D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC


Hexiros chuckles at Emmyr, and slaps a clawed hand on his shoulder. "Yes! Our dwarven friend was the hero of the day for sure!" he lies. "So, what next? Adventure awaits!"

[B]AC:[/B] 16; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]24[/COLOR]/24
[B]Initiative:[/B] -1
[B]Saves:[/B] STR +5, CON +4
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 11
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconian
[B]Current XP:[/B] 425
[B]Level:[/B] 1

[B]Skills:[/B] Animal Handling +3, Athletics +5, Intimidation +4, Survival +3
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 17 (+3), Dex 8 (-1), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No
-[B]Second Wind[/B]? [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] Available, [ ] Used
-[B]Breath Weapon[/B]? [] Available, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]]Used

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The witch fired the ‘him’ in question a bothered look (Was that really necessary?) .

To which the frog answered with a blasé blink of gold-rimmed eyes (Maybe, maybe not, it seemed to say)...

“Do take a look at the necklace,” sighed Rana, bringing up a hand to rub at her forehead. “He’ll be insufferable until we do.”

What had she done to deserve this?



Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
25 Goodmonth
1:23 PM
Round 0

Emmyr flushed and harrumphed at Hexiros’ praise. “An’ noo I think ‘tis time f’r a drink,” he said. No use bringing more attention to his “bravery”. He rubbed at the two round, puckered scars on the back of his neck beneath his hair. “Guid luck on tha’ chest. The bloke deserves the best f’r ‘is daughter,” he told the carpenter.

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 23/23 HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
29 gp
41 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)
Music box: 20 gp (100 gp if repaired)(Templeton)
Cracked helm (1 gp scrap)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher


Through small talk while staking the wood the group learns that the carpenter was going to use this commission to teach his young apprentices the fine art of carving a scroll work. So he thanks them all again and says he will see everyone at the party. Then he trots (as best his bulk will allow) off to tell his apprentices the good news.

Tarim.jpg "Oh," the woodcutter says digging into his overall's pocket. "We didn't forget your reward." he says handing over...


... "It is from the both of us. Rik is going to add in what he owes me when we settle up on the wood I'll go and get for him tomorrow. I had that there appraised years ago and it was worth a good bit back then. You should take it to Niray Melubb, the town jeweler. A gnome lives just over there in that building." Tarim says pointing across the creek and up the hill. "Thank you all once more. I will see you at your party tonight. Until then." He adds before heading into his little home with another thank you and a good luck.

Heading back to the Inn of the Welcome Wench the group finds the place a flurry of activity. Tables are being rearranged so a dance floor and a small (one foot high) stage stands before it. The smells coming from the kitchen are mouthwatering and a huge boar is being roasted right in the main fireplace. As you enter the proprietor almost asks you to come back in a few hours before realizing who he is speaking to.

Ostler.jpg "Begging your pardon, Captain." Ostler says nodding is head to the rest of the Captain's crew. "I have had a trying morning with all sorts coming in looking for you. Asking about when you'll be back. Wanting to stay and wait. Whew! It has been a bit of a challenge today."

He escorts everyone back to the private room you all shared breakfast in and then says he'll be right back. While he is gone a couple serving girls and a pot boy come in to take care of any of your needs. When Ostler returns he has a handful of papers. "These are for you Captain. Mostly invitations to luncheons and such. A few request for aid in dealing with troublesome neighbors. People wanting an honest impartial man to settle their arguments no doubt. And... one um... marriage proposal." Ostler's face turns a bit red at this and he hands over the sheets.

OOC: Passive appraisal = 400gp blue spinel gemstone
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River Song

Bekah laughs a warm throaty laugh at the embarrassed man, "Our thanks, good sir. Please pass that over, I am Bekah; the Captain's quartermaster. Yes, master not mistress thank you very much!"

Bekah skims the paperwork, "Well the Captain does have a rather busy schedule but I will see what I can arrange." It wouldn't hurt to have the Captain up his reputation in this town and the opportunities for bribes could be interesting.


First Post
The witch fired the ‘him’ in question a bothered look (Was that really necessary?) .

To which the frog answered with a blasé blink of gold-rimmed eyes (Maybe, maybe not, it seemed to say)...

“Do take a look at the necklace,” sighed Rana, bringing up a hand to rub at her forehead. “He’ll be insufferable until we do.”

What had she done to deserve this?

"It's jes' got a little silver bit on it," Aridha sighs with a roll of her eyes. "The druid said I could see myself in it. Can, I suppose, when the light's good."

She lifts the mirrored amulet and holds it out so Rana can see it, then turns it 'round to peer at her reflection in it.

Charwoman Gene

Gwylla asks a question of the barkeep: "Are there any wizards or learned people the town relies on for advice? I apologize if I've asked this question before, but I tend to get lost in my books in new situations."



Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
25 Goodmonth
1:24 PM
Round 0

“Thank’ee, sir,” Emmyr told the woodcarver, taking the stone. “Tha’s very generous o’ ye.” He didn’t want to look too greedy, after all! Still, he clutched the stone tightly until they were out of sight, and then held it up to the sun, checking its clarity and any imperfections as carefully as any jeweler. It was worth quite a pretty gold piece.

Upon arriving at the inn, Emmyr grabbed himself a couple mugs of ale and settled down, looking a bit amused at the sudden popularity of Captain Blackpearl. “Best ye get a look at the lass b’fore ye gae sweepin’ ‘er off ‘er feet,” he advised. “Make sure she’s a guid lookin’ wench!”

He was a bit confused at Lady Rebekah’s sudden transition to...quartermaster?

And, of course, the elf girl goes asking after books and wizards and such nonsense.

Drinking his ale, Emmyr pulled one of the serving wenches down into his lap for a little tickle. Maybe he should see about getting one for the night? He’d prefer a good dwarven lass, something with more meat on their bones than a human, but it seemed stout, attractive dwarven lassies seemed to be in short supply.

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 23/23 HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
29 gp
41 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)
Music box: 20 gp (100 gp if repaired)(Templeton)
Cracked helm (1 gp scrap)
Blue spinnel gemstone, 400 gp (Emmyr)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
... "It is from the both of us. Rik is going to add in what he owes me when we settle up on the wood I'll go and get for him tomorrow. I had that there appraised years ago and it was worth a good bit back then. You should take it to Niray Melubb, the town jeweler. A gnome lives just over there in that building." Tarim says pointing across the creek and up the hill. "Thank you all once more. I will see you at your party tonight. Until then." He adds before heading into his little home with another thank you and a good luck.
"It was really no problem. We'll see you there."

"These are for you Captain. Mostly invitations to luncheons and such. A few request for aid in dealing with troublesome neighbours. People wanting an honest impartial man to settle their arguments no doubt. And... one um... marriage proposal." Ostler's face turns a bit red at this and he hands over the sheets.
"Would it be from ewll to do widow or from a maiden dazzled by the heroics?" the captain preens for a moment before waving away the papers "Marriage might be something for the future, if there is one for any of us. Mission first. Actually, no, party first, mission afterwards. Thank you, goodman Ostler." he adds quickly to retreating mans back.

As Beca takes the papers and sorts them, Zanword frowns
"We don't have time to attend everyone. There will be a party, we can talk to everyone in the single night. And I'm NOT about to judge town disputes between neighbours, it would take forever. Besides, I don't have the authority here."

OOC: Emmyr should be careful with the wenches. This is small town, dubious if they are used to...well...wenching :)
Honorable Judge Blackpearl presiding...the accuser, maid Emma, what do you say? This man there, he pulled me into his lap like some common wench and tried to have his way with me. I'm an honest woman... ... ...
:D :cool:

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