TSR Example from the worst TSR adventure module(s) ever published


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You wanna know what makes a module bad? Especially for the DM?

HUGE AMOUNTS OF BOXED TEXT that the DM is supposed to read to the players.

In this regard, "The Forest Oracle" is pretty tame compared to modules like "Patriots of Ulek." Page 3 is all boxed text where the PCs are railroaded to adventure!

And I love part of the introduction:
Only with every able-bodied warrior in the land can the prince hope to stem the tide of evil. And only with the assistance of brave adventurers can he hope to rally all the land's warriors to his banner. These few--young, uncertain, and inexperienced--may well make the difference between victory and defeat. Truly, they are Patriots of Ulek.

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Other than WG7 Castle Greyhawk, I can't even THINK of an adventure as bad as you described, and that one only because of the nonsense and puns laced within...

Fighter's Challenge? That adventure was just so bad, that the DM who had bought it refused to run it, and we all shared laughs over the silliness it contained (e.g. 2nd level NPCs owning heaps of +3 or +4 magic items and actual encounters against *vampires* and *beholders*! :hmm:).

(EDIT: Fighter's Challenge was supposed to be a solo adventure for 1-3 level fighter, that's why it doesn't make sense)


First Post
Fighter's Challenge? That adventure was just so bad, that the DM who had bought it refused to run it, and we all shared laughs over the silliness it contained (e.g. 2nd level NPCs owning heaps of +3 or +4 magic items and actual encounters against *vampires* and *beholders*! :hmm:).

(EDIT: Fighter's Challenge was supposed to be a solo adventure for 1-3 level fighter, that's why it doesn't make sense)

Yeah, that is a lousy adventure. Other tidbits include:
1. Coryn, a lousy potter (Pottery 4--that's bad, must roll under on a d20) who claims to be great potter.
2. A map of a city where almost all the buildings are perfectly square.
3. A gnome fighter named "Carbuncle Blusterbuckle" (say that three times fast)
4. And the tragic death of an old man named Poot on page 10
Poot is dying. No healing with help him. If the PC checks on him, Poot will gasp out: "My house...papers...Sword...is...key...Forsaken Road through hills...south at dragon...fortune...do...tell...Val...," then die.

At least its not boxed text.


Fighter's Challenge? That adventure was just so bad, that the DM who had bought it refused to run it, and we all shared laughs over the silliness it contained (e.g. 2nd level NPCs owning heaps of +3 or +4 magic items and actual encounters against *vampires* and *beholders*! :hmm:).

(EDIT: Fighter's Challenge was supposed to be a solo adventure for 1-3 level fighter, that's why it doesn't make sense)

Isn't that the one that gives your second level fighter a Flametongue? Or was that Cleric's Challenge... Good times.


First Post
Isn't that the one that gives your second level fighter a Flametongue? Or was that Cleric's Challenge... Good times.

I'm not sure, but very likely -- there are so many low-level NPCs loaded with ridiculously powerful items (some of which are way better than a Flametongue).


First Post
Yeah, that is a lousy adventure. Other tidbits include:
1. Coryn, a lousy potter (Pottery 4--that's bad, must roll under on a d20) who claims to be great potter.
2. A map of a city where almost all the buildings are perfectly square.
3. A gnome fighter named "Carbuncle Blusterbuckle" (say that three times fast)
4. And the tragic death of an old man named Poot on page 10

At least its not boxed text.

Ah, I had forgotten about it all ... as for square town/city maps (with square buildings), Loudwater in FRCG seems to return to the "roots" in that regard! :p


This thread just keeps on bringing the funny year after year. :lol:
There is a Neonchameleon. He has no secret doors. There is no expression on his face. He raises his hands. "Rotate NotDeceased Cottonreel."

The turn attempt on the undead thread has failed. The Neonchameleon was too busy trying not to laugh.


First Post
I never read the module, but I played it.

And I have to reiterate, that as a 14-year old, I loved it.

We are judging these things as adults looking backwards.

It's kind of like "The Phantom Menace". Adults hated it, but there were few complaints from the 10-year olds the film was actually aimed at.

I can't deny that "The Forest Oracle" is bad from a empiracal standpoint of grammar, stat blocks, etc, but subjectively, I thought it was fun...as a kid.

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