Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


Kerwyn isn't exactly exhilarated by the story of Naquent's current/previous lover.

"Oh, I've got some spells too," Kerwyn says when he hears Torn and the firedwarf talking, "though they're not really any use in the current situation. Just some charm and a couple of defensive spells with invisibility."

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"Well, Reunoux, you'd best not speak of that gem in earshot of your captors. It sounds like one of the gems they're after. How did you end up here, though? Were your attackers allied with this temple?"

Regardless of the answer, Torn will try to escape by casting 'Dispel magic' upon her force cage.


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Renoux responds to Torn,
"Rowean of Eldredd, Champion of Heironeous, as far as I can tell, those who slaughtered my friends and stole the gem are in charge of this place. I have tried to not tell our captors anything about what we guarded, but I'm afraid they know more about the gem than we did."

Torn's attempt to dispel the magical ForceCage fails. Torn's knowledge of magic leads her to believe that the magical effect imprisoning them is one of the spells that is immune to her Dispel Magic spells.

Later, a male dark elf appears in the prisoner area and stops before Lylamwyn's cell.
The Dark elf speaks in elven,"Ha! The famous gray elven wizard Lylamwyn Aleandlues, son of Thariian Aleandlues, the famous librarian. Once apprenticed to Xanastria of Celene, Burne of Hommlet, and Nogirt of Verbobonc. How low you have fallen! Trapped within a dwarven body and soon to be sacrificed upon an altar to the Darkest of the Dark Gods in one of the blackest of the black rituals!
"Once I looked forward to challenging you in a wizard's duel. Now I see you as truly pathetic and not worth my time."

The dark elf disappears.


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The party spends a long indeterminate amount of time in the darkened prison with the only light being the light given off by the body of the fiery dwarf. Several sleep cycles pass by with infrequent meals arriving in the cells. The meals consist of a thinnish broth and moldy bread and a cup of water.

Craven prays out loud to Saint Cuthbert,
“Blessed Saint Cuthbert hear my prayer!

“Thank you for protecting the village of Hommlet and our friends and relatives while we are away. Thank you for the aid you have given us against the servants of evil.

“I take full responsibility for our party ending up in prison. I did not prevent my companions from charging into battle against a huge Red Dragon with out a plan and with our magical energies exhausted by previous battles in the day. We acted no better than Xaod at his most foolhardy, and we did not have his excuse of being drunk. I will strive to be wiser in the future.

“We need your aid now more than ever. It can not be your intention for our quest to end here. The evil cultists still present a threat. We must break free from this prison to continue our quest.

“Yet this strange prison forces despair upon my inventive companions. While our party could be counted on to overcome any obstacle, these invisible walls can not be harmed. Our weapons were taken from us. Our magic is exhausted or of minimal effect. Only our wits are left to us.

“Even if you can not intervene directly, any aid you could send us would be most welcome. Even if the assistance is only wisdom and inspiration beyond that which we have demonstrated lately.”


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Hedrack, the bald cultist with the goatee, appears in the corner near the lever with a large group of other cultists. You recognize Naquent, Varachan, Lareth, and high priestess Kelashein from the Water Temple. Two more cultists are wearing strange robes and masks you have not seen before, long loose violet robes that conceal all features and a black spiked helmet that reveals only their eyes.

Hedrack leads the masked cultists on a tour of the prison area, while the rest of the cultists follow behind, showing the masked cultists great deference.

The conversation is carried out in several languages, including common, abyssal, and ancient Suel. From the little you can overhear, the two masked cultists are both women and their names are Maliskra and Susain Carun. Susain sounds like the archtypical mad cultist, she cackles and shrieks, particularly at inappropriate times, and talks to herself incessantly, referring to herself in the second person. The other cultists cater to her whims and laugh along at her jokes, but wince at her behavior when she is not looking.

Maliskra seems different, quieter and more terrible due to her silence. All you can see of her is her eyes hidden beneath the mask. Her eyes smolder with a yellow sulfurous glow.

Varachan speaks in common while passing in front of Kerwyn’s cell,
“As I indicated in my report, most honored Doomdreamers, the prisoner in this cell gave us a clue that might lead to the recovery of the three remaining elemental power gems. Naquent was supposed to organize an expedition to recover the gems, but she is behind schedule and has not left yet.”

Naquent interjects, “I am almost ready to leave, as soon as a few more preparations are completed. I had hoped to witness Lareth pass the final test to become the Champion of Elemental Evil.”

The Doomdreamer with the yellow eyes speaks, “After the Champion is anointed, we will return to the ruined temple where the Fire Node is nearly excavated. With the Fire Gem, the champion can perform the rituals to reopen the node and summon the Prince of Fire. With Fire called to ascendancy, The Champion shall at first be weary. The champion and the Prince will rest in the nodes, gathering their strength for the coming trials. Imix, weakened by his travails, will grow stronger by the hour."

The other Doomdreamer shrieks with laughter and shouts, ”Ha Ha Ha! The Greater Temple shall be rededicated to the True Master.
The Champion shall bring the princes to the Inner Chamber. Once the Nimbus of Darkness is formed betwixt the ovoid altars, the Orb shall channel the energy of the princes to Great Tharizdun. Until then, Maliskra guards the Orb. The Horn of Darkness shall open the channel. Infused with the energy of a thousand suns, The Master shall burst forth. Ha Ha Ha!"

The Doomdreamer with the glowing yellow eyes adds, “The fire gem is set in the Orb of Oblivion. The other gems are lost. But they also shall be found. Oh, yes. They shall. Infinitus offered to find the power gems, as he found the fire gem, but his price is too high. If Naquent finds the gems, the two of you will be greatly rewarded."

Naquent adds in a pleading plaintiff tone to her superiors, ”Now that we have the information we needed, shouldn’t we execute these prisoners? Some of the Oracle’s words could be interpreted to mean that these heroes of Hommlet present a threat to our plot! A danger that must be averted!”

Varachan has a desperate look on his face. Hedrack sighs. Susain Carun laughs, although you can not tell who she agrees with or who she is laughing at. Lareth and Kelashein the Water Temple Priestess have a disinterested look on their face, as if they do not care whether you live or die.

Maliskra responds, ”Ahh, yes, I received several written reports from you requesting that the prisoners be immediately executed because of the possible danger they present. I also received a report from Kelashein, where she insisted that the Great Plan was doomed but for her betrayal of these so-called heroes and that she deserves a great reward for her efforts.”

Hedrack interjects, ”Some heroes. A few words and they were all overcome. Lord Burne and Canoness Y’Dey are threats, not this lot of fools and outcasts.”

Maliskra replies, ”Yes, I quite agree. These prisoners are not a threat. They will be sacrificed to the Elder Elemental Eye, but at the appropriate time in the appropriate manner.”

Susain interject, ”All praise the Elder Elemental Eye, Tharizdun's own eye, torn from His face, by His own hand, cast to the Elements, to spite His betrayers, to ensure His return. All praise the Elder Elemental Eye!"

Maliskra continues, ”While we are on the topic of sacrifices, I think it is time for the last of the Azers to face his fate.”

Kelashein speaks quickly, ”Most Honored Doomdreamers, what about my reward for defeating the heroes and delivering them into captivity?”

Again Hedrack sighs. This time Naquent glares. Varachan has an interested look on his face while Lareth appears bored at first.

Maliskra continues, ”Hedrack said he does not have any openings for you in his organization. And you have not received the Dream of Doom, so you may not join the Doomdreamers. You must remain in your current position in the Water Temple.”

Kelashein has a look of despair and incomprehension on her face. Naquent laughs out loud.

Susain Carun laughs and says, ”Susain Carun sees an alternative if you seek advancement. Lareth has not passed the final test to become the Champion of Elemental Evil. It is possible that he is not the champion. If you take the test before him and become the champion, you will achieve a greater power and destiny than any of us, including even Susain Carun.”

Lareth gets an angry look on his face after hearing this and says, “I am ready to take the final test. Let me take it and prove once and for all, that I am the Champion of Elemental Evil.”

Kelashein interjects, ”I want to take the test!”

Hedrack sighs and replies, ”Very well, we will organize the final test. Kelashein will take it first as a reward for capturing these fools, and if she fails, then Lareth will take the test.”

The cultists walk to the corner of the room, pull the lever, and disappear. A few minutes later, your new friend Reunox the fiery dwarf, disappears from his cell and the prison becomes pitch black.


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Doomdreamer mask and robes.


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"Well, I would have to mention that judging from the not-quite-too-short meeting, I can't say that I'm particularly fond of my fans.", Lylamwyn says dryly. "I have few spells left, but nothing that would get us out of here.", he continues and describes his small repertoire.

OOC: Spells left: Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic, Enlarge Person, Grease, Magic Missile, Command Undead, Evard's Black Tentacles.

Lylamwyn has lost 1 first level spell slot since his Circlet has probably been confiscated, but I'm hope it's an empty one. All other spell slots, exept the ones that were left from earlier fights, are left empty for now (I don't think I need more than 1 Read Magic).


First Post
After the light goes out in the darkened prison, the prisoners rest and fall into fitful sleep. Strange dreams and nightmares assault the party, possibly sent by the Doomdreamers or perhaps the Winds of Chaos.

Lenya dreams of a drunken dwarf, who urges the party to follow him to freedom. Unfortunately the party is still trapped by the invisible walls of force, but the dwarf does not see the walls of force and does not understand why the party will not follow him to freedom.

Lylamwyn dreams that a man appears and drops the head of the dark elven wizard on the ground in front of his cell. The man comments on the elf's rudeness and then leaves.

Belaver dreams. He is sitting in an ancient wood, a forest older by far than the forests near Hommlet. Some of the trees are no longer seen in the world today. Belaver suddenly realizes that although his face and body have not changed in appearance, this is an older version of himself talking about his youth to other members of the Old Faith.
"That was a dire predicament. In the hands of the cult, trapped! When the moment came, wisdom showed the path. The same wisdom that raised me to the ranks of the Hierophants later."

Raner dreams of his business partner Funky Flashman and his business, busy excavating the ruined temple of elemental evil to make a profit. Until minions of the Doomdreamers come, and enslave Funky and his workers, putting them to work to find ancient secrets amongst the ruins.

Rowena (Torn) dreams. The two doomdreamers are talking about her, arguing over what to do with her. Susain Carun wants to give Torn to the orcs, to relive the worst experience of her life. Maliskra wants instead to send Torn to the abyss, to become a plaything of demons for eternity. The dream fades away as the two doomdreamers continue to argue. A new image superimposes itself, of a gleaming sword. The sword is forged of the finest steel, with runes of law and good enscribed upon the blade. The hilt is of silver and gold wire, most cunningly wrought. Its guard and pommel are set with seven perfect emeralds. Rowena has never seen anything like this sword, but can tell instantly that it is a power for good that rivals the Blade of Heironeous.

Kerwyn dreams that a beautiful woman offered him three wishes if he would destory an altar belonging to the Doomdreamers. Kerwyn is unclear of the details of which altar or whether he accepted it, due to the fact that he was rudely awakened from his sleep.

Neshi howls mournfully, waking the party from its sleep.

Kerwyn wakens when his body feels cold water. Looking up, he suddenly realizes that Naquent and the Hag have removed him from the prison and have placed him in a pot. Underneath the pot, is a pile of wood that has not yet been lit. Floating in the water in front of him are herbs and vegetables.

Naquent smiles evilly and says, "Your companions are looking hungry for meat with their meals. Daagra was going to cook Neshi to feed your party, but I suggested that you would make a better meal. Before we cook you, I have a few more questions regarding the wherabouts of the elemental gems. I won't insult you by expecting you to give us information of your own free will. We will take what we want."

Behind Naquent and Daagra, a strange man-sized humanoid creature of horror and tentacles floats towards Kerwyn. Its flesh is rubbery and greenish-mauve, glistening with slime. Its head looks like a four tentacled octupus, made more horrible by a pair of bloated white eyes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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