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Epic M&M: Issue 4 (IC)


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New York - Methesda
Initiatives: Chief 20[1VP], Neutron 18[1L], MM 16[5HP, 5L, stunned], SJ 15[1HP, 1L], Captain 13[1L, 1S], Rebound 12[3HP, 3L], Monica 9, Guards and Dog 3 (Note: nobody is flat footed and I took the time to update the condition of everyone. I was slightly off before.)

"I'm sorry you won't see reason," the Chief says, as he snaps both cannons into a ready position, blasting a charge of electricity into her force field followed up by a stream of blazing energy from the other cannon. The electricity snaps through her force field, and she twists to avoid taking a direct hit, but the firey blast chases through, engulfing Michelle in flames briefly. She screams as her force field winks out and smoke rises from her entire body. The papers that were in her hand flutter to the ground, still on fire.

Attack rolls: Electricity 20 (hit), Fire 22 (hit)
Saves: 5(4) (HP to re-roll is a 12(11))[1L vs electricity], 10(9)[1L,stunned]

Sanjay is up, then I can resolve SJ's action.

Flying into New York
Cosmo puts the jet into a steep dive as you come into New York airspace. Travelling at dangerous velocity, he tears only a few hundred feet from the ground, heading towards the docks. As you nervously look out of a window, you see Vince matching your velocity, running along the ground below. The red streak of color as he speeds along is very evident.

"Don't get us killed, please!" Anna shouts towards the cockpit. From the tone of her voice, you don't think it was a comment made in jest.

Loki, looking out the same side that Vince is on, you see what can only be Thunder flying from across the city towards the docks. Lightning crackles about him, lighting up the sky despite the hour.

"Hey guys, look, a hero!" the gang leader laughs out. "And he says he's got mone... York?" he says, a wierd look on his face. "No way," he says, breaking into a laugh. "Talk about a bonus. Shake him down, boys. Bring me his any valuables he has on him, his wallet and ID. And whatever you do," he adds, a feral grin on his face, "don't hurt him seriously. The rest of you, show these fools their need for protection!" he bellows.

Four gang members come towards you, two with bats, two putting their knives away in favor of hand to hand action. The other gang members split up to wreak some havoc on the citizens of the town.

Initiative: Kevin 11, Gang Members 7

Raisa, X12
From your vantage points you see two high powered motorcycles scream into the compound. They slide to halt, revving their engines annoyingly.

One climbs off his bike and shouts something in Chinese.

"Payment? What payment?" Dara asks.

Master Wen calmly walks out the door towards the courtyard. "I told you last time not to come back. Village not need hulligan's protection."

"I can't believe they came back," Xi says. As X12 looks, he sees a very familiar looking Red Rose emblazoned on the back of the thugs jackets.

"The Red Rose Syndicate is not a group to be trifled with," the biker warns. "Pay up, old man. If you don't, people are going to get hurt down there," he adds, jerking his thumb towards the town. You can see fairly well into town from here, and make out a lot of activity, including people running around apparently in a panic.

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First Post
Calinon said:
you see what can only be Thunder flying from across the city towards the docks. Lightning crackles about him, lighting up the sky despite the hour.
"Woah, look at that!" says Randall, pointing at Thunder. "Looks like it could be some VERY big trouble we're headed for."


As I had hinted, Neutron will attempt to transform the captain's bodysuit. We'll make it cardboard instead of a tutu...his sense of humor is beginning to wane. If he's only 5 feet from Michelle, he'll move beside her and ready a deflection against either himself, or, using EE and an HP to get the affect others extra, on MM.


First Post
New York - Methesda
Initiatives: Chief 20[1VP, 1S, grappled], Neutron 18[1HP, 1L], MM 16[5HP, 6L, KO], SJ 15[3HP, 4L, grappling], Captain 13[1HP, 1L, 1S, prone], Rebound 12[3HP, 3L], Monica 9 [1L, grappled], Guard and Dog[grappling] 3

Neutron steps between Michelle and the Chief, surrounding him in a black energy field like he had the captain before. Whether it is a protective coating, or just bad luck, he manages to step out of the energy field before it can take hold on the suit.

Attack roll: 21 hit
Save: 18 success

Straightjacket stretches out, grabbing at the Chief. He manages to get a lock on the Chief's flame throwing arm, wrenching at it with all his might.

Attack roll: 23 hit
Save: 13 fail [1S] and he's grappled

The Captain takes a pot shot at Neutron, electricity flashing out at him. A mirrored shield appears in its path, deflecting the blast aside!

Attack roll: 18 hit
Deflection: 18 success!

Rebound reinflates and springs off the wall, barrelling into the pair of guards behind the battlesuits. The first guard ducks, and the second doesn't see it coming as he's crushed into a pillar as Rebound bounces past. He doesn't get up.

Attack roll: 16 hit!
Save: 8 (VP to reroll becomes 11 -- fail) KO!

Monica, still in tiger form, leaps out and into the Captain, some 400 pounds of clawing and biting cat. She bears him to the ground beneath her and leaps away towards the dog who looks unafraid.

Attack roll: 18 hit!
Opposed roll: 18 (Monica) vs 8 (VP to reroll becomes 16)... Monica trips successfully! The Captain is PRONE.

The remaining guard shoots at the bouncing Rebound, missing wildly.

Attack roll 11 misses!

He then suddenly collapses like he was punched out, his head snapping to the side as he spins to the ground. Straightjacket sees his dad deliver a wicked right cross to the guards jaw. "Hey boy, I see the calvary comin'," your dad says, pointing into the distance where the EPIC Jet is just coming into view.

The dog squares off with Monica, circling briefly before lunging at her. It clamps down on her leg and the two animals start rolling about on the floor.

Attack roll of... oh who are we kidding. Super dog hits again, with a crit! (natural 20)
Opposed check: 17 (dog) vs 14 (Monica). They are grappled.
Save: 14 [1L]

The Chief doesn't try to get out of Straightjacket's hold at all. Instead, his free arm cannon suddenly shortens, and a ball of energy grows at its tip before blasting into the floor between Michelle and Neutron. The blast spreads across the floor. Surprisingly, it doesn't so much as tickle through Neutron's skin. Michelle jerks slightly and slumps to the floor. The paper shreds to bits.

Attack roll: 18 hits where he wants. He reduced his power to finish destroying the paper, but not cause serious harm.
Save: 10 (5) [1L, KO]

"Now that that's taken care of, anyone want this to continue?" The Chief says warningly. "Or are you ready to take up Mr. Falcon on his offer and get your girl to a hospital?"

Neutron and SJ are up.


First Post
Kevin put himself on guard.

"Listen up boys. Wathever the result, if we start a fight, you'll have the York family as an enemy. That's mean forget your career and start to think how you'll decorate your cell, and the worst you do to me, the worst you futur will become. Now, let's settle that like civilized people and everyone will win in it."

OOC: Intimidate the four gang members into not figthing


"You son of a bitch," Neutron growls, looking down at Michelle. "Continue? No, I aim on finishing it!" His hands brighten, emitting a bright radiation. He aims at the tripped captain, lauching a bright burst of energy at the man in the battlesuit.

Half action to Energy Blast the captain (not the chief), using EE to boost it to +9, and using an HP to counter fatigue. Half action to Deflect the next incoming attack.


First Post
ooc: I'm assuming that I can understand what was said, either in english or with Dara translating.

"I hate bullies," Raisa growls. She steps out of the dojo as though she doesn't see the two goons. "Master Wen, I broke my sparring partner again and - oh, we have guests." She stands behind Master Wen, her arms crossed over her chest and scowling menacingly down at the two. (intimidation:14) "Just leaving were you? What a shame."

Voidrunner's Codex

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