D&D (2024) Eve of Ruin: New or Old PCs?

Where will you Eve of Ruin PCs come from

  • Existing PCs that recently completed an official 5E adventure.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Existing PCs that completed an official 5E adventure a while back and were retired.

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Existing PCs that did not go through an official 5E adventure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brand new PCs for Eve of Ruin.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • I don't plan on playing in/running Eve of Ruin but I felt the need to be counted anyway.

    Votes: 6 28.6%


I do not plan on playing or running it. It looks like it is too fantastic for my games with the world hopping and the high-level play. I was under the idea that it was the initial kick off book/campaign to the new edition and should be looked at that way. If I was Wizards coming out with a 'new' edition that is.
Even early on it felt more like an implied edition capstone to me.

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I do not plan on playing or running it. It looks like it is too fantastic for my games with the world hopping and the high-level play. I was under the idea that it was the initial kick off book/campaign to the new edition and should be looked at that way. If I was Wizards coming out with a 'new' edition that is.
Na, it aint a new edition. Its a refresh and I think its an excellent idea to go high octane high level. Even before the PHB so folks get a good time to digest this adventure and be ready to run it to its fullest when the update drops.


Na, it aint a new edition. Its a refresh and I think its an excellent idea to go high octane high level. Even before the PHB so folks get a good time to digest this adventure and be ready to run it to its fullest when the update drops.
Given the time table for all the 2024 books, I think this adventure is intended for 2014 rules with Crisis style "reordering" to explain any contradictions that might arise.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
So here's the question, and probably difficult to answer without Eve of Ruin in our hands yet, but what is the best official adventure(s) to lead into Eve of Ruin with?

So here's the question, and probably difficult to answer without Eve of Ruin in our hands yet, but what is the best official adventure(s) to lead into Eve of Ruin with?
The obelisks that have been appearing in various adventures seem to be the tie-in, so there's a lot to choose from. I compiled a list of the ones the onelisks appear in in the thread on the adventure itself.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Given the time table for all the 2024 books, I think this adventure is intended for 2014 rules with Crisis style "reordering" to explain any contradictions that might arise.
I think this assumes everyone is just hovering over the order button and then waiting by the mailbox to run this. Lots of folks will be planning to get into this when their current game wraps up which is whenever it does. Others will wait for the PHB to drop so they can go in with the refreshed classes. Those that do go running on day one are the testers that will let everyone else know what to do when they run it. A smart move.


I think this assumes everyone is just hovering over the order button and then waiting by the mailbox to run this. Lots of folks will be planning to get into this when their current game wraps up which is whenever it does. Others will wait for the PHB to drop so they can go in with the refreshed classes. Those that do go running on day one are the testers that will let everyone else know what to do when they run it. A smart move.
I wonder what the average time is to complete a typical hardcover adventure and how that might interact. Is Shattered Obelisk the likely direct lead in, and if so what was the publication time between them?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I wonder what the average time is to complete a typical hardcover adventure and how that might interact. Is Shattered Obelisk the likely direct lead in, and if so what was the publication time between them?
Hard to say for me because I don't have much 5E WotC adventure experience. A PF AP that went 1-20 would take me about 2 years to complete playing for 3-4 hours 2x a month. Not sure how much of an accurate benchmark that is but I'd expect about year to run through this adventure at 2x a month.


Hard to say for me because I don't have much 5E WotC adventure experience. A PF AP that went 1-20 would take me about 2 years to complete playing for 3-4 hours 2x a month. Not sure how much of an accurate benchmark that is but I'd expect about year to run through this adventure at 2x a month.
I ran Avernus over Fantasy grounds. We played weekly-ish and it took just under a year but I also mainlined the plot for them. As a player, i experienced Out of the Abyss over the course of closer to 18 months, playing mostly weekly in person.


Where'd you get that impression?



It is the only thing they got going.

Voidrunner's Codex

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