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EN World City Project: NPC Submissions


A suffusion of yellow
Sebastiano Palmora, male half-elf Ari2/Ftr9/Rog3
Commander of the City Guard

Sebastiano Palmora is the second son of Anton Palmora (Harvest Master of the Silk Fisher Clans) and current Commander of the City Guard. Sebastiano is tall and athletic and has inherited his mothers good looks.

Highly motivated Sebastiano is an enthusiatic Commander who invest much time and energy into his role. He is a good tactician, a level headed leader and a fair and temperate man.
Nonetheless Sebastiano can tend towards being prideful and is acutely aware that he is second son. This does engender some resentment towards his father especially in light of the rumour that he only got the position of Commander due to his fathers influence.

Sebastiano is adamant that he got his position due to dedication to the city guard and hard work. He spent many years as a guardsman, albeit that he was never a mere guard beginning his service as Aide to the former Commander - a position that did require some Wall duty in addition to administrative and other official tasks, before taking on the position of Captain and joining Thomas Haljan (who had already been a Captain for three years before hand) in that capacity. The former Commander retired four years ago after allegations arose about corruption a bribery amongst the City Watch and Sebastiano was awarded the commission shortly after that.

One of Sebastiano Palmora's first tasks was to investigate the corruption allegations that had lead to the early resignation and retirement of his predecessor (to whom he had also spent 14 years as Aide. This lead him to the Blackmarket underground of the Warrens and its smuggling operations, a few arrests were made but not to the scale many had expected and this of course led to more speculation

Plot Hooks:
1. Somebody is trying to discredit Sebastiano Palmora (thanks jdavis:D)

2. Tomas Palmora (Sebastianos older brother) has been clearly implicated in association with smuggling operations. Tomas is claiming that it is a frameup to discredit him and his family - but is it?

3. Sebastiano is Commander of the City Guard and the City Watch - he can be used in a military capacity or in a 'policing' capacity. He has gained enemies amongst
a. the enemies of the city
b. the criminal elements of the city
c. the political circles of the city

(poor guy!!!)
Sebastiano Palmora (Commander), male half-elf Ari2/Ftr9/Rog3: CR 13; ECL 14; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 3d6+2d8+9d10+28; hp 97; Init +6; Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+5 chain mail, +2 Dex); Melee longsword +15/+10/+5 (1d8+4/crit 19-20); Ranged light crossbow +14/+9/+4 (1d8/crit 19-20), or shortbow +14/+9/+4 (1d6/crit x3); SA sneak attack; SQ evasion, half-elven traits, uncanny dodge; AL LN; SV Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Diplomacy, Spot, Listen, Gather Information, Bluff, Balance, Tumble, Climb, Swim, Ride;; Improved Initiative, Alertness, Leadership, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike, Blindfight, Feat*, Feat*. *DM choice

SA–Sneak Attack (Ex): Character deals +2d6 damage against an opponent with a discernable anatomy who is denied a Dex bonus or is flanked.

SQ–Half-Elven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save vs. Enchantment, low-light vision, elven blood.

SQ–Uncanny Dodge: Dex bonus to AC.

Equipment: Chain mail, shortbow, light crossbow, longsword.

Sebastiano Palmora (Captain) CR 6; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 2d6+2d8+3d10+14; hp 46; Init +6 (Dex, Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+5 chain mail, +2 Dex); Atks +8 melee (1d8+4/crit 19-20, longsword), or +7 ranged (1d8/crit 19-20, light crossbow), or +7 ranged (1d6/crit x3, shortbow); SA sneak attack; SQ evasion, half-elven traits; AL LN; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +6; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Diplomacy, Spot, Listen, Gather Information, Bluff, Balance, Tumble, Climb, Swim, Ride; Improved Initiative, Alertness, Leadership, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Unarmed Strike .

Special Attacks: Sneak Attack (Ex): Sebastiano Palmora deals +1d6 damage against an opponent with a discernable anatomy who is denied a Dex bonus or is flanked.

Special Qualities: Half-Elven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save vs. Enchantment, low-light vision, elven blood.

Possessions: Chain Mail, Shortbow, Light Crossbow, Longsword.

(okay 2 Stat blocks at Lv 6 the other Lv 14) Allow DMs to choose 2 Feats for higher level version
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First Post
Good work on Sebastiano Palmora, Tonguez.

However, if this guys is going to be the commander of *all* the armed forces (not just the city Guard, but the Watch, Militia, Muster, and possibly Dwarven Guard and Rangers as well!), he needs to be higher than 6th level.

We have room for a Ftr12 and a Ftr9 in the hierarchy. Logically that would be Sebastiano Palmora (Ftr12) and Castellan Angus (Ftr9 or less, more administrative role).

PS: you just had to pick a half-elf, didn't ya? IIRC, one of only 70 adult half-elves in the city (1% of 7000 adults). Fine with me, but that detail should probably be worked into his background a little more...

Edit: we also have a War12 and War9 to assign, if you want to make one of these guys a "grizzled veteran". I'd say either Sebastiano or the Castellan should be.
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First Post
We need some more gnome NPCs, people! Third largest population group (40% human, 20% dwarf, 13% gnome) and we don't have a single gnomish NPC yet...


First Post
Tonguez said:
Sebastiano Palmora, male half-elf Ari2/Ftr4
Commander of the City Guard

Plot Hooks:
1. Somebody is trying to discredit Sebastiano Palmora (thanks jdavis:D)

Wheels within wheels, jealousy and suspicion always make for good plot hooks. All we need now is a Dwarven Commander with no faith in the skills of any of them and we are set for more political intrigue than you can shake a stick at. Just imagine the staff meetings.

I have a Idea for the captain of the elite guard who would be a higher level. He would see the petty squables of the commanders in the regular army as beneath him and would uphold that the only soldiers that matter are the elite. Many of your grizzled veteran types would probably be older and retired and have their own shops and such.

I have a whole family of Gnomes over in the crafts thread.


First Post
Ulfgar Gorkil; Captain of the Elite Guard.

Ulfgar has been captain of the elite for 20 years; he is a powerful warrior and a force to be reckoned with by the enemies of Mor’s End. Ulfgar is also pompous and arrogant, believing that he is the best warrior in the city and that he is a living legend. He is well known and respected but his arrogance tempers his legendary status. Ulfgar once held the south gate alone against an attack of goblins for 30 minutes and even though that was 15 years ago he never fails to mention it daily. He is totally devoted to Mor’s End and Lady Kelvin, who views him as a personal friend. His arrogant nature has added to the pride of the men he leads, he believes that his men are a breed apart and they should never be seen as weak or undisciplined. Lady Kelvin allows this pride and arrogance as it adds to the mystique surrounding her personal guard, but many times feels the need to rein the headstrong Dwarf in. They often have private discussions about his behavior and he often tempers himself for days at a time only to revert to his old self soon after. Ulfgar is proud of Thomas Haljan, the captain of the guard but holds a grudge for him leaving the elite to return to the regular army (a grudge he has held for 11 years now). He is a thorn in Sebastiano Palmora’s side and often gives him a hard time due to his half-elven blood and the fact that his elite are better than the regular army. These personal attacks are often followed by closed-door meetings between the Castilian, Lady Kelvin and Ulfgar where he is asked to be more considerate and professional. He has been banned from all council meetings for some time now. It is thought that he must be a very close friend to Lady Kelvin for her to put up with his behavior. The one thing that is never questioned is Ulfgar’s ability in battle, in time of attack he always heads to where the fighting is thickest and his mere presence has been enough to turn the tide of a battle more than once. His name is feared by the Goblin tribes to the south and even the peaceful goblins that inhabit the city avoid him at all cost.

Quote: “My sixteen men are worth more than the whole city guard, and don’t you forget it.”

Ulfgar Gorkil: Male Dwarf, Hill Ftr7/Def2; HD 7d10+21 (Fighter), 2d12+6 (Dwarven Defender); hp 80; Init + 2; Spd 15; AC 23; Atk + 13 base melee, + 11 base ranged; +15 (1d10+6, Waraxe, dwarven, Masterwork); +14 (1d6+4, Axe, throwing, Masterwork); +14 (1d6+4, Handaxe, Masterwork); SQ: Darkvision (Ex), Dwarven traits (Ex); AL LG; SV Fort + 12, Ref + 5, Will + 6; STR 18, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 10, CHA 11.
Skills: Appraise + 2, Climb + 1, Jump + 1, Knowledge (War) + 2, Listen + 2, Profession (Armorsmith) + 2, Profession (Blacksmith) + 2, Profession (Metalworker) + 2, Profession (Miner) + 2, Profession (Stonemason) + 2, Profession (Weaponsmith) + 2, Sense Motive + 4, Spot + 4.
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Waraxe, dwarven, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Waraxe, dwarven, Weapon Specialization: Waraxe, dwarven.
Weapons: Waraxe, dwarven, Masterwork; Handaxe, Masterwork; Axe, throwing, Masterwork.
Armor: Dwarven Plate.
Shields: Shield, large, wooden, Masterwork.
Magic: Wondrous: Cloak of resistance (+1).


A suffusion of yellow
Changes to Sebastiano Palmora made. Rog levels because I've always viewed the Sentry (City Guard) and City Watchmen as being more Ftr/Rog than pure Fighter.

What specifically do you think could be done to work his half-elf heritage more into things. His father Anton is also half-elf (so Sebastiano is probably either 1/4 or 3/4 elf depending on his mothers heritage:)) I suspect that at least part of the resentment felt against him is due to his heritage but his fathers influence has smoothed somethings for him...

I'm not too good at Creating high level characters (I consider Lv 10 epic) so I've left to Feats free for DM discretion oh an MW Tools is great:D
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First Post
Doing great work on those Captains, jdavis! Levels seem about right, perhaps a little on the low side.

Thomas Haljan: I see the Guard as being more prestigious than the Watch, so I would give him somewhat higher levels than Chier, especially if you're sticking to NPC class levels. Easily War8 or 9.

Bolius Chier: "grizzled veteran" always makes me think "high level Warrior", instead of Rgr/Rog, but that's just me. Those Rogue levels will probably come in handy on the Watch. It takes one to know one...

Maybe make Haljan the "grizzled veteran" instead? Eh...

Love all the tension between the NPC's! ;)


First Post
Tonguez said:
Changes to Sebastiano Palmora made. Rog levels because I've always viewed the Sentry (City Guard) and City Watchmen as being more Ftr/Rog than pure Fighter.

What specifically do you think could be done to work his half-elf heritage more into things. His father Anton is also half-elf (so Sebastiano is probably either 1/4 or 3/4 elf depending on his mothers heritage:)) I suspect that at least part of the resentment felt against him is due to his heritage but his fathers influence has smoothed somethings for him...

I'm not too good at Creating high level characters (I consider Lv 10 epic) so I've left to Feats free for DM discretion oh an MW Tools is great:D

Elves are rare in the city, dwarves are common, elves and dwarves mix like oil and water. Just play up the problems his half elf heritage would create with Dwarves and Elves too for that matter. Of course he is from a very powerful family and probably has the strength of character to shrug most of it off. I would think he would have more problems with people thinking that his father bought him his position rather than he earned it. I feel that his levels are ok, even being general of all the armies in Mor's End doesn't pay all that well by comparison to adventuring. (see budget in the Military thread). those high level NPC's are probably local adventurers or retired soldiers.


First Post
When did the Palmoras get to be half-elven?

Ah, I see... you made the silkfishers elven! Anyone know why we have 6% Elves, 40% Human, but only 1% Half-elves? I thought half-elves were more fertile than full elves? So in a largely human city, you would expect more half-elves than full elves...


A suffusion of yellow
Conaill said:
When did the Palmoras get to be half-elven?

Ah, I see... you made the silkfishers elven! Anyone know why we have 6% Elves, 40% Human, but only 1% Half-elves?

Yeah I thought making the Silk Fishers Elven in a city of Humans and Dwarfs would explain why the Elfs remain in a City where they are unpopular. The Silk Fishers live around the lake and interact with the city and rely on it for their prosperity and protection but they also see themselves as a distinct people seperate from the general populace. They also hold on to the fact that their ancestors were coming to the lake to harvest silk fish even before the city was established (I imagined these as small nomad camps which the Elfs came to each season rather than settlements)

They are a minority but as major land owners along the lake edge and key suppliers of the Water Silk they are able to maintain some influence and of course suffer from further envy and derision from the general populace of Mors End.

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