D&D (2024) Eve of Ruin: New or Old PCs?

Where will you Eve of Ruin PCs come from

  • Existing PCs that recently completed an official 5E adventure.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Existing PCs that completed an official 5E adventure a while back and were retired.

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Existing PCs that did not go through an official 5E adventure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brand new PCs for Eve of Ruin.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • I don't plan on playing in/running Eve of Ruin but I felt the need to be counted anyway.

    Votes: 6 28.6%


aka Ian Eller
Vecna: Eve of Ruin promises to be sort of the swan song for the first decade of 5E adventures, tying into those that have been published by way of the mysterious Obelisks as well as the worlds in which it will take place.

My question for this poll is pretty simple: where will your PCs come from to play this adventure?

Are you planning on using existing PCs that have recently completed one of the previous adventures?

Are you planning on using existing PCs that completed one of the adventures, but have been mothballed or retired for a while?

Are you planning on using existing PCs that have not been used in a previous adventure?

Are you planning on creating totally new PCs for Eve of Ruin?

Note that for the purposes of this poll "an official 5E adventure" can include AL storyline play, too.

Of course, please expound on your answer in the comments.

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Ah, ok. It's a bit unclear, as "recently" makes it sound like the PCs have just completed the first adventure, when the PCs my group will be playing have yet to be created, and the adventure even agreed upon yet!
I did actually consider whether to include a specific option but it seemed too granular.

I do not plan on playing or running it. It looks like it is too fantastic for my games with the world hopping and the high-level play. I was under the idea that it was the initial kick off book/campaign to the new edition and should be looked at that way. If I was Wizards coming out with a 'new' edition that is.

Depends on what we're doing and what my players want to do. And at this point, I don't know the answer to either question.

I do not plan on playing or running it. It looks like it is too fantastic for my games with the world hopping and the high-level play. I was under the idea that it was the initial kick off book/campaign to the new edition and should be looked at that way. If I was Wizards coming out with a 'new' edition that is.
Where'd you get that impression?

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