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ESPION - the game of spies


Donovan St. Claire wandered the brightly lit metallic halls of ESPION headquarters. He kept his eyes staring straight ahead, but it was through his peripheral vision that he spied through the glass picture windows of each room as he passed by. Without missing a beat, his brilliant analytical mind was able to process everything he saw and make conclusions on what was occurring that he would estimate to be about 98.5% correct. This was what having a 185 IQ, a photographic memory, plus 20/10 vision garnered you… knowledge of your surroundings above and beyond anything other people would believe you were capable. It wasn’t just once that lower-level agents whispered to each other that the man in charge had ‘ESP’… but in truth, St. Claire was just more perceptive than perhaps anyone they’d ever met. Had he been a fortune-teller rather than the head of an espionage agency… he’d have been one of the best of all time. It also didn’t help quell the whispers that they were working for an organization called ESPION… supposedly chosen by St. Claire himself. “ESP”… “ESPION”… the similarities were there and his ability to read a situation only strengthened that belief. Donovan of course knew he had no hocus-pocus to speak of… but the idea of it certainly helped keep the youngsters in line.

Each room that he passed held a field agent working on whatever paperwork or computer-work they needed to complete. What the outside world has never understood is that 90% of your time working in the espionage field is spent behind a desk doing research, analysis, and writing reports. People had been misguided by the entertainment industry into thinking that being a spy is constant thrills and excitement… but the truth is just the opposite. Being a spy is just like playing tournament poker… incredibly long stretched of boredom interspersed with mere moments of absolute terror. Donovan had spent forty years living that life… and it was always amusing for him to walk these halls and see his youngsters experience that boredom firsthand.

Marcus Rewi was at his desk manipulating satellite images for a site in the Swiss Alps that ESPION discovered was stockpiling warheads for some reason…

Carl Archer was buried underneath two hundred and eighty separate newspapers from around the globe that had gathered on his desk for the past two weeks while he was on assignment. Part of being the so-called “expert” on the world’s politics was that Donovan made him read every daily newspaper from twenty different international cities cover-to-cover…

Elz Taszyck was writing a three hundred page report on what went right and what went wrong during a mission recently when she led a group of field agents into the Czeck Republic to recover documents that had been lost due to the death of another agent in the field…

Jason Paquin was memorizing the detailed specs for the new stealth bombers the United States government had just recently activated for their military… memorizing them down to the number of rivets it took to hold the metal ship together…

These were just some of the agents that he had at his command. As a former commander in MI6, and a liason to the United Nations… Donovan St. Claire was a smart choice to head up the ESPION agency… the intelligence branch of the U.N. – a branch that most people didn’t know existed. This was of course exactly how Donovan liked it… which is why he populated the agency with numerous men and women that you’d ordinarily not find working for a group such as this. Agents with shady pasts… agents with backgrounds not necessarily in espionage… agents from numerous countries and with numerous years of experience. St. Claire could read them when they appeared before him, and he would know within 5 minutes whether they would be able to work for and with him. ESPION required special agents… and Donovan took pride in finding them. The ones that populated this hallway were some of his best.

He eventually made his way back to his office… one flight below the agent’s offices. As he threw open the door to his suite, his secretary, Maria Navarez handed him three files rubberbanded together that had just arrived via fax… and the look on her face told him all he needed to know. The U.N. had another mission they needed his work on… or more precisely, his agent’s work on… and he nodded to her once and carried the files back into his inner office. He shut the door behind him, pulled out the leatherbound rolling chair from underneath his large mahogany desk, then sat down and began to read.

Another day at ESPION was beginning again…
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Elz sighed deeply as she leaned back in her chair, stretching her shoulders and fingers. I should have taken a job in diplomacy. At least then I would have a secretary to type this sort of crap up for me.

She notes St. Claire walking past as she goes back to work. It really creeps me out when he does that, she thought. Even after working in close proximity with the head of Espion for a few months, she was still a bit unnerved by his incredible peception. Elz prided herself on being able to pick up on little things about a person, but even her sharp senses couldn't match St. Claire's.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she bent back over the keyboard. The mission in the Czeck Republic had been a success. Her team of operatives had successfully infiltrated the
offices of a law firm that somehow had gotten their hands on documents that Richard Greene, a former MI6 operative and ESPION undercover agent, had sloppily left intact upon his death. Elz still wasn't certain why she had been chosen to lead the team. No direct action was required. She had a sneaking suspicion St. Claire had assigned her the task to see how she could handle leading a team in an op where gunfire wasn't needed. Regardless, it went off without issue. Elz had a few scathing remarks about a few of the recruits she had commanded, especially that punk kid DeKlerke from Denmark with the lack of respect for her commission. Hopefully, St. Claire would send him packing to some low-ranking, dead end position.

Finishing the paper, she encrypted the work again for safety and printed the document on the high-speed laser printer in the corner of her small office. Standing, Elz collected the report and emailed St. Claire to let him know it was complete. "Time for a coffee," she said aloud to herself.


First Post
Carl scowled at the ink stains on his fingers, and flicked through another newspaper. Fun. Knowledge had its price, and its preferred currency was time. As he took another mouthful of luke warm tea he noticed St. Claire walk by.

Hey there, boss. he thought, and half expected St. Claire to react to it.

In all the time he spent working here Carl hadn't been able to fool the guy. He would enjoy showing up to work on occasion looking almost like another person, and the boss wouldn't even flinch. Couldn't get anything by him.

Nonetheless, today Carl looked normal. He chuckled as he read one article. It involved a politician he actually had personal knowledge of. Politics were a funny thing.

"Time for a coffee," he heard Elz's voice through his open door.

A glance at the frigid dregs of his tea told him that a break would be worthwhile.

And was there something about newspaper ink being carcinogenic or something?

As Carl made his way out of his office he rubbed his hands together in an attempt to somehow remove the stains without soap or water.

"Coffee sounds good," he says, as he pops into Elz's doorway.


Donovan flips through the remainder of the pages in the third file in the bundle, then leans back in his chair.

Very odd. Very odd indeed. This one will take some doing.

He leans over and presses the intercom on his phone.

'Maria... hold all calls. I'm going to get a coffee.'

'Yes sir.'

St. Claire stands up from his desk and walks over to an elevator door that he actually has in his office. The ESPION headquarters is five sub-levels beneath the U.N. itself in the middle of Manhattan, and it's not often that he wants to take the stairs all the way up to the top. Thus he had the elevator installed three years ago, and it has been a godsend. The doors slide open and he steps in, pressing the button for two flights up to the third sub-level. There is a slight rumble, the doors close and the small metal box climbs twenty feet up and then opens upon a hallway. The Director steps out and then walks the fifty feet down the hallway to the commisary, and when he steps in he sees that both Elz and Carl are over at the counter getting some coffee of their own. He smiles slightly to himself and begins walking over to where they stand.


A suffusion of yellow
"Bugger" Marcus cursed as the enhancement on the image blurred. It was suppose to be simple cross referencing of the MT data with the satelite images and hopefully find a door. The toys he got to play with here were good enough to resolve a whole lot of greyscale blobs into a detailed, crisp image of what they beleived to be a compound in a remote corner of the alps, but sometimes even they couldn't do what he wanted them to.

St. Claire walked pass and Marcus gave he an obligatory nod of acknowledgement as he again tried to get the image overlays to interact and the dots and contours start to make sense. He heard Elz and the Archer guy heading out for coffee. The guy looked older but Marcus was sure he knew him, and the nagging suspicion was that their former interactions hadn't been a positive edifying experience.

Running a couple of diagnostics and relaying signals through his terminal he got up stretched and headed out for the coffee...
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First Post
Oh this is beautiful, Jason thought. His fingers traced lines over blueprints splayed across his desk in a chaotic fashion. Swearing as a drop of sweat loosened from his head by hand fell to the notes beside the schematics. Oh well. Those idiots in DARPA wouldn't know a hydraulic line from a command line.

Looking up as he hears voices outside his closed door, he sees the director walk by. Relief sighs through his lips as St. Claire continues on. Good, I hate being interrupted when I'm busy. Now where did I put that magnifier? Finding his quarry, Jason went over the schematics with a molecular comb. Every detail, right down to the inflight lavatory system, became a permanent imprint on his brain. St. Claire often wondered why Jason found it impossible to do the same with mission orders.

This new stealth machine was supposed to be better than the Northrop B-2A Spirit, the one the public was aware of. This one, code named Wraith, was based on technology developed and rejected from the Aurora project. Supposedly, according to design parameters, the Wraith was able to attain near orbit in a matter of minutes, then glide to the mission target on rising thermoclines under minimal power. After mission payload delivery, it had a second power source, a straight hydrox mix ramjet that allowed it to exit enemy airspace at top speed. Of course, if the enemy was obliterated by its payload, it wouldn't matter, but what did Jason know?

It's payload was supposed to include a slew of nuclear cruise missiles, mostly of the Tomahawk or SLAM designation. Possibly Tacit Rainbow, if the mission required it. It wasn't built for tactical bombing however, as it wouldn't be able to fly slow enough to deliver on target. Lately, most of the U.S. equipment had the same problem. No versatility.

"What happened to the old days?" Jason spoke aloud. "When they had airplanes that could do everything? Like the F-16 for instance. Now that was a plane. Even the Russians knew better when they built the MiG-37 Ferret." Jason looked up at a model of his favorite aircraft that adorned his desk. His eyes wandered to his now empty bottle of orange juice. Running a hand over his bald head, he sighed. "I need a break anyway." Jason Paquin headed for the commissary.


First Post
"Hey there, Carl. How are those papers treating you?" Elz says with a mischevious grin.

"I'm getting paid to read newspapers, which also entitles me to many many comic strips. So all-in-all, pretty well," he answers with a satisfied smile.

*Some idle chitchat and a change of scenery later*

Carl stirred his coffee casually as he spoke.

"...and yeah, I just think it'd be really amusing to see someone in our line of work get into some reality tv show. That'd make it worth watching," he tells Elz, apparently serious, "So then, seen any good movies lately?"

It's not long after this that Carl notices the Director.


"Hey Mr. St. Claire, how's things?" he greets him with.


Festy_Dog said:
"So then, seen any good movies lately?"

Elz buries her reply when she sees St. Claire approaching, greeting him with a nod as she drinks her sugar-heavy coffee.

"Good morning, sir. Any news from the front?"


First Post
Jason make his way into the commissary and notices that two other agents are speaking with the director. This can't be good. Making his way to the juice machine, Jason takes his time, attempting to overhear their conversation. I wonder what St. Claire has up his sleeve now. Agent Paquin does his best not to be noticed as he sits down at a table near some other keyboard-pushers. They were busy eating or making notes about something, so Jason fit right in. He let his ears wander over to Director St. Claire's voice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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