D&D 5E Eberron: Rising from the Last War Coming For D&D In November

A new D&D campaign setting has appeared on Amazon -- Eberron: Rising from the Last War. It's slated for November 19th, at $49.99.

A new D&D campaign setting has appeared on Amazon -- Eberron: Rising from the Last War. It's slated for November 19th, at $49.99.

Screenshot 2019-08-19 at 10.28.34.png

Explore the lands of Eberron in this campaign sourcebook for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

This book provides everything players and Dungeon Masters need to play Dungeons & Dragons in Eberron—a war-torn world filled with magic-fueled technology, airships and lightning trains, where noir-inspired mystery meets swashbuckling adventure. Will Eberron enter a prosperous new age or will the shadow of war descend once again?

• Dive straight into your pulp adventures with easy-to-use locations, complete with maps of floating castles, skyscrapers, and more.

• Explore Sharn, a city of skyscrapers, airships, and noirish intrigue and a crossroads for the world’s war-ravaged peoples.

• Include a campaign for characters venturing into the Mournland, a mist-cloaked, corpse-littered land twisted by magic.

• Meld magic and invention to craft objects of wonder as an artificer—the first official class to be released for fifth edition D&D since the Player’s Handbook.

• Flesh out your characters with a new D&D game element called a group patron—a background for your whole party.

• Explore 16 new race/subrace options including dragonmarks, which magically transform certain members of the races in the Player’s Handbook.

• Confront horrific monsters born from the world’s devastating wars.

There is an alternate cover for game stores:


WotC's Jeremy Crawford confirmed that "The book incorporates the material in "Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron" and adds a whole lot more."

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Von Ether

Im sure that the online/Amazon bubble more than likely isnt going to burst anytime soon, if ever. Last I read which was a week or two ago Jeff Bezos is the richest person in the world. Regardless I equate having to buy exclusives from FLGS as opposed to online, to tipping. I should tip to because I got good service, not to get good service. So I should patronize my local store because I like the store not for the privilege to buy an exclusive product.

To clarify, I wasn't talking about an Amazon bubble, I was talking about a potential bubble to our hobby. Will all of these new players stick around, teach their kids, or will they drop as they get older just like a lot of the older generation did.

As far as tipping, that's sort of circular argument when it comes to retail game stores instead of restaurants but we can agree to disagree. Especially since my great FLGS has more and more of younger crowd come in, snap a photo of a game on the shelf and then just leave without even a hello and a good bye,

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To clarify, I wasn't talking about an Amazon bubble, I was talking about a potential bubble to our hobby. Will all of these new players stick around, teach their kids, or will they drop as they get older just like a lot of the older generation did.

As far as tipping, that's sort of circular argument when it comes to retail game stores instead of restaurants but we can agree to disagree. Especially since my great FLGS has more and more of younger crowd come in, snap a photo of a game on the shelf and then just leave without even a hello and a good bye,

I think its fair to say the D&D/TTRPGs are more accessible now more than ever. 45 years in and the 50th anniversary 5 years away, although the game is changing as is the way its played, I think that the hobby is going to be around for a long time. I started playing in 1981 with a few friends that taught ourselves how to play, Ive been playing on and off ever since, mostly on. The fan base may ebb and flow, but as long as there are still products out there, there will always be new players that want to play and discover the hobby for the first time, and teach themselves the game if thats what it takes. Will there always be local stores, if I had to guess maybe not but something will take its place.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Not my favorite, but my only real issue is the elf(?) looks to much like a young Angelina Jolie (+ pointy ears of course).
Seems more like a gorgeous gnome woman to me, but could be.

The warforged doesn’t look right, though. The sword is very weird, and the WF themself looks entirely metal, which is flat out incorrect, the faceplate looks totally wrong, and the turtle shell body is just weird as hell.

I like the art direction, otherwise, and I want that critter as a familiar.

Eh, it's entirely possible to retcon Tieflings (but they should be Cambions, right? Because Iuz, except stupid continuity with more recent editions etc.) and Dragonborn and whatever by just making stuff up and seeing what sticks and then advancing and destroying the timeline to explain it as needed, but why?

That's what the Forgotten Realms is for.
Tieflings and Dragonborn have always had a place in Greyhawk, which had a place for everything. As well Tieflings are not a race that requires a homeland or anything, they are the descendants of fiends. A tiefling would be the kid of a Cambion and a human.

No retcons or advancing timelines are needed.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
That cylon looks like a warforged.
Lol looks like it wants to look like one, at least! Sure as hell doesn’t actually get there.

The regular version's cover places text on top of imagery of the same general color, which is an aesthetic faux pas. The art style is a tad degraded from previous cover artwork due to a lack of overall detailing and expression. It's also not as dynamically connective to the setting as it could be.

A party of adventurers fighting monsters while trying not to fall off the top of a moving train would have been great. Give us a still of action instead of a magazine cover. Something exciting to get the creative juices flowing for D&D fans as they hold the book in front of them.
Maybe I’m alone, but I’m completely tired of adventuring party action shots as covers. I want a cover, not interior art, on the cover of my books.
It's a trope the D&D stole from the real world.
We can imagine better worlds along with dragons and elf-mages.

WotC providing an incentive to buy local from a dedicated hobby shop still doesn't seem to qualify as a huge mark-up conspiracy.

For clarity, this is the UK.

I bought GoS from Amazon for £27. At my local hobby shops it was £39 (either cover).

I suspect the discrepancy is down to Amazon dodging UK taxes.

For clarity, this is the UK.

I bought GoS from Amazon for £27. At my local hobby shops it was £39 (either cover).

I suspect the discrepancy is down to Amazon dodging UK taxes.

Current exchange rate has 50 Dollars equal to about 41 Pounds, so even with currency fluctuations since GoS released, it looks like your local shop was selling at standard retail, which is what a lot of local shops in the US do too.

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