Effects of writers strike on Sci Fi & Fantasy genre

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Yes, but doing so would create inflexibility in a very rapidly changing media landscape.
Sometimes that lesser flexibility is desired, by one or both sides. For example my own union agreed to a 4 year contract, when 3 was the norm, because they were banking on the economic downturn lasting longer than the employer believed and the compensation was better than we could hope for, if the union was right. They were. We just went for a more standard 3 year term as we were working without a contract for the last year, the agreement is retroactive to July of last year, and we hope that the current Provincial Government will be tossed out in the next election. (I work for a public university)


Sure, but I don't see a strong argument that this is one of those cases, for either side.
Depends on whether the writers think that a major AI breakthrough is just around the corner, I suppose. With how vehement they are about that clause, it would seem so.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Depends on whether the writers think that a major AI breakthrough is just around the corner, I suppose. With how vehement they are about that clause, it would seem so.

They may be vehement about it just so it gets in. It will be harder to remove later if it gets in now.

Also, I think the general lack of executive respect for their work probably makes this a bit personal. Making the studios promise not to use AI may be a bit symbolic.



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