Torn's self discipline stifles a curse, and instead she utters holy words to cure her team for the forthcoming battle.
Casts Cure serious wounds, mass, dropping SMVII. Cures 3d8+14 for each party member.
1st – Protection from Evil(D), Comprehend Languages, obscuring mist, shield of faith, hide from undead, command, remove fear
2nd – Spiritual Weapon (D), calm emotions, Bulls Strength, Silence, Zone of Truth, Delay Poison, Calm emotions
3rd – Magic Circle against Evil(D), Dispel Magic, Prayer, Stone Shape, searing light, remove curse,
4th – Holy Smite(D), Summon Monster IV, Dismissal, Divine Power, Restoration
5th - flame strike(D), scrying, summon monster V, True Seeing
6th - Blade barrier(D), greater dispel magic, Undeath to death, SMVII
7th - Holy Word(D), SMVIII, Destruction