D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC


The centaurs pull up short as it seems the old witch wants something more of them. Hesitantly the leader pulls forward and the others back away to stand behind him. "My apologies to you are yours o'Green Witch of Nyr," he says bowing low, extending one leg to do so. "We are unfamiliar with the way of things in this world of men... and witches."

Standing tall again he introduces his troupe, "This is Ballion, Hrthadon, and The Filly. I am Drog'lo Badir, Chief of the Trailblazers of Vesve, and humble servant of our Lady."

[sblock=DM rolls dice behind screen]
There is no traps to be seen, but the helmet looks to be webbed in tight.[/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Zanword bodyguards. Standing next to Rana and tense, but with enough sense not to stand in front of her. And he keeps silent even as he watches great creatures in fascination.

River Song

Bekah looked over the newcomers with interest, Well isn't this an interesting development. she thought to herself. As she moved around Emmyr, she smiled at the centaur.

"Good day to you and your troupe Chief Badir," she looked up at the tall creature. "I am Lady Rebekah and I believe you already know Mistress Rana. My other travelling companions are; Master Anvilforge and Lady Gwylla." she states indicating her dwarven and half elven friends.

"The large blue one is Hexiros Verad a stalwart warrior and the small girl is Miss Aridha. The good Captain Blackpearl obviously needs no introduction and the mousy young man nearby is Mister Templeton, a very resourceful man. So now that we all know one another; what brings you to this fine place." she waves a hand sarcastically around at the bloodied field and webbed trees.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"You are named; you now exist," explained the witch matter-of-factly, with at least minimum attempt to sketch back the bow. Names were important... But so we're other things.

"Can you tell us what awaits these two in FellReev?" Her pale eyes grew more intense, almost sparkly, "And when did you see Her last?"



Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
25 Goodmonth
1:14 PM
Round 0

Emmyr growled a bit as Lady Rebekah moved in front of him. “Wot’s all this aboot? ‘oo’s this Lady?” he muttered into his beard. “Iuz is a long way off, an’ dangerous.” He kept his hands near his weapons, but stayed as non-threatening as an armed and armored dwarf could be.

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 23/23 HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
16 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher


So many people asking questions at once puts the chief back a bit. A worried expression crosses his features and he starts to answer what he can.

"Well met to you and yours," the centaur chief says with a bow towards the group. "The Lady of Thorns is Queen of the Fey and Protector of the Wilds. She instructed me and my troupe to depart not five days ago this morn. We were told to meet The Green Witch of Nyr and take into are care her charges, though we knew not what they would be. We were then instructed to take them to the FellReev Forest were they could live out their lives as they see fit."

OOC: The lady sending evil creatures to an evil forest to prey on other evil creatures sounds fitting to everyone's minds I am sure.


Inside the Hut, Templeton was gingerly waving drapes of cobwebs aside, careful not to trigger some sort of trap laid by the Ettercaps. Once he was satisfied that it was safe he began to inspect the treasure, pocketing it as he went. All the while ignoring the conversation that was muted by thick layers of silky webbing that made up the huts walls. Only once pausing l, when he heard the name "Templeton."

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While digging the coins out of the old cracked helm Templeton notices a small music box inlaid with silver and ivory. Carefully giving it the once over the young rogue lifts the lid carefully, but nothing happens, it looks to be broken.

OOC: Treasure:
silver [roll0]
gold [roll1]
music box: 20 gp (100gp when fixed)
cracked helm: 1 gp if sold for scrap

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"We were then instructed to take them to the FellReev Forest were they could live out their lives as they see fit."
Or as the Lady saw fit. Either version obviously more than met Rana's expectations as she stepped aside, allowing access to her self-appointed charge.

Communicating this to the female proved a bit more challenging than expected though, until the witch plain gave up on her miming. "Oh for-" She uprooted a handful of grass and twigs instead, opened her hand and /blew/ them down to the ground which had birthed them.

With uncany grace the plant bits wove themselves into a rough simili of the female (helped along by a point "You, my dear."). Then a centaur twig-thing ("This handsome fellow here."). They bowed to each other like courters do. The female hopped on the other's back and off they went, riding in place as torn grasses flew by ("It's pretty far from here, from what I undestand?")... A miniature tree assembled itself in front, with spiders at the base and vague things struggling in little grass webs. The two riders stopped in its tiny shade, just as a sudden wind-gust blew it all away...

Then it was just a matter of hustling her along, all business: "There, there, all explained. Off you go now, dear, off you go. They're picking up your husband, you see; no need to worry, none at all. Do give him my best... Yes, yes. Goodbye..."

Actions: Spamming Minor Illusion 😆

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