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ESPION - the game of spies


St. Claire takes the elevator back down to his interior office, and as the doors slide open he takes a few long strides to his desk. One final swig of his coffee later, and he sits back down to quickly review the files in front of him.

Silvio Berlusconi was able to quickly put together his 60th Italian government... but I don't know if he's going to make it to the end of his term.

As he flips the pages, they go all over how Prime Minister Berlusconi had been ousted from power via a vote of no-confidence, but was able to return to power at the request of the Italian President if he was able to put a new government together. His five-year term is due to end in May of 2006, and it was wondered whether he'd be allowed to finish his term. Looking over the pages he had in front of him... St. Claire realized there was more riding against the Prime Minister than perhaps he even knew. There was a lot to consider... and a number of things in Rome that were not sitting well with either him or the U.N. In two days time, once all his agents had cleared their plates... there was a job for them all to do.

He leans over and presses the intercom to Maria out front.

'Maria... I'm going home for the evening. Send out a memo to the group to let them know that we're having a meeting on Thursday in Auditorium A at 3pm to discuss what is happening in Rome with their government. Waves and above only. Thanks Maria! Have a good night.'

ESPION's levels of clearance are based on the famous Zenner cards used to test for ESP. Yes, St. Claire knows it's cheezy... but it's no different than using numbers, or letters, or code names, or any such nonsense the spy game is famous for in identifying agents or operations. The lowest clearance level is Circle, followed by Square, Cross, Wave and finally Star. Only two agents have Star clearance (of which St. Claire is one of them), and only eight agents have Wave (of which you four are included). So at the meeting on Thursday, ten people are expected to be there. By the time Thursday rolls around, Berlusconi will probably be back in power... but for how long will be the big question.

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Carl cracked his knuckles and leaned back in his chair. He was going about his research and had pieced together a bit of information thus far. He intended to get some more before filtering out the unimportant stuff, writing a summary about what the press was saying and getting it to St. Claire. Carl's impression thus far was that a generally disliked guy had been asked to put together a new government. Now the question was what did the Director have planned in regards to this?

Patience will rev- What's this?

Carl received a memo over the intranet. Thursday was the day then, he'd hear all he needed to then. A sip of coffee and Carl went back to work.


Back at her desk, Elz decides to go over her report one more time before submitting it. Even editing a few words a page, it will probably still take the entire day.

An incoming message catches her attention, as it calls for an appointment. Thursday afternoon to discuss the situation in Rome, eh? Looks like the UN is looking to take a more active role in Berlusconi's little game of power and money in Rome. Responding positively to the appointment, she settles back in her chair and continues to review the report.


First Post
Jason nearly jumped when his console beeped, letting him know a message had been received. He had been busy looking over the London report on a new submarine that was designed specifically to their MI6 agents' exacting specifications. It was supposed to be quieter than the ocean itself, barely passing a whisper on the decibal scales. It had a waterjet propulsion system, similar to water tractor technology from previous eras, used on such classes as the American Seawolf or the Russian Typhoon. However, bleeding edge technology has enabled the Brits, probably through joint work with the Americans, to develop one that uses the water pressure itself to drive the machine, a sort of piezocrystal power supply with few moving parts. In theory it would work, but Jason wondered how the field tests would go.

Shaking his head, Agent Paquin looked up at his screen. The message desribed a meeting to occur on Thursday afternoon, plenty of time for his contacts to get back to him. He was getting ready to get up and stretch a bit, possibly get something to drink again when he glanced at the clock. It was almost end-of-the-workday time, at least for most office workers. Jason would probably be here later in the evening, going over the plans for this new sub, or the American's new stealth bomber, or some other fancy new toy the world's killer scientists came up with. No, I think I'll go home tonight. After I work out. I need a break for a bit.

Beepbeepdabeep. Beepbeepdabeep. "Son of a.... Jason speaking."

"Jay, it's Race. I know you gave a me a few days, but this is big. Hell, it's probably already too late." The voice on the other end sounded as if it was coming from a blender set on frappe.

"Race, I told you never to call me on my cell. Do you remember that conversation?"

"I'm sorry bossman, but this can't wait. Besides, by now, anyone we're worried about knowing, already knows."

"Then spill it already."

"Jay, there's been a lot of activity in the European sector as far as bang-bang goes. Mostly centered around the Romas, if you know what I mean. You know as well as I do they usually use their own guys to get that stuff, but this time, almost all of them are opting for thirdhand stuff."

"Get to the point, Race. Wait a minute." If they want stuff that can't be traced back to them, they want something to go down that they won't be recognized for. That's not normal. "Race, whatever is going down is got to be big. Normally the boys like their handiwork recognized, but there's something they want hidden and if all of them are in on it.... Race, get the hell out of there, and fast. As soon as I get word of what's going on, I'll let you know, but whatever it is, it isn't going to be pretty. If they know you talked, you're done. Get home as fast as you can and lay low for a while. I'll see what I can do from here." Jason clicked off the phone. This can't be good. Whatever these boys are trying to do, it's in concert and they want it hidden. I hope what Antony gets me is good. And I hope it's not too late.

Jason rolled up the files on his desk, opened the securibox and placed the documents inside. Voice locking it, he gathered his raincoat, placed it over his shoulders and started to leave, closing his office door and locking it.


A suffusion of yellow
After Elz takes her leave MArcus hangs around sipping his coffee and flicking through magazines. One of the Time magazines has a picture of an Italian politician and the tagline "Second Chance for Berlusconi". He tosses that aside and flicks through some more trying to find something on the Beijing Bombing, all the while wondering about 'what if'.

Finishing his coffee he sits for a while reading the media report and knowing that most of the real story wont be found on a magazines pages.
"Oh well" he says to himself "better go and finish those scans"

He grabs another coffee to take to his desk, returns to his console and finds the memo waiting for him "hmm Thursday..."


A suffusion of yellow
Marcus jumped as the message flashed across his screen causing the images behind to freeze

DEFCON 1 said:

"Defcon Alert 1" he had only heard of this once before it mean t total shut down at Espion. Something had gone terribly wrong.

Cursing he stood up and headed directly for St Claires door, they had to get out before the shut down began. He could see that the others had got the message too and that a general sense of panic had descended upon the establishment.

When he got to St Claires office he saw why - the place was a mess, papers strwen about and tables over turned. St Claire was no where to be seen.

"Damn" Marcus cursed before making the decision to take control "okay make sure no one panics and get everyone to the surface and out. I'll try and override the system and that might give us another 10 minutes before the exits are sealed. We regroup in 45 minutes we're going sideways!"

(ooc so anyone want to keep this going? a DM-less Game experiment!)


First Post
[ooc: It could work. :)]

Carl knocked over a stack of newspapers as he jumped up. They spilled onto the floor, creating a strange collage of information. A river of paper flowing into the wall. He made is way out to find Marcus had gotten a handle on the situation already.

"Damn" Marcus cursed before making the decision to take control, "Okay make sure no one panics and get everyone to the surface and out. I'll try and override the system and that might give us another 10 minutes before the exits are sealed. We regroup in 45 minutes, we're going sideways!"

Carl's hand was behind his back, and he was looking for what could have caused the commotion. He relaxed, sighting nothing threatening.

"Well ain't this something," he said to Marcus, and paced over to a couple of confused paper pushers to calm them down.


First Post
I'm in...

As Jason started to push the button to call the elevator to head home, he heard a crash behind him. Not wanting to get excited about nothing, he waited a moment. When the sudden voices of fear and panic began to reach his ears, Jason knew something was wrong.

Quickly turning around, he took in the scene. A few agents were standing near St. Claire's newly windowless office, some data pushers were scurrying about trying to get organized or out of the building, on the screen of one of the computers he could see a flashing message.

Status Alert: Nuclear Detonation in Rome. U.S. and Allies to DEFCON 1. All Measures Taken. Restrictions Lifted. Espion Project Active.

The thoughts flew through his head so fast, he could barely catch them. Jason immediately returned to his office, barely stopping to unlock it before entering the room. Not caring about the door being wide open, he found a button hidden under his desk. All at once, a communications device activated and the documents in his securibox were incinerated. Making a quick once-over, he returned to the ensuing chaos of the office. Carl had been trying to direct the people to the surface and Marcus was doing something with the system, probably trying to keep it from locking them in. Elz was nowehere to be seen and the other agents had already vanished. Cowards. Seeing that Carl could use some help, Jason started herding more of the desk drivers to the emergency exits.

"Looks like we're earning our keep today."
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First Post
"You're in a hurry," Carl said as Elz rushed past with a couple of the other Wave clearance agents.

"I'm going downstairs with the others, check things there," she replied, putting on the brakes for a second.

Carl nodded, and she was gone.

"So, should we evacuate?" a nervous woman asked.

Carl's impression was that right now he should have been working on who was behind the incident, but something must have been happening here to cause the panic and evacuation.

"Yeah, go, but be careful," he said.

The small collection of people present started filtering out. Jason made his appearance not long after that.

"Looks like we're earning our keep today."

"That's a nice way of putting it," Carl replied with a smile.

He thought Jason had already headed home. His appearance was a pleasant surprise, but something else was nagging him.

"Has St Claire given any orders yet?" he asked noone in particular, and scooped a phone off an abandoned desk to give Security a call.

Voidrunner's Codex

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