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EPIC M&M: Issue 7 (IC)


Johan raises an eyebrow at Michael's vulgar language aimed at the door.
"What is it that Trailblazer borrowed from you? Unless it is something very important, I do not believe intruding to his private quarters is an acceptable option."

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First Post
Luckily, he has answered fast.

"I'll take care of Vince. Michelle, your honor to talk to Split." whispers back Jay to Cosmo and Michelle.

Jay walk next to Vince and whisper to him calmly. "Calm down, you hates him, fine. But shouting after him while he is on the other side of the continent will do nothing good. Your best bet to get your wing back, is to be in front of him. Leave Michelle do the talk, and go relax with the others." He added some authority in his tone on the last part of his sentence, to make it clear it isn't a suggestion.
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First Post
Michelle nods slightly to Jay as he goes to calm Vince down and get him out of the warroom. She regards with Split with a less then impressed look before addressing him.

"Enough with the joking Split this isn't a social call. This is business pure and simple, we both have something the other wants. We want the information that you said you had on the blood samples and Afifi as well as any insider information on Anarchy and why they would have been in Brazil. Give us that and we will hand over Jennifer to you. And before you ask no the senior members don't know about this conversation."


Neutron; 5/5 hp; Confused, but not dazed (yet)

Sanjay winces at the noise coming from X12's room. "Why has she got her whiskers in such a knot over X hitting the town?" He shrugs and knocks on the door.

"Hey, Mon want some help, um, finding that, uh, stupid <censored> jerk?"


First Post
Morgentaller District

Lynn Jenkins
You quickly realize things are happening beyond your understanding as X12 completely ignores you.

"You should not be here," Majors says shortly at you. It's obvious to you that she knows X12 in some regard, not a positive one, and there is something in her body language that tells you that coming inside may not have been the best move. Having worked with the police before, you are rapidly coming to the conclusion that she is not operating as an officer at this particular moment.

You got a sense motive on her of 27. She may not be entirely willing to let you leave having seen what you've seen.

The Battle
Initiatives: Captain Majors 27, X12 14, Lynn Jenkins 9 (heckuva roll to get a 1 on)

The smell of burning flesh starts to become apparant as Majors grips her weapon. The handle appears to contain the power source and that power source is obviously being overloaded and is burning into her. Electricity crackles up the shaft to the tip as she jams the tip into X12's stomach.

Attack roll of 27 (rapid strike) hits. The damage you've suffered subtracts two from your damage save, but you get a save of 26 versus DC 31. You suffer another stun hit.

As you get struck again, you are momentarily happy you've built up a resistance to electricity recently. And it apparently jogs your memory.

The escape went flawlessly. Despite the others resistance to bringing you, your fathers favorite, Directive 7 had been unwavering. However, it resulted in far from the freedom you envisioned. She had locked you in a room somewhere in a remote region and then left with the others. Your fathers men had found you before she returned and loaded you into a van.

Directive 7 had not abandoned you, however, and easily overpowered the men, 'rescuing' you and taking you to New York. You were stunned to find the two of you meeting with the same telepath who had a hand in programming you. The reason for you being here was soon apparent; your mind would be wiped clean of all your memories, but the connection to your father would be left. The others had that connection severed; your father would not be able to track them. You were to be a decoy to protect all the others.

Based on the fact that your father only shows real interest in you, to the point of obsession, the plan should keep him sated so that he doesn't look for his other 'failed' experiments. Out of both sense of duty and guilt, you agreed to participate, though it was made apparent you had no choice in the matter.

The doctor had been 'released' from service to your father as a result of the escape and had gone into hiding. He had obviously suffered greatly, however, as his eyes were now ruined. You offered to heal him, but Directive 7 refused to allow it. He would be protected by her and the others, but his suffering was earned.

You woke up with no memories, cold, in the snow, with a plow bearing down on you.

The Battle
Another immense shock courses through X12 as Majors jams the end of the rod into the base of his chin. Majors' forced overload of the stun rod causes it to explode in her hand, quite violently at that. X12 topples over stiffly, his eyes glazed over.

Attack roll of 25 (rapid strike) hits. The damage you've suffered only subtracts two from your damage save because the other stun hit was just suffered, but you only manage to get a 16 versus DC 31. You suffer another stun hit and are knocked out.

The officer's palm is blackened from handling her stun baton. The explosion has left her fingers and wrist badly bloodied. Despite her injuries, she reaches for something inside her jacket as she turns towards Lynn.

The psychic has managed to make it to his reception desk, while the albino woman seems to be hyperventilating. In fact, you are having some trouble breathing. Your hair is pulled everywhich way, like if you are in a convertible. The air is being sucked out of the area, though it hasn't affected you negatively... yet.

Condition Summary:
X12 - 4 stun hits, unconscious, 1HP used
Lynn Jenkins - broken wrist (for flavor only; no effect)
Captain Majors - 2 lethal hits
Mark Jasman - 1 stun hit


First Post
EPIC Headquarters

The door swings open at your touch; aparently her usual flair for opening locks was replaced by blasting it off. Inside, what may have once been an orderly room in some form of disarray. The ARIS terminal is smashed. Inside his bedroom you can see things strewn about; not that he has much in the way of possessions. Monica is currently rifling through the couch cushions.

"There's nothing here," she says, throwing a cushion. It hits the window with a whump. "Other than this," she adds, throwing you a communicator. "He lied right to my face. He said he wouldn't go off on his own and do anything stupid, and what's the first thing he does when he gets back? Goes off alone. Jerk up and abandons us right when he's going to be really needed," she fumes.

Johan and Michael
This is totally between the two of you... I got nothing :)

The War Room
Jay said:
Jay walk next to Vince and whisper to him calmly. "Calm down, you hates him, fine. But shouting after him while he is on the other side of the continent will do nothing good. Your best bet to get your wing back, is to be in front of him. Leave Michelle do the talk, and go relax with the others." He added some authority in his tone on the last part of his sentence, to make it clear it isn't a suggestion.
Diplomacy is an opposed check. Jay got 13, while Speed Demon got an 11.

Vince looks miffed at being given an order, but is nearly about to leave when Split chimes in.

"Ooo, should I have time to get popcorn before he eats the new kid?" Split quips.

Taunt is an opposed check. Split got 7, Vince got 8.

"I'll eat you, you scumsucking weasel!" Vince rails at the but Jay manages to get him turned away from the screen and out the door. It is not without effort however.

"Yap yap yap. Put a muzzel on your dog, already," Split says with his cocky smirk as Vince leaves.

Metal Mistress said:
"Enough with the joking Split this isn't a social call. This is business pure and simple, we both have something the other wants. We want the information that you said you had on the blood samples and Afifi as well as any insider information on Anarchy and why they would have been in Brazil. Give us that and we will hand over Jennifer to you. And before you ask no the senior members don't know about this conversation."

Split actually is very quiet for a moment, but you can hear some muffled conversation off camera. "Just a minute," he says, and the screen goes black with a flapping Vince wing on it.

"This guy is more annoying than Loki," Cosmo says. "I guess he needs to talk to himself or something."

Finally he returns. "Deal," he says seriously. "I'll give you everything I know on a silver platter, you give me Jennifer and we'll go our seperate ways." Despite his seriousness, he seems almost eager to make the trade.

"So, I'm guessing you and Thunder found somewhere out of the way and isolated to make this little exchange?"


First Post
Michael looks at Johan like he had six heads.

"So, wait...breaking into a fedral prison and busting someone out is somehow better than breaking into a bedroom to get something?"

Michael says less accusingly and more like it doesn't make any sense to him.


Johan does his best to come up with a believable explanation, which is surprisingly hard when there isn't really one.
"Well, the breaking into was an involuntary action, there was nothing I could do to keep it from happening," he says, his brain working overtime to come up with the most plausible continuation. With quite miserable of an outcome.
"And if your possessions' life is in danger, I'll be glad to help save them."

Inside his head, Johan wonders how he even came up with something so bad.


"Note to self:" Sanjay thinks, peering about the room, "do not ever lie to this woman."

He frowns as he looks at the communicator. "Huh. Yeah, that's pretty irresponsible of him. He'll catch it when he gets back. But he's probably just looking for some alone time. I'm sure he's fine, and when he's back, he can feel like a loser, because we caught Split without him. Oh, and then you can rip him a new one for lying to you. Fair punishment, y'think?"

OOC: BBcode tags aren't working, how odd.


First Post
"Well we would invite you back to the school but we are still making repairs from the last time you were here." Michelle replys with a fake smile. "But I do have an out of the way place now that you mention it," she adds as she uploads the co-ordinates that Dara had suggested.

"Of course you will leave your pals behind and it will be just me, Johan and Jeniffer. Sound good so far?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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