D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC


Templeton gave Zanword a quick nod. "Alright then. Try to keep up Fancypants!" He then turned to scurry towards the Moathouse.
OOC: I'm still of a mind to have the GM still roll Skills for me.
Stealth +5
Perception +3 and Investigation +6 is at advantage vs secret doors and such.

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First Post
Aridha opens her mouth, almost offers to change into some kind of beast to go with Templeton in an inconspicuous shape...but stops herself before she does. Rana was already acting like she was about to turn into a monster. Did she want anyone else to? Zanword?

Templeton would do just fine.

She finds an old tree to lean against and mentally gnaw on last night. She'd been at the party, but relatively briefly. Aridha didn't like agreeing with Rana much, but the old woman had a point. Too many strange faces. Too much clapping and cheering and stomping and laughing and music. It had been fun but...after a little while it was just too much. She'd had to withdraw to the second floor, which had a kind of railing or balcony where you could look down below at the common room. She'd perched there and watched.

Was it possible to feel like you wanted to be somewhere, but were also grateful not to be somewhere, all at the same time? That didn't seem right.

With nothing much to do while waiting for Templeton's return, Aridha settled for tossing pebbles at Rana's frog, hoping to get it to snatch them out of midair with its tongue.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Zanword is also at +5 for stealth; +3 perception, use it as advantage on Templetons rolls (help action)



Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
26 Goodmonth
2:25 PM
Round 0

With Templeton and Zanword out scouting, Emmyr kept watch around the small group. A nice tangle with bandits would be a good distraction from the uneasy feeling he got with Lady Rebekah’s new...demeanor. He eyed the half-elf noblewoman -- now not looking so noble. Something itched at the back of his skull. In his days working with the Ravens, he’d occasionally worked with con artists. That wasn’t really his forte, so they told him to mostly just stand there and look menacing, which he was good at doing. But no, Lady Rebekah was a noble, not a conman...woman...half-elf...whatever.

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:
Conditions: Aid (8h; +5 max hp)

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: (28)/(28) HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)

[sblock=Party Loot]
29 gp
41 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)
Music box: 20 gp (100 gp if repaired)(Templeton)
Cracked helm (1 gp scrap)
Blue spinnel gemstone, 400 gp (Emmyr)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher

Charwoman Gene

Hmm.. waiting for sneaking around. It's no place for me to pull out my books, to much mud and muck. Gwylaa's thoughts started wandering... looking at the Lady Rebekah... who has now seemed to shift her whole appearance to a more practical look. If she can do that, if I figured it out could I do the reverse, with the right clothes an accessories, getting me close to that proud regal bearing I admired. Who am I kidding? I'm just Gwylla.


Zanword and Templeton head towards the west side of the moathouse (closest to the drawbridge), and are soon lost in high reeds surrounding the place. They make a slow circuit around the outskirts keeping wide of the stale dark waters of the moat. They going is tough and the boggy land make it difficult to locate any hidden doors in the crumbled walls since they are usually over thirty feet away.


The two men are on their way back to the group when Zanword notices bubbles in the dirty moat water. He keeps an eye on them as he continues towards the others. Raising a hand he signals Rana and the others that everything is safe, and then he turns to find the bubbles have moved along with him. He leans closer then starts to warn the others a bit to late.


scouting rolls
frog attacks[/sblock]
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A giant splash erupts from the moat at Zanword's warning and a pod of frogs jump to the banks. They range in sizes but the smallest is still as big as a pony.

Tongues lash out and Emmyr gets a wet, sticky tongue to ensnare his freed sword hand in a powerful grip. The smaller beasts miss Hexiros and Templeton, but one of the alpha frogs shoots its tongue and gets it wrapped around one of Zanword's legs. With a thud he crashes to the dirt as the creatures rears its head pulling the paladin down.


AC: 10, HP: 7/7, cane

AC: 10, HP: 11/11, tongue

AC: 16, HP: 28/28, short sword, grappled DC 11

AC: 14, HP: 23/23, none

AC: 16, HP: 28/28, halberd

AC: 13, HP: 16/16, none

AC: 17, HP: 24/24, shield, prone, grappled DC 11

Gwylla BB16
AC: 12, HP: 19/19, none

Aridha Y19
AC: 15, HP: 25/25, shield

Giant Frogs: AC 11, Saves: STR +1, DEX +1, CON +0, INT -4, WIS +0, CHA -4
Hit Points
1) 21/21
2) 18/18
3) 12/12
4) 7/7
5) 8/8
6) 5/5[/sblock]


Hexiros swaps out the halberd for the huge maul strapped to his back, thinking that this job might call for something more smashy. He steps up to the big guy in front of him, and Emmyr thinks he could've seen a glint of glee in the dragonborn's eyes as he swings the hammer with a frighteningly cheerful roar.

OOC: Actions:
Move adjacent to frog 1
Attack:Maul vs. Frog 1: 1D20+5 = [5]+5 = 10; 2D6+3 = [4, 3]+3 = 10
Maneuver: Precision attack: 1D8 = [2] = 2

Attack hits AC 12 for 10 damage

[B]AC:[/B] 16; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]28[/COLOR]/28
[B]Initiative:[/B] -1
[B]Saves:[/B] STR +5, CON +4
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 11
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconian
[B]Current XP:[/B] 425
[B]Level:[/B] 1

[B]Skills:[/B] Animal Handling +3, Athletics +5, Perception +3, Survival +3
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 17 (+3), Dex 8 (-1), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No
-[B]Second Wind[/B]? [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] Available, [ ] Used
-[B]Breath Weapon[/B]? [] Available, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]]Used
-[B]Superiority Dice Available:[/B] 3/4

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
With nothing much to do while waiting for Templeton's return, Aridha settled for tossing pebbles at Rana's frog, hoping to get it to snatch them out of midair with its tongue.
The crafty thing didn’t seem to even see them though, golden eyes contemplative, haunches utterly zen… Until its tongue shot out for Aridha’s foot!


More frogs! Roaring dragonborns!

“Because this will in no way alert the bandits inside or get us all killed,” grumbled Rana.

Actually, that was an idea.

“Come, child,” the old witch whisper-pointed with some excitement, “let’s use the hubbub to quietly make our way through the cattails there to the right, across the wet, and up that crumbling slope of masonry.”

Into the keep while those within looked to the noise outside their gate!

Across their wake her frog hopped, facing back, engaging any frogs that wanted to follow in a staring contest.

He was... *very* good at staring.

OOC: Going for that long, shallow slope of masonry to the right on the original picture of the moathouse (post #430)? It looks like it might even be possible to hop from the cattails to the blocks without getting our feet wet? The plan is to get up to the roofs/battlements and possibly get the drop on anything coming into the courtyard moathouse

AC: 13 (lady's favor, i.e. mage armor)
HP: 7/7 HD: 3/3 (1d8-1)
Speed: 30' INIT: +0
Saves: STR +1, DEX +0, CON -1, INT +2, WIS +4, CHA +5
Special Defenses: none
Features: mireing mud 1/1, fey presence 1/1
Inspiration: 1/1

cane +3, 1d4+1 bludgeoning, light
knife(melee) +3, 1d4+1 slashing, finesse, light
knife(range) +2, 1d4+0 slashing, thrown (range 20/60)
eldritch blast(one beam) +5, 1d10 force, (range 120')
sleep 7d8 hp, (range 90'), all creatures in 20' of chosen point
witch bolt +5, 2d12 lightning, (range 30'), concentration/1 minute
spider bite +4, 1 piercing, DC 9 CON save or take 1d4 poison

Spells: unseen servant, sleep, witch bolt, spider climb
Spell Slots: 2/2 (lvl 2)

parchment (10)[/sblock]



Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
26 Goodmonth
2:26 PM
Round 1

Emmyr growled in annoyance as his arm was caught by the giant frog’s tongue. As Hexiros charged with his maul, Emmyr yanked hard, ripping free of the tongue’s grip.

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Action: Athletics: 1D20+5 = [16]+5 = 21
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:
Conditions: Aid (8h; +5 max hp)

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: (28)/(28) HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)

[sblock=Party Loot]
29 gp
41 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)
Music box: 20 gp (100 gp if repaired)(Templeton)
Cracked helm (1 gp scrap)
Blue spinnel gemstone, 400 gp (Emmyr)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher

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