavour, but too useful and dangerous to ignore
10) The marilith Teshlien (Rog12), who coordinates intelligence for Graz'zt. She employs many succubi, as well as kelvezu, babau, shadow demons and quasits
11) The marilith Elschu (Blk 5), who leads Graz'zt's forces on the demiplane of Yutuf against a race of humans and their protector-spirits
12) The marilith Asyat (Ftr3), lieutenant of Chenez
13) The marilith Iedhut, a captain in the wars with Orcus
14) The mariliths Hebalt, Kasbiet, Sulmeht, Mezfrut, Mulzmi, Tiqiz and Sojiq – the seven captains currently assigned to Afqithan
15) The marilith Sabune, constable of Zelatar
16) The marilith Xerpit, Theshlien's chief advisor
17) Megual, a kelvezu spy (Asn9) who reports only to Graz'zt
18) The kelvezu Cociz (Asn6) and Dramalaz (Rog6), who oversee a small cadre of spies and assassins. They are appointed to the demiplane of Afqithan, and to monitor the activities of Teshlien
19) Trakkao, Graz'zt's gaoler – an advanced (30 HD) nalfeshnee
20) The nalfeshnee Alacho (Exp12). He determines the relative usefulness of condemned souls
21) The nalfeshnees Reritheltis (25HD), Hulhudrot (24HD), Toriptuch (24HD), Ghorolimedret (24HD), Romilutuko (22HD) and Chamisoroptos (22HD). They govern a variety of problematic conquered worlds.
22) The glabrezu Surab (Sor8/Fiend of Possession6). Exacting and methodical, Surab is a possessor with few equals. Numerous succubi serve under him.
23) The succubi Camosiel (Rog5/Sor12) and Cathalihel (Rog3/Duelist10), whose services Graz'zt has recently procured. They always operate as a unit. Teshlien is suspicious of them both.
24) The succubus Ilistet (Rog3/Blk10), Graz'zt's herald. She rides a fiendish wyvern of gigantic size
25) The succubus Melihaen (Rog5/Asn8), highly favoured
26) The succubus Cemdrei the Subtle (Ftr16), renowned for precision with both her blade and her voice
27) The succubus Velit (Brd9/Fiend of Corruption6). She specializes in the seduction of mortals. Nehael's former taskmistress.
28) The succubus Hezelim (Rog5/Fiend of Corruption3). Velit's subordinate.
29) The succubus Nathi (Rog9), who poses as a prophetess on the world of Kulkis
30) The succubus Hejiel (Rog4/Horizon Walker10). Hejiel is a spy who operates from Hell to Limbo. She possesses an amulet of the planes
31) Uort, a champion on the plane of Sisperi. A ferocious babau (Rog3/Blk15), he leads an army of demons in the wars fought against a failing race of benign quasi-deities named the Nireem. Uort has slain three godlings.
32) Khro, an enormous (40HD) goristro who lounges at the gate together with Huv, an advanced (30HD) vrock
33) The arcanaloth Tholhaluk (Sor 10), who commands a host of daemonic mercenaries. Xerulko's successor.
34) The vampire Yaugot (Ftr18) – a great warrior from the world of Terkunuteng
35) The sidhe-cambion Toulamouvi (Sor16)
36) The Lamia Lursezume (Brd13), who has perfected the art of making souls scream melodically
37) Serlimendou, a sidhe-cambion (Ftr15). She carries a great mace.
38) Ruuz, a human cambion (Ftr8/Blk9). He is ill-tempered and brutish.
39) Irqet, a human cambion (Sor18). Sister of Ruuz. She wields a staff of power
40) Sitraan, a Loquai noble and mercenary captain (Ftr15)
41) Theroez, a human cambion (Rog14/Asn6). She has murdered seventeen virtuous kings and queens

Other entities are also involved – to one degree or another – in the affairs of Azzagrat. These include:

1) The Demon Prince Pazuzu, an occasional visitor to whom hospitality is never wisely declined. Pazuzu is always accompanied by six huge advanced balors, plus other members of his aerial court
2) Chepez, a vicious succubus-princess (Bbn17) from a layer of feral demons two hundred circles away. Her animalistic nature fascinates Graz'zt
3) Sabuten, a death knight (Ex-Paladin2/Blk10/Ur-Priest10). Sabuten is one of the despised messengers of Orcus, and wields enormous power in Thanatos. Graz'zt treats him with great caution
4) The Demon Lord Kostchtchie. Staunch ally and Lord of the 23rd layer.
5) The Demon Lord Verin. Considered less loyal than previously, although still influential
6) Sirchade, a rebel Duke of Hell who curries favour with Graz'zt
7) Sumeltiz, the kelvezu (Rog8) ambassador of Socothbenoth
8) Anphalot, the Salamander Queen (Blk11). She consults frequently with Graz'zt – Anphalot is engaged in a war with Azer on a fiery demiplane
9) Hocruh, a ha-naga. She is a recent arrival, and under great scrutiny
10) The fire wyrd Usheesh (Sor5) – she is held by a binding in a crevice of ice. Graz'zt occasionally requires her prognostications
11) Suudjut, a powerful balor (30HD). Graz'zt is attempting to woo him
12) The arcanaloth Melsutuk (Sor8). He covets Graz'zt's library
13) Aelshet, a succubus (Rog15) and spy for Orcus. Graz'zt feeds her strategic misinformation
14) Theilere, an otherwise unremarkable succubus who has somehow acquired a spark of godhood. Graz'zt seeks to find a way to liberate the spark and assimilate it – it carries the portfolio of death and magic
15) The ultroloth Sêku. It acts as a broker for various daemonic mercenaries
16) The marilith Ulsuth (Ftr4). She seeks patronage
17) Mazikreen, an autonomous succubus-queen (Rog23). Her speed and stealth are legendary. Graz'zt is somewhat smitten with her, but she has been unresponsive to his advances
18) Lillake, another succubus-queen (Sor21). An occasional ally who has recently withdrawn her support for Graz'zt, but who is still cordially received
19) Sithchee, a succubus (Rog4/Asn12) ambassador of the Demon Queen Alrunes
20) Draab, a lich (Wiz22) who rules the demiplane of Sulubda. He controls an army of wights and with Graz'zt's aid is attempting to annex another demiplane called Chernul.
21) Meshmu, a four-headed marilith-queen (Sor 18) who rules a layer known as Nasmarume. Meshmu is very dangerous. Graz'zt carefully courts her support.
22) Jhout – the so-called "Quasit-king" (Rog7/Sor14). Far wickeder than his size might suggest
23) Irtiz, a babau trafficker in secrets (Rog 14)
24) The Shator Louagh (Sor10)
25) Irepsode, the soul merchant. A night hag (Rog2/Soul Eater10)

The Roles of the Demons in Graz'zt's Kingdom

1) Graz'zt retains one balor, his majordomo Ainhorr
2) Mariliths generally act in the capacity of strategists, generals and captains. More infrequently, they adopt the roles of temptresses, diplomats, enforcers, scholars and agents of retribution. There are perhaps fifty whose names are known – only around half of them will be 'favoured' at any given time
3) Kelvezu fill the role of spies, infiltrators, assassins and torturers. Their exact numbers are unknown, but there are probably fewer kelvezu than mariliths
4) Nalfeshnees fulfill several roles. Forty of them are deputed overseers – administering various conquered worlds in Graz'zt's name. A handful are superintendants of the jails, a dozen serve as Ainhorr's bodyguard, and several doom the souls of those who arrive in Azzagrat. Others form a flexible body of extra muscle which Graz'zt can assign to difficult areas. In all, at least a hundred nalfeshnees serve Graz'zt directly
5) Glabrezu act as seducers, enforcers and go-betweens, tempting mortals and lesser demons alike with the promises of power. They coordinate the activities of Graz'zt's succubi upon the Material Plane, and are – next to succubi – the demon most frequently called by planar bindings. The names of more than two thousand glabrezu in service to Graz'zt are recorded
6) Goristroi act as door-wards, gate-wards, super-heavy assault troops, or as bastions around which lesser demons rally. Their weak minds make them easily controlled by more intelligent demons – which suits Graz'zt well
7) Jariliths are not tolerated by Graz'zt – he finds them utterly intractable
8) Hezrou serve as sergeants, attempting the near-impossible task of coordinating the dretch. There are many thousands of them.
9) Bebiliths prowl the wastes of Azzagrat, countless miles from Zelatar. Graz'zt prefers to keep them there.
10) Vrocks are retained in dozens of flocks, each numbering several hundred. Most are deployed in the capacity of aerial medium cavalry in the wars with Orcus. Graz'zt is not known to favour them
11) Chasme comprise the bulk of Graz'zt's aerial forces, roaming the skies in flights over many contested Abyssal layers
12) Zovvuts – a species created by Orcus – are extinct within Azzagrat
13) Palrethees act as herders of damned souls, or occasionally as messengers to more powerful demons. Graz'zt considers palrethees to be ignoble and prefers that they are confined to mundane tasks.
14) Shadow demons serve the Ebon Lord in small numbers. They are thought to number only a few hundred. They specialize in intelligence-gathering. Graz'zt detests them, but acknowledges their usefulness
15) Babau exist in cadres of twenty to thirty, accomplishing stealthy assaults and assassinations which do not require the expertise of the kelvezu. Graz'zt is reluctant to deploy them as infantry, as they are valuable and less numerous than he would prefer
16) Succubi are amongst the most influential of Graz'zt's servants, and thousands seek to sway his mood with their obvious charms. They are deployed as aerial support, scouts, messengers, spies, infiltrators, temptresses, assassins, corrupters and manipulators. Many have achieved considerable notoriety and power.
17) Bar-Lgura are used as shock troops, and are the most numerous of the minor demons retained by Graz'zt
18) Rutterkins, jovocs, quasits and dretch – considered 'least' demons in Graz'zt's scheme – exist in great hordes and swarms throughout his hegemony. The numbers of dretch are vast.

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Sepulchrave II, Wulf has started a thread on actually printing and selling some of the more popular story hours as Print on Demand Books. So here's a link to the thread, since it is something that many people have brought up.


Since your's is one of the story hours most likely to have demand to get printed (I believe), it wouldn't hurt if you posted your thoughts on the subjects or at least contacted Wulf about it.


Oh lordy that is a good way to think about that stuff.

Do you use other non-WotC sources for monsters? Armies of the Abyss/The Book of Fiends for example?


Cool demon rundown. I usually don't think in terms of categorizing the forces available to a given demon lord, since they're so vast, but I guess when your PCs are powerful enough to take out a significant chunk of them at a go, you have to be exhaustive so you know what's left :)

Quick question for anybody: what book do kelvezu live in? I checked my 3e MM, Manual of the Planes, and BoVD, but didn't spot them. I even looked at my 2e planescape MMs, they weren't in there either.

I don't even recognize the demon types "jarilith", "zovvut", or "palrethee", anybody got a cite on those too?

the Jester

DanMcS said:
Quick question for anybody: what book do kelvezu live in? I checked my 3e MM, Manual of the Planes, and BoVD, but didn't spot them. I even looked at my 2e planescape MMs, they weren't in there either.

I don't even recognize the demon types "jarilith", "zovvut", or "palrethee", anybody got a cite on those too?

I think all those are in the 3e MM2- though there might be one or two in the 3e FF. Both are excellent books.


First Post
For those wanting to know where these demon come from...

Monster Manual
Babau (v 3.5 only)
Retriever (not a real demon, but a construct)

Monster Manual II
Abyssal Maw
Abyssal Ravager
Abyssal Skulker

Fiend Folio
Blood Fiend (Not a real demon, but an undead.)

Monsters of Faerun

Manual of the Planes

Book of Vile Darkness
Shadow Demon



You'll notice no demon from the Fiend Folio is mentionned in Sep's post above, however a Klurichir was seen in the Battle of Throile.
Last edited:


Gez said:
You'll notice no demon from the Fiend Folio is mentionned in Sep's post above, however a Klurichir was seen in the Battle of Throile.

Wasn't it only mentioned when Mostin was demonstrating verious shapechange forms? Maybe the demons themselves don't exist!


Excellent materials Sep! I can't wait to read more. Do you have this level of detail on Graz'zt because he's the main foe of the Wyre campaign? What about other demon lords, devils, daemon masters, etc.?

You've re-inspired me to work on my own demonic writings. Thanks, as always, for sharing your game world and fun with us! :D

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