D&D (2024) Eldritch Blast as a class feature of the Warlock


There are ramifications to making it an ability rather than a spell, though. For instance, it could no longer be counterspelled. Would it be affected by antimagic - does it count, for example, as an "other magical effect"...and if so, could it be considered one "created by a deity" and thus immune? Making it an ability rather than an exclusive spell does open category issues that could potentially be confusing. That's not to say it's a bad idea, but there are some potential consequences that would have to be taken into account.

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Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
There are ramifications to making it an ability rather than a spell, though. For instance, it could no longer be counterspelled. Would it be affected by antimagic - does it count, for example, as an "other magical effect"...and if so, could it be considered one "created by a deity" and thus immune? Making it an ability rather than an exclusive spell does open category issues that could potentially be confusing. That's not to say it's a bad idea, but there are some potential consequences that would have to be taken into account.

That's part of the general problem with spells becoming abilities. Seems to me a lot of ability descriptions could start with "You cast a spell that..." Or simply:

Eldritch Blast (spell): As an Action....etc.

That could be used in class descriptions and monster stat blocs.


Also, might I suggest that each subclass gives it a different damage type? Just for flavor?

Sure. Force is pretty universal, so it's not really a power boost.
But infernal pact should have fire damage.
GOO needs some psychic.

Sir Brennen

Some of these questions about the "same-y" Eldritch Blast may be resolved by how the 1D&D warlock is constructed. If, as has been implied, they don't get their subclass until 3rd level, then 1st and 2nd levels could be considered "prep-work" for looking into, or becoming worthy of, gaining a patron. Part of that prep-work involves learning Eldritch Blast, which is why it's common to all warlocks.


Prince of Dorkness
Oh, I like the idea of exclusive powers as well. And I like that it is somehow related to the "Pact". Again, it's just weird to me that every single "lesser" being, of any type, that signs a pact is able to grant this spell, but not a single "greater" being, i.e. Deities, is able to do so.
Maybe the Patrons lure in the Warlocks with the sweet taste of Eldritch Blast. They offer this power in exchange for complete devotion. Then, once you're hooked, you're theirs for life.

Whereas Deities might be a bit more indifferent (Worship me if you must. Or don't. I couldn't care less either way) or aloof (Huh? Did some tiny, microscopic creature just try to get my attention? Oh well, I don't have time for such trivialities).
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You might look at how A5E did this for some examples of my how it might work. They turned it into an action that involves a spell attack but isn't a spell and then offered 4 variants a warlock can pick from. The warlock is one of the more changed glasses in A5E in general, but this particular change would love easily back to 5e.

A5E Warlock

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Some of these questions about the "same-y" Eldritch Blast may be resolved by how the 1D&D warlock is constructed. If, as has been implied, they don't get their subclass until 3rd level, then 1st and 2nd levels could be considered "prep-work" for looking into, or becoming worthy of, gaining a patron. Part of that prep-work involves learning Eldritch Blast, which is why it's common to all warlocks.

I’m perfectly fine with representing my patron through spell selection and roleplaying, and don’t feel the need to have unique mechanical powers to make that relationship meaningful. Or, expressed more mundanely, I will stick my Patron, and thus my subclass, at 1st level. I just won't get any mechanical benefit until 3rd level. Which, again, is fine with me.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I would expect that a patron-based eldritch blast would just mean you pick the damage type at level 1.

At which point the special sauce unique to Warlocks is that:
1) It's multiple attacks of 1 die each, instead of one attack of multiple dice (like that pedestrian 'cantrip' garbage)
2) You can make it better with invocations

Voidrunner's Codex

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