D&D 5E E's Tomb of Annihilation


The sun had been up for only an hour or so when the All-wake entered the Bay of Chult heading for Port Nyanzaru. Syndra Silvane’s assistant Joffrey Hillstand brought all of the traveling party in common room and requested that everyone remain quiet. He cleared his throat and then began to talk quietly, “We are almost to Port Nyanzaru, but before we make landfall we have to pay the toll the Lord of the Bay of Chult demands. Now usually payment of a tribute isn’t that exciting of a thing, but I believe you may want to see Lord Aremag.”

The ship begins to rock and anyone that looks through the portholes can see the sea ahead roil and churn, and waves crash over the bow of the ship, driven by saw-toothed hills rising from the heaving foam. Water streams off the rising crags like rivers crashing down a mountainside. At last the emerging island stops growing in size, although the sea around still tosses the ship like a drifting feather. Then a huge blast of steam erupts from the waves, and through the drifting, rainbow-crossed mist, you see an immense beak and a milky eye the size of a hogshead cask staring blindly in your direction. As the water calms, you also spot a dozen or more shark fins circling the ship.


A deep voice rocks the ship, “Tribute!”

Joffrey talks softly to the group, “The captain will now try to negotiate an amount that will get us to Port Nyanzaru, this is usually a formality but it’s best to be ready.”

After another moment the sound of a chest being lowered into the water can be head and then the ship is again on its way.

Joffrey lets out a deep breath, “Welcome to Chult everyone, if we are lucky that will be the most out of the ordinary thing we see today. Now once we make landfall Syndra and I will be staying with the Merchant Prince Wakanga, I suggest you spend the day finding lodging, the Thundering Lizard is good if you want to enjoy yourself and Kaya’s House of Repose is good if you want to sleep, and perhaps look around for a guide and gather supplies. We will meet midday tomorrow at the races to discuss your progress. Any questions?”

OOC Thread: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...b-of-Annihilation-(ooc)&p=7285722#post7285722

RG: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?607891-Tomb-of-Annihilation-RG&p=7310909#post7310909

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The little brunette halfling in black leathers scrambled up onto a chair to look out the porthole.

“Tymora’s :):):):):):):)! Would you look at that!” she exclaimed, gazing in awe at the dragon turtle outside. “This is so cool!” The tropical light brought out a few red highlights in her hair, her blue eyes alight with mischief. “How much do you think is in that chest?” She refrained from rubbing her hands greedily.

“Thundering Lizard sounds good to me. Repose sounds boring!” And customers enjoying themselves meant customers that weren’t watching their purses.


First Post
Burk quickly ran to look out a porthole when Lily began to gawk at the Dragon Turtle. He remained transfixed and watched the creature for as long as he could. As if suddenly waking himself, Burk shook himself and began listening as Joffrey explained the itinerary.

Thinking it was about time he had some alcohol, Burk posed a query to Joffrey, "How do I find the Thundering Lizard?"

"Wondrous," Oskeld muses as he watches the majestic creature receive its tribute. "This trip has already been worthwhile." He did not wait to disembark. Heavy armor and ships don't go together.

The power of the sun warms him immediately as he steps off the boat. Natives are staring at him like he's a fool and he tends to agree with them. First thing to get is another water skin. Oskeld looks for an adventurer's supply store to buy one and then to find Kaya's House of Repose.


It had been many years since Tlazohtlaloni had been in the steamy clime of Chult. He tried to remember the area, but young as he was, and his nanny Trixniva not letting him out of her sight for more than a second or two, really did little to impress the area on the young elf.

But this was where he was born, and although he was a wood elf, and not a wild jungle elf he did have a small feeling of homecoming or maybe of renewal, as if his life was to change and today in this place was the stepping stone. "I wonder if anyone has ever went looking for this Aremag's lair?" he asks out loud once the tribute "ceremony" is finished. "Does anyone know how long he has been collecting this tribute? He may have coins and objects from centuries ago," the wood elf sighs as the boat pulls out of sight of the dragon turtle.

"I'm not sure," Tlazo says in response to Burk's query. "We should find a dock master or porter."


Joffrey smiled at Burk, “You can find the Thundering Lizard near the Red Bazaar in the Market Ward, I think I have a map somewhere.”

Joffrey searched his pocket and then pulled out a small map of Port Nyanzaru, “It’s not the best map but you can get a general idea. Joffrey pointed to the Market Ward on the map, the Thundering Lizard is here and it’s wise to stay within the city walls if possible.”

The ship finally reaches the docks and everyone on board disembarks.

You are in a tropical city under the blazing sun. The familiar sounds of a harbor – creaking ropes, slapping waves, heavy barrels rolling across cobblestones – mingle with voices shouting and cursing in an unfamiliar language filled with clicks, inhalations, and singsongy words that make it sound almost musical. The aroma of unfamiliar spices and tropical fruit mixes with the wharf side smells of fish, tar, and canvas.

Beyond all that, Port Nyanzaru is an explosion of color. Buildings are painted in bright shades of blue, green, orange, and salmon pink, or their walls are adorned with murals portraying giant reptiles and mythical heroes. Every building sports baskets and clay urns of colorful flowers or is draped in leafy, flowering vines. Minstrels in bright clothing adorned with feathers and shells perform on street corners. Multicolored pennants and sun awnings flutter atop the city walls. A crowd of children dressed in feathered hats and capes races past you, squealing in delighted terror as a street performer costumed as a big-toothed lizard stomps and roars behind them. The whole city seems to be bustling, sweating, laughing, swearing, and singing.

Joffrey helped Syndra into a covered litter, “Remember tomorrow, midday at the races.”

Port Nyanzaru.jpg


First Post
Burk exams the map before ambling off toward the designated area. However, instead of the Thundering Lizard, Burk first heads to the Red Bazaar, hoping to see some odd or unique merchandise. "Perhaps I should get a large tarp or tent..." Burk mutters to himself as he wanders through the bustling city streets. "What wonderful new world have I found myself in today" he thinks while excitedly taking in the sites. Fully engulfed in the energy of the place, Burk finds a little hop in his step as a large smile spreads on his face.
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Lily studied the map and then followed the others off the ship and into the bustle of Port Nyanzeru. The city was amazing, all bright colors and new smells and noise, chaotic, just like she liked it. She lifted a few purses -- just the easy ones -- to stay in practice, ducking and dodging between legs. Cities could be dangerous, too, so she kept an eye out for trouble, and any shiny baubles that might be worth something.

Steve Gorak

Aranaris had recovered from the excitement of the dragon turtle, although a part of him wanted the opportunity to stretch his wings. Not yet, this would attract too much attention . He thought to himself. After inspecting the map, he decided to follow the group, keeping an eye on the halfling, who was a bit too active for his taste.


As the group leaves the harbor and heads towards the Red Bazaar they pass a Grand stone arena, where Gladiators and dinosaurs are entering through large gates. Just as the top of the buildings and tents of the Red Bazaar come into sight the group is stopped by a Chultan man who stumbles into Burk.

The man is dressed in what appears to be acolyte robes, and as he notices Burk he whispers, “Speak to the wise guardian of Orolunga, east of Mbala. She can direct you to that which you seek.” The man then collapses at Burk’s feet.

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