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Epic M&M: Issue 4 (IC)


First Post
New York - Methesda
Initiatives: Chief 20[2VP, 1S], Neutron 18[2HP, 2L, stunned], MM 16[5HP, 6L, KO], SJ 15[3HP, 4L, stunned], Captain 13[1HP, 2L, 1S, KO], Rebound 12[4HP, 3L, 1S], Monica 9 [1L]

Neutron suddenly emits an energy blast at the fallen Captain that lights up the room. The blast strikes the battlesuit solidly, causing the captain to roll over.

Attack roll: 16 (hit)
Save: 9 (VP to re-roll, result becomes 13) fail [1L]

Straightjacket changes his hold to immobilize the Chief. The Chief, oddly enough, seems unperturbed.

Opposed check: 29 (SJ) vs 21 (Chief)
The chief is held immobile (but not helpless) for one round.

The captain climbs to his feet, cutting loose his own energy blast back at Neutron. Neutron summons a reflective shield, but the electricity beam is wider and surges around it, knocking him ten feet back into the wall.

Attack roll: 22 (hit)
Deflection: 20 (fail)
Save: 7(10) [1L, Neutron is stunned!]

Rebound hits a wall and sails straight at the Captain with amazing velocity, growing to immense size as he does so. He slams into the captain, carrying him fifteen feet into the wall with a loud crunch. Rebound bounces back away.

HP to use growth +6
Attack roll: (with power attack +3, ramming +2) 19 (hit!)
Save: 5 (Captain KO!), Rebound 8 [1S]

There is a yelp and a fountain of blood from a certain angry dog as Monica, quite literally, rips the animals' throat out.

Attack roll: natural 20 (crit)
Save: 5 (dead)

Sanjay notices vaguely through his blurry vision that the office staff, Falcon, Henry and Stephanie, have left the room.

The Captain doesn't try to free himself from Straightjacket's hold, but there is a buzzing sound that starts to eminate from his suit an instant before a charge course through the exterior of it. He's activated an energy field!

VP used to give his suit an energy field.
Save: 13(9) vs DC 18 [1S, stunned]... yes, it was stun damage.

"Alright you kids, time to stand down," the Chief says. "I don't want to kill anyone, and you already lost your papers. Settle down and take Falcon up on his offer of assistance. In case you didn't notice, a few of you are seriously injured."

He doesn't wave his guns around threateningly, and though he does step away from Straightjacket, it's more to prevent him from getting further electrocuted than anything.

Those of you conscious hear the familiar roar of the EPIC Jet. It blasts over the parking lot, seeming a bit out of control, and starts quickly circling down vertically for a landing. You hear a burst of automatic gunfire from the gates and a red blur streaks towards the doors. A crackle of electricity that puts the Chief's suit powers to shame and causes the hairs on your arms to stand up on end briefly, echoes from outside. About fifty feet outside the door, Thunder stands, surrounded by lightning.

The Plane
Cosmo doesn't slow his forward momentum, instead putting the get in what you would term a suicidal position, nearly pointing straight up, as he fires the VTL jets. The plane comes to a sudden stop in forward momentum, and circles rapidly towards the ground, landing with a hard thump in the parking lot of Methesda. The ramp lowers immediately. You can see Thunder touch down outside some very destroyed office doors, surrounded by his powerful electrical field.

"Let's do that again!" Anna says as the plane touches down.

"Any landing you can walk away from," Cosmo says, unbuckling from his seat and heading for the ramp.

You tear along the streets, coming up on Methesda by the ground. You burst over the gates and fence, triggering the auto cannons perched on the towers. But you're too fast, and the cannons miss wildly, tearing up a good deal of the gates in the process. You see Thunder by the door and the EPIC Jet land hard on the ground, making you happy you weren't in it.

One gang member, the youngest of the ones coming at you, looks a bit unsure, but the others move to surround you and he quickly follows suit.

"The Red Rose Syndicate doesn't fear your English family," the gang leader laughs, further bolstering the thugs.

The gang members stalk in. You figure you'll get one quick shot in before they start swinging...

Your bluff failed badly, but you wonder how they know you if they aren't intimidated by your family name. You have a half action remaining.

Raisa, X12
Raisa stalks up behind Master Wen, making the two thugs rather wide eyed. You can't be entirely sure, but that one on the left looks oddly familiar... like you've seen him before. But you can't quite place where. Regardless, they both seem rather disinterested in confrontation suddenly. That is compounded when Li and Carl come from the garden, and X12 and Xi exit the dojo. There is a sudden explosion from the docks in town and a small mushroom cloud.

Master Wen looks suitably angry. "Raisa, you remove them from Master Wen's home. All others, go to town, chase gang off! And find Kevin!"

That prompts the thugs into action. One fires up his bike no problem and floors it, tearing out of the courtyard, but the one Raisa recognizes can't get his going.

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Neutron peels himself from the wall, and despite the pain, smirks at the Chief nodding outside behind him. "Or maybe not."


First Post
Looking around for a means of conveyance, X12 calls to Xi as he searches, "Can you stop the fleeing cyclist with your power? Dust the rear tire of his bike or something! Push your powers beyond yourself -- just watch your aim!"

Unless something else motorized is apparent for traveling to town, X12 will start to close the distance to the thug with bike troubles... his bike will be the easiest way to make it to town quickly otherwise.


First Post
Calinon said:
That prompts the thugs into action. One fires up his bike no problem and floors it, tearing out of the courtyard, but the one Raisa recognizes can't get his going.

"Let me give you a hand," Raisa stalks over to the familiar thug and will attempt to lift him from the bike by the back of his jacket.


First Post
"OK well I think since the big boss is here, I'll defer to him. If Thunder wants us to stand down, I'll do it. If he wants us to peel this tin can, I'll do that instead. You know chief, you won't have as much fun playing with him as with us kids. "
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First Post
"Red Rose Syndicat! Well, you'll tell Mia that we still have a drink to have..."

Now I am better think fast!

Kevin look around to see if he couldn't get something that could be use as a shield, and if there is one, he grabs it.


First Post
Initiative: Kevin 11, Gang Members 7

There's nothing around you to use as a shield persay, but with where your cart is and the nearby wall, you can make it so you can fight with your back and side protected! Shoving the cart against the wall, you step back to protect yourself as best you can.

I'll assume you fight defensively this round. Only two can get to you without either flipping the heavy cart or climbing over it.

The two gang members advance on you, the ones with the bats stepping in first, the other too cheering them on. They work together to position you just where they want to, striking with practiced unison. Some of your training in the last weeks seems to have paid off, and you manage to push the hardest swing aside.

Attack roll: 13 (VP to reroll, result is 17) hit
Save: 9(10) (HP to reroll, result is 21) success!

Kevin is up.

Raisa, X12
Xi looks at X12 with a curious look. "I cannot project my powers, nor am I swift enough to catch a..."

"I got it," Carl says, pulling himself up onto the roof of the dojo. He opens his mouth and a stream of vibrating energy streaks down the hill, striking the bike's rear tire. It sends the bike spinning out of control. The rider slides down the hill, but the bike careens into a rock and explodes.

Attack roll: 19 (hit) with disintegration. The tire is destroyed, as is most of the rear wheel.

The thug on the bike lets out a squeak as Raisa hoists him bodily off the bike. She gets such a firm hold, in fact, that he can't wriggle out of his jacket. She holds him a good two feet off the ground. He's shouting in Chinese at you. Master Wen is clucking his tongue as the bike crashes to its side.

"Such language," he says. "Get to town swiftly, all of you. Raisa, take that," he says, pointing at the man in her grasp, "back to his friends and make sure he leaves with them." He touches Dara on the forehead. "Quickly focus, link all minds, share language with them."

Dara concentrates and suddenly you each feel something tweak at your consciousness. You can vaguely sense each others thoughts, and have an intimate knowledge of the Mandarin language.

New York - Methesda
Rebound seems happy enough to follow Straightjacket's lead. Monica on the other hand, does not. She lets out a snarl and whirls on the Chief, stalking towards him, flicking her claws out. The Chief points one of his cannons at her warningly.

"I wouldn't suggest that," comes a commanding voice as Thunder walks in.

"Then tell your girl to back off," the Chief says simply.

"Monica, back down," Thunder says as Vincent strides in. You didn't see her with the others, but Tara suddenly appears from the sky. Buzzing inside, she sees Michelle on the floor and quickly heads over to her. Surveying the situation, he activates the comm unit. "Johan, have your team bring a stretcher and med kits from the plane. Cosmo, contact Bush Memorial and tell my brother we'll be bringing wounded in soon."

He eyes the Chief up and down. Monica is not stopping her angry advance. "Neutron, restrain Monica please, and take her outside. Straightjacket, how about filling me in on what is going on. And you," he says, pointing at the Chief. "I thought you had better sense than to work for a company like this, Whitefeather."


"That clear, Thunder," comes Johan's reply. He relays the instructions to those who didn't hear then, and then creates two duplicates of himself to help in process.


First Post
"We came down here to talk to people, but were given a run-around. After waiting for an hour or so with no results, Metal Mistress got a bit impatient and decided to go after the records herself. I went outside a little before then. Her actions seem to have riled the powers that be here, and they responded in a rather violent fashion using lethal force. Rather makes you wonder about those records. I was standing outside and was instructed to go to their security office under guard. I hadn't done anything so I told them I didn't want any trouble, but wasn't going anywhere. They opened fire on me after I refused to comply. You ought to ask Nuetron what exactly happened in here. When I came in they were fighting it out with a few guards and a guard in powered armor. MM had some documents and I got a look at them for a bit, and saw a reference to Split. Eventually a manager and a lawyer showed up and stopped the fighting and demanded the documents and threatened us with a scandal and legal repercussions. After seeing the Split reference on the document, we decided it was too important to knuckle under. Then the Chief here opened up on us again. He managed to burn the document after I tried to wrap him up. MM took a solid hit and went down trying to keep the document. "



Neutron nods, favoring his ribs as moves in front of Monica. "Babe, chill," he says, caressing her feline shoulder. "Everythings cool now, let's take a walk."

He nods at Jacket's story before they leave. "Yeah, not much more to tell. They sure didn't want to part with that info." He looks over at Tara. "Is Michelle okay, Tara?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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