Endur's Return to TOEE part 3


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Manzanita said:
"I think my second wish should be to summon Lareth here. Now. Then we all kill him. Is everyone ready?"

Are any prep spells being cast before Torn attempts to summon the Champion of Elemental Evil?

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"I think we can do this, but we must hurry. To prevent him from using his 'word of recall', I want him summoned to a silent place. I'll cast a silence spell on this pillar [or whatever]. It's hardly fair, but it's not fair to those who will suffer if this cult succeeds. I will move up to engage him with Fragarach."

If the group seems up to this, Torn will cast bulls strength on Raner, and Shield of faith upon herself. She'll cast prayer on the group, then silence on a centralized spot which the group can surround to prevent Lareth's escape. She'll have to stay outside that area to vocalize her wish.


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“I will try to hinder him from casting any spells as well.”

Lenya uses the wand of Summon Monster IV to summon a lantern archon to help them, when Torn is finished with her spells.

OOC: Raner doesn't need Bull's Strength, cast it on Kerwyn instead.

Paxus Asclepius

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Belaver will summon one Huge Earth Elemental (Summon IV), one giant constrictor snake (Summon V, dropping the Cure Critical), and one juvenile arrowhawk (Summon IV, dropping the Dispel Magic), then shift into bear form for the fight. He'll then ready an action to Baleful Polymorph Lareth into a tortoise as soon as he appears. The first two creatures are to attempt to grapple Lareth; the arrowhawk is to attack him if he somehow takes to the air.


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OOC: Ok. I think we've got a bit of an overkill here. I also realize I didn't read the fine print here on the spell: "Transport travelers. A wish can lift one creature per caster level from anywhere on any plane and place those creatures anywhere else on any plane regardless of local conditions. An unwilling target gets a Will save to negate the effect, and spell resistance (if any) applies." So Lareth is likely to suceed on his save & not appear. I feel its too late to change my mind now, but if we get an orb, that complicates thier plan as well.

Torn is impatient, as she knows she's got to get her wish in quickly. Once the basic preperations are made, she casts silence, then back away just out of range and makes her wish.

"I wish Lareth, the champion of the evil cult we are fighting, to appear right next to this silenced pillar, along with the Orb of Oblivion."


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Something appears next to the column after Torn makes her wish.

If this is Lareth, he has changed quite a bit. You recall Lareth looking like a 7' tall Suel Human with blonde hair and a scarred face.

This large creature looks like a cross between a djinni, an efreeti, a water genie, and an earth genie. The lower body disappears into a cloudy mass, it does not touch the ground. The left arm is an arm of flame, holding a rounded, clear crystal skull (orb of oblivion?) with a brilliant ruby (Elemental Power Gem of Fire?) embraced in the orb. The right arm is a large stony mass, that appears ideal for smashing foes, although it currently appears to be holding a metal rod of some sort. The head resembles a slimy finned aquatic creature of some sort encased in liquid. The naked chest that connects the four elements looks mostly humanoid except for the dark black symbol of Tharzidun which appears to be branded into the flesh. Branded, or perhaps growing out of the flesh.

The creature feels wrong. Something in how the elements are combined just doesn't feel right. There is a palpable sense of evil about it.

You did not hear what the creature said because of the silence, but you suspect it was some blasphemy of the worst sort.

Round 1 (Haste, Prayer on the party):
25: Creature says something you can not hear.
22: Kerwyn (bulls strength, greater invisiblity) tumbles and attacks the creature (1+ miss)
21: Belaver (Bearform, barkskin, outside silence) casts Baleful Polymorph on the creature. (DC 19, save 15+, creature passes)
21: Neshi (barkskin, outside silence) barks.
21: Huge Earth Elemental grapples the creature (14+20=34 hit, grapple attempt 8+31-4+3 vs. 9+26 success, 15+ vs. 3+ success, 9+ vs. 4+ success, dmg 20+2+1-4-10=9, 19+2+1-4-10=8, 24+2+1-4-10=13; Earth Elemental took Fire/Force dmg 55).
21: Giant Constrictor Snake attacks the creature (10+15+3 luck+1 prayer +1 haste =30 hit, 5+15+5=25 hit, bite dmg 16-10=6, 17-10=7, grapple 5+25+3 vs. 19+26 fails to constrict, snake took Fire/Force dmg 39).
21: The Arrowhawk attacks the creature with an electrical ray (12+12+3=27 hit, dmg 14-14=0, no effect)
21: Lenya sends a Noxious Blast at the creature (too large to be affected by Repelling Blast, touch attack 5+13+1 prayer +1pbs = 20 hit, caster check 15+7=22 vs. SR 22 overcomes SR, DC 21 Fort Save 12+17=29 pass, Dmg 30+1 pbs +1 prayer = 32)
21: Lantern Archon attacks the creature with rays of light (15+2+1=18 hit, 11+2+1=14 hit, dmg 12)
18: Torn (Shield of Faith, outside silence) charges and swings Fragarach (1+ miss)
11: Lylamwyn casts Magic Missile at the abomination (SR22 13+10=23 success, dmg 16)
10: Raner steps forward 5' and full attacks the creature (6+17+1+1= hit, 14+12+1+1=hit, 9+12+1+1=23 hit, dmg 8 -10=0, 9-10=0, 12-10=2. Raner takes Fire Dmg 40.)
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Lenya uses her Repelling Blast against the elemental abomination. Attacking from a direction, that it isn't hurled outside of the silenced area (if that is possible, otherwise just use Noxious Blast).


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OOC: OK. Not overkill after all!

Torn is shocked by the creature that appears, but wastes not time. She charges forward to attack with Fragarach.

OOC: Melee Atk +13/+8 long sword 1d8+2 critical range of 17-20, x2 This is before the unknown modifiers of the sword. Her AC is 22


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At the appearance of the creature Raner shouts something, but it's swallowed up by the Silence.

Once the elemental has established a hold, Raner steps in and starts swinging at the thing that came when Lareth was called.


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Manzanita said:
OOC: This is before the unknown modifiers of the sword.

After discussions with Lylamwyn and using Fragarach against the wights, Torn thinks that Fragarach is at least a +4 sword, with the further ability of allowing her to automatically hit all opponents that attacked her earlier in the round. This ability essentially gave Torn the capability to use whirlwind style attacks against the group of wights that were attacking her when the party fought the undead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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