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EPIC M&M: Issue 7 (IC)


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EPIC Headquarters

"Well, it wasn't like I was going to let Loco and big red go after Ghost alone. And that was totally different; I was thinking of the team, not myself like some people," she huffs. "Besides, you're better now. Stamina's still a little low," she says with a bit of a smirk.

Michael and Johan
Beating people up is baaaaad, Dara's familiar voice says in your minds. And smoking makes you smell gross too.

Dara is standing just inside the doors at the end of the hall, eating an apple.

You better remember; no matter how tough or smart you are, there's always someone tougher or smarter. It takes you a moment to realize that Dara just threatened you both. Given recent training and her ability to get into peoples heads, you aren't quite sure how serious to take the threat.

Aren't you supposed to be getting someone? she asks pointedly into only Johan's mind.

And we should go find Monica before she completely guts X12's room or so Sanjay isn't worn out when we go after Split, she says into Michaels mind. Besides, how hard can it be for him to make you something to smoke.

The War Room
"Better make it five; the sun won't be down then. Jennifer doesn't like being outside in the dark, and there probably aren't a lot of park lights during renovations," Split says. This ends up shaving two hours off of the time you gave (7PM), which means he'll have only a few hours to prepare, though so will you. "I'll meet you by the pond with your information. Don't forget my girl," he says, and the communication ends.

"And the sun will be setting in the West," Cosmo says with a grin after making sure the communication was truly done and the device secure. "That should make hiding and sneaking up on him easier. If he's thinking about the lights, how long until he thinks about using Jennifer to make his getaway, if he hasn't already thought about it."
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Lynn: 4/5; Broken Wrist(no effect)

"Here," Lynn steps over to Dr Jasman and takes his arm to help him over to his unconscious assistant. "I would like to apologize if any of my actions contributed to her distress or to how things played out. I meant no harm or disrespect. I must remember that not all event I see are my concern. Still, if you will excuse me a moment, there may be others that are hurt."

Once the Doctor can find the albino woman, she'll move to the desk and use the phone to call 911 and report the accidents. She'll then fish the card with the name and number of her Epic contact out of her pocket and call him(her) to infrom him(her) of her delay and the incident with X12.


First Post
Jay, HP:4/4

"True, it may help to sneak, but it may help him to sneak on us too. Is the park have a good tree coverage, because there could be a sniper, or we could place one... ARIS, can you show us a map of the park and the building nearby. Show also the undergrounds and sewers."

Once ARIS will show the map, Jay will start to find all the possible hiding place for ambush and snipers.


"Correct you are," Johan says to Dara, quite relieved that he was released from having to deal with Michael alone with little time to put together a gadget to repel him. With a quick nod towards the the two of them, he heads towards Jun Po's quarters to see Jennifer.

"Good news, Jennifer, things are pretty much set up for your return to Mr. Split's care. The older members requested that we demand a few things in exchange for returning you, but otherwise things went without problems," he explains once he gets there. He tries his best to cover the lie, despite not liking it one bit.


"Yeah, I get that. But, still, I was really...hey, what's wrong with my stamina?" he spouts with mock surprise. "Speaking of which, it's been, what, a couple hours?" he jokes, looking at his watch.


First Post
"I have no doubt that is what he is thinking about right at this minute but the question is did he believe us enough to actually think we would bring her along or is he going to do a run around and hit the school again when most of us aren't here to defend it?"

Michelle glumly sits down in her chair thinking of all the possible ways this is going to go wrong.

Did I ever say that being the leader sucks?


First Post
Michael quickly turns and looks over at Dara and her ever-present apple.

"Smart and pretty, I knew I liked you for a reason. See you egghead."

Walking down the hall with Dara towards the crashing sounds and X12's room, Michael looks at Dara with a wounded expression his face.

"You think I smell bad?"


First Post
Morgentaller District

Lynn Jenkins

"Thank you, my dear," Jasman says. "This makes it far easier." You hear a pfft and a slight pinch on your arm as he cleverly uses your trust to inject you with whatever was in the device. Before you can do anything to defend yourself, things get fuzzy and you see the floorboards of the hallway rushing up to meet you.

You got an 18 sense motive against his 23 bluff. He catches you flatfooted and injects you with a powerful drug. Your fortitude save of 13 versus DC 25 sees you tumble into unconsciousness.

It will be a short bit before X12 and Lynn have another post. I want your time line and those at the HQ to match up at just the right moment.

EPIC Headquarters

"Well duhhh," Dara says. "Smoking is gross. So is what Monica is thinking," she says, making a face. "So you think Johan is smart and pretty," she says straight faced. "Well, I'd never have figured, but hey, whatever!" she adds cheerfully. "I kinda thought he was geeky looking."

Which is just when you come around the corner into X12's doorway and Monica and Sanjay crash out into you and Dara.

"That's just my point," she says with equally mock frustration. She quickly pounces on you, sending you both crashing back through the open door and into an equally surprised couple; Michael and Dara.

You land on your back with an oof, Monica crashing on top of you with far more control. Michael bangs backwards into the wall and Dara falls onto her rear, your shoulders trapping her legs. White cloth obscures your vision for a moment, before Dara pushes her hands down with a squeak, her dress tucking into a more conservative position.

"You were supposed to be ready for that," Monica says with a bit of a laugh.

"How am I supposed to be ready for that?" Dara says indignantly. "This skirt isn't long enough for rolling around on the floor!"

Monica arches an eyebrow, looks at Sanjay, then back to Dara, and with monumental effort doesn't make a comment, though Dara says "Ewwww!"

As soon as you make the announcement, the video gaming ceases.

"Yay!" exclaims Jennifer, bouncing overto , and around, you.

"Wraaa!" exclaims Mr. Bunny, bouncing far more loudly over to, and around, you.

"When when when!" Jennifer asks without stopping her excited movements.

"Wraa wraa wraaa!" echoes Mr. Bunny.

The War Room

ARIS brings up a very detailed map of the park, along with its underground electrical tunnels and city sewer and drainage systems. You manage to find a number of good hiding places for ambushes, which could be useable by either side.

What you notice most is, even given the limited knowledge of Jennifer that you have, with power currently supplied to the park for construction it would allow for an easy escape.

Basically, you guys are far more likely to successfully ambush than be ambushed thanks to the information on the park.

You come up with lots and lots of ways for things to go wrong. As you ponder them, ARIS says, "Metal Mistress, I have received a message from Mendez. His plane has been delayed in Bern. He will arrive tomorrow afternoon instead of today."

You should decide on your plan of attack, who is doing what, who is going to the park in the open, who is being concealed and generally where, etc. The next major event will be that little meeting.


First Post
Jay looks closely to the maps. "Ok, I want that spot in red... and that one..." and identify all the place for hiding. After that, h pinpoint all the electrical instrument in yellow and the electrical feed they have. Once his analysis have been done, he asks ARIS to save the map with the highlights he asked. He finally ask to restrict the access to his modified map to him and Michelle only until any of the two change the restriction.

He goes and find Michelle.

"That doesn't seem easy tasks to assume.", Jays says, recognizing that feeling of having the charge of a mission and the life of a team in his hands. "Split isn't born from last rain. If the seniors have asked you to lead his capture, it is because you can do it. And to help you, I've done an analysis of the ground. The good news is with that, we might have easy time to spot an ambush, and Split may not have an easy access to all these information, so we have an advantage. I've highlighted all the good place for an ambush and hiding in red.

But the difficulty may come from another way. Jennifer. The park is in construction. They need power to make all there tools works. If Jennifer help Split, he might got an easy escape. I've highlighted in yellow all the power grid of the park. I've saved it on ARIS terminal. We are the only one who have access to it. I thought you'll like to see it before anyone else start to look at it."


First Post
"Yea, I guess your right. Thunder wouldn't have picked me if he didn't think I could do it. I guess all we can do is our best." She replys with a shrug looking at the map.

"Johan, myself and 'Jennifer' can go here," pointing to a spot on the map that would most likely force Split to come to them with the setting sun in his eyes. "The flyers and speedsters can hang back here," pointing to hiding spots further out from the meeting place. "They will be actually out of sight but still be able to get into it quick enough. We can use them as flankers, plus they can chase down Split if he makes a run for it."

"Cosmo, Loki, Dara and you," she says to Jay. "I want up close as possible, so these areas here would be good, the abilites they have will probably tip the scales in our favor. Loki especially, his ablility to see invisible objects will be very handy. The other Johan I think should go here, so he can come up behind Split and overwhelm him with duplicates."

"So now the only question remains is do we take Jenifer with us or leave her here?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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