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[ENboards Boston Feng Shui Game] Six in the Chamber II: HONG KONG BLOODBATH -UPDATED!

Dr Midnight

YEAH, a ceiling fan in a movie theater! You know, those big theaters used to have several of them circulating the soup before Central Air.

Conaill flies up, positions speaker, drops...

(rolls 15)

An easy dodge for the usher. "I'll be right up," he says, looking around. "As soon as I can find a way. Shouldn't take a moment."

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Anothet time that damm usher had dodged his attack. Horacio was beginning to be tired of him. Let's try another trick...

Horacio puts once more hi hand in his backpack and takes out a jar labelled "industrial instant glue". He throws the glue to the celing fan, and then with another "Buffy-wthout-boobs" movement, he jumps over the usher, does a double mortal spin and uses all the inertial force of his moivement to grab the fat usher and send him screaming to the ceiling, when he gets glued to the fan and begins to turn there at fan rythm...

(uses an action dice)
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First Post
Taking full advantage of Tsunami's tumbling momentom, Lela takes hold of his shirt and rolls back Street Fighter (Super Nintendo, Ken version) and jambs her feet--complete with high heals angled just so) into his vulnerable soft areas. Having the uncommon chance to work whith gravity, Lela does two full rolls across the floor with a--now rapidly becoming dizy--Tsunami. She then gives a tremendous heave with her powerful legs--a close up shot of her high heals digging in fallowed by Tsunami's face in that open-mounthed-eyes-rolling-up-into-skull-dang-that-hurt-look). Tsunami goes flying into the--now goo covered--Usher.

Uses action die.

Sven crouches down to make a tremendous springing leap into the air, does a double flip, and lauches two batteries soring into Gigi's shins. He then lands--rather precariously--on the back of two seprate chairs. One is abandond, the other seems to be occupied by Salior Moon (who is distracted by his wife's antics and takes little or no notice).
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First Post
Conaill unplugs the powercord of the ceiling fan that pulled him up, and then, hidden in the inky shadows at the ceiling of the theatre, he does some stuff that's not really visible from below

He carefully pulls loose one of the high-voltage cables that are strung along the ceiling and attaches one end to the plug of the ceiling fan. He stands ready to attach the second cable to the second prong, which will switch the fan into blender mode, should Guido dare to climb up

"Hey Gigi dear! You want a piece of me? Why don't you come get it?"

Conaill unwinds the turban wrap partially from the ceiling fan, dangling it down invitingly

Edit: just trying to get the color right
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First Post
Er... did I mention I'm wearing a cup?



Tsunami rolls, runs up the theatre wall, back flips, bounces off of a seat cusion, and grabs onto Conail's hanging turban, swinging forward, then letting momentum carry him back to double-kick Lela.

And, sure, I'm using an Action Die.


First Post
I knew he'd use one the moment I did. Just like I knew Doc was cheating and had only reveiled the XP to trick us all (in that other thread).

I should look into the Divine Oricle PrC.

Oh, and you're going down water-boy.

Silver Moon

Lela said:
Sven crouches down to make a tremendous springing leap into the air....lands--rather precariously--on the back of two seprate chairs....One...occupied by Salior Moon

Silver Moon is a bit annoyed at the huge Scandinavian lying on top of him, but even more annoyed that he missed part of a great scene when someone was thrown into the movie screen. He manages to assist the big guy in getting up and off of him.

Meanwhile, the little Mrs. has made her way up the aisle, and stands before the Frenchman/Spaniard, holding her drop spindle in a threatening manner, and says "You! You're the guy who threw the block of cheese! Got any more?"
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Sniktch chortles in glee as his beer splashes the usher, for this is the same madcap mushroom beer that the night goblin fanatics of Red Eye Mountain consume before battle, and he knows it is only a matter of time now before the chemicals in the brew react with the usher and drive him into a delirious, hallucinogenic state. Sniktch spent years at Red Eye Mountain developing a tolerance for the stuff and is not affected by it, but only drops are required to turn a normal man into a raging madman
OOC: Something like barbarian rage should affect the victims of this noxious brew :D

Sniktch wrinkles his nose in displeasure at what he percieves as Tallarn's treacherous actions and looks around the theatre. After a moment, he sees what he is looking for and sends a razor sharp disk spinning through the air. It severs the cord holding a heavy weighted bag of sand suspended above the theatre and the weight drops like a ton of bricks, landing squarely in the middle of on one end of a floorboard down below. Tallarn's eyes grow wide as he realizes he is straddling the other end of the floorboard, just before it shoots up out of the floor into his groin and sends him catapulting through the air.

Sniktch scampers to another part of the rafters and waits for his next opportunity to add to the chaos.

Dr Midnight

Horacio attempts to throw the usher 60 feet into the air.

(rolls 18) The usher flies damn high up and almost hits the fan. He turns, though, and kicks off of the fan's uncoated blades like an olympic swimmer reaching one end of the pool, rocketing down towards Horacio...

Lela, being really cool already for looking like Buffy, makes a reference to Ken from Street Fighter and just becomes so awesome that she's totally, like, wicked awesome.

(rolls 15)

She rolls crappily though, getting 1 on both her positive dice. She manages to do the cool Ken move, but Tsunami flips to the aisle, not all THAT hurt... his soft parts are somewhat more rigid than one might guess. We are talking about his abs, right? Well, he works out. Otherwise, use your imagination.

Conaill does something ELSE really cool

(rolls 17)

and the fan is ready to hit puree.

Tsunami pulls a NICE MOVE.

(rolls 16 with boxcars...)

He backflips off the theater's carpeted wall, vaults off of a seat, and grabs the turban, swinging with both feet into Lela ('s soft parts?). She grunts and flies backward from the force. Tsunami didn't really know, though, that the ceiling fan's moorings were so shoddy, and it comes free from the ceiling, letting Tsunami fall fully horizontal to the ground, Jackie Chan-style.

Sniktch hurls his disc of spinning metal.

(rolls 17)

and severs a sandbag's rope. It plummets downward and strikes a floorboard, smacking the delicates with a squishy *SCHPLOCK!!!* noise. Tallarn shoots ten feet up into the air, not quite believing the pain a well-placed floorboard can cause.

The usher. He looks side-flips out of the way of the plummeting ceiling fan, which is still attached to its wires (Conail... cough cough). It stops its fall five feet from the ground and hangs there.

"I think I've found a way up, sweetie! Are you ready?"

He runs to the wall and quickly jumps up and off of the large cut-out images of movie characters like Wong Fei Hung and Jack Burton, then the letters of the huge "Welcome to the HK Action Theater! Please do not fight during movie."

(rolls 22)

If Tsunami reminded you of goofy falling Chan, the usher reminds you of Chan climbing something quickly... finding the exact right combinations of handholds to make it up. He jumps off onto the iron catwalk over the theater, facing off with Conaill.

"Where were we?" he smiles.


First Post
OOC: Going into full Capt. Nemo mode here :D

Seeing that his earlier puree-the-usher-with-the-fan-blender plan has been foiled by Tsunami, Conaill quickly slides down the precarious high voltage cable which is still attached to the dangling ceiling fan.

Taking a seat on the fan housing... he smiles up at Gigi... hangs on tight... and connects the second prong of the fan to the cable. There's a cool 5-inch spark as he does so, and the Exit lights noticeably dim as the fan starts up.

Conaill is now sitting on top of his own makeshift personal helicopter, whizzing around the theatre like one of those battery powered toy airplanes on a string. He aims a strafing run at Gigi's feet up in the rafters, hoping to cut the popcorn-bespeckled supermooks toes off with the deadly whirl of razor sharp blades. (Yes, someone sharpened the ceiling fan blades. Why? Heck, don't ask me,
I didn't build this theatre!)

<Using an Action Die, if only to make sure I don't cut myself to pieces doing this:p, plus Active Dodging because I'll be offline for a while...>

OOC: Hey Doc, how many of these Action Die do we get? This is my second one...
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