D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC

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Hommlett, Woodcutter's Cottage
25th of Goodmonth, 579 CY

The day stays sunny and warm as you return to Hommlett. Coming in from the west you pass by Rana's old home and drop of some of the wood stacked upon the floating disk of light. Again she sends Aridha to take care of the frog and fetch water for tea, giving everyone the evil eye as she watches them go, knowing they will no doubt get into trouble, before she joins them tonight at the inn to plan for tomorrow's trip to the moathouse.

The rest of the group arrives at the woodcutter's cottage with the rest of the bronzed wood they collected from the grove to prove they completed the task. They find the woodcutter splitting logs while another man sits upon a piece of the wood whittling with long slow strokes.

Tarim.jpg "Ho! Captain," Tarim says by way of greeting. "What's this you have here?" he asks eyeing the disk and the wood upon it.

[sblock=OOC] Fourth draft isn't the charm for sure. The first was like a chapter in a book, and the second and third had so much interaction I thought it better to just go back and play things as they go. I will be working on character level ups as we go.[/sblock]


Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
25 Goodmonth
1:19 PM
Round 0

Emmyr grunted in greeting. “Where yeh want the wood?” he asked. “Forest is cleaned fer yeh ta get back t’ work.” He unloaded the disk where he was told.

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 23/23 HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
29 gp
41 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)
Music box: 20 gp (100 gp if repaired)(Templeton)
Cracked helm (1 gp scrap)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher

"I kinda agree about the necklace."
"Fine; fine," surrendered the witch. "We'll do the grand, noble thing this time around. Get it out of our system."

As they prepared to leave, she gave the grove one last, lingering look... "Why did they settle here?" Rana muttered, seemingly mostly to herself... before turning away, her frog hopping along besides her after a clucking call. "They eat little fey, did you know little spider? Brownies and grigs, the odd red cap... *crack*." From the gesture and the delighted expression, that was the sound of tiny little bones giving way...

If there was an answer, it was too small for the other's to hear.

"Oh? Well maybe - just maybe - you do deserve a little *something* for not letting go... Despite my best efforts too."

The reply, possibly scatological, prompted a short, delighted cackle.


Sometimes later, back in the dusty, run-down remains of the old house, a new-born fire softly, softly crackled, as if unable - or afraid - of breaking the silence that had developed between the other two occupants (four if you counted giant frogs or spiders spinning webs in a corner)...

"So." Rana propped her tea bowl on the edge of the creaky rocking chair -- the cups, her cherished cups, were all long-ago broken to pieces, or gone elsewhere. "So... A bear."

The rest of the group arrives at the woodcutter's cottage with the rest of the bronzed wood they collected from the grove to prove they completed the task. They find the woodcutter splitting logs while another man sits upon a piece of the wood whittling with long slow strokes.

"Ho! Captain," Tarim says by way of greeting. "What's this you have here?" he asks eyeing the disk and the wood upon it.

"A bit of goodwill magic from our mighty wizard..." Captain Blackpearl motions toward Gwylla "...and handywork of couple of axes and willing hands. But it still needs your expert eye and handywork. The woods are safe. At least as safe as they were before. You can hear the full story later in the tavern."

Young paladin helps with stacking the wood, but itches to go to the tavern and celebrate.

(OOC - I'll assume Aridha's there with Rana; if not let me know and I'll edit this to something else :))

The young druid found a spot on the old floorboards where a knot was slowly being forced up out from a plank, and reached down to pick at its edges.

"It isn't the same now," she said in a tone of voice somewhere between nervous and defiant. "I ken control it. The magic's still holding it. Yeh dinna have tae worry."

Rana rocked forward, concern plain on her wizened face. "The sealing is *not* holding it in, child, if an entire *bear* can get through... With the moons not even close to being in the skies too..."

What's to happen on the next Full? (Or worse, the next Opening, when both Celene and Luna are full?)

OOC: Can we get an idea how far away the next significant moon-event is, EB? I'm guessing that would be Know-Nature, in which Rana is trained

Aridha shakes her head. "The bear didn't get through. I...called it. I asked for it. I let it through. Like I said, I ken control this. The...spirit, or whatever it is...we have a deal. Sort of."

Aridha winces and shakes her head.

"It's nae so formal. It's more like...I ken give it somethin' it wants, but I'll only do it if it does what I want. Like trainin' a dog, kinda. It wants food, I want it tae roll over...and yeh learn to work taegether."

She looks away. "Sooner or later the ward will fail, but I figure if it's trained by then, maybe I will nae need anymore. It'll do what I want jes because that's what it's used tae."

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