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Eyes Of The Lich Queen OOC

Voda Vosa

First Post
So could I take Dael'dareen? If he is a Spellcaster-type, I guess its any spellcaster type.
Even a the shugenja. I would like to have some of the existing background on this guy, for me to modify and add the adaptation to shugenja. If this seems to be imposible for youy I will stick with my original idea of the warlock, aplied to Dael'dareen.
Does that sound coherent or I'm saying nonsenses? hehe it's hard to express yourself in other toung.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm not the DM, but I've got a good grasp on all things Eberrony, so I'll post some thoughts myself. But recall, I'm just a player. :)

DEFCON 1 said:
Vertexx69:Would your character really be a part of the Church of the Silver Flame? And more importantly, how would a dragonborn character interact or exist in the Eberron campaign setting? What does being a dragonborn in Khorvaire mean to him? These are the kind of questions whose answers will sell me or not on including him in the game.
Dragonborn in Eberron are agents in the conflict between the Progenitor dragons, specifically, Eberron and Khyber. They feel called by Khyber to fight the fiends, rakashas, and other agents of the rajas. It his highly conceivable that a normal human living in Q'Barra may have been touched by Eberron (as Q'Barra was a major battle ground in the Age of Demons and Khyber spawn pop up now and then); it could have been the same calling that directed him/her to volunteer as part of the expedition (as a mercenary more than a member of the Church). Trying to balance a person who feels the call of the Flame and Eberron might be an interesting RP challenge, and would put him more as part of the Church forces.

DEFCON 1 said:
Mista Collins: Keeping Rogan urban-based is fine if you can design a solid reason for him to come upon or interact with any of the current characters as they advance forward... or modifying Rogan to be more in-line to what the Daggerspell Guardians actually are. Your choice. But trying to fit your square peg into the round hole makes you face an uphill battle come character selection time.
Can't really add too much here; Dagerspell guardians are not strictly an Eberron organization. Q'Barra has all of one "real" city and we just left it.

DEFCON 1 said:
Voda Vosa: I am not opposed to shugenja at face-value... elemental spellcasters definitely have their place in Eberron. My big question is figuring out exactly how a character such as this fits into place in the world. I don't have the Player's Guide to Eberron so I don't know what their recommendation is for incorporating the class, but using the "far-away traveller" idea, my first thought is a drow. However, where/when/why a drow shugenja would arrive in Khorvaire and somehow get involved with where the party is the hard part. You'd have to wow me with a background that really ties your character into the fabric of the end of the Warriors Of The Coast campaign for me to select the character.
Keeping in mind that drow are very different from the Spider-worshiping-evil-spawn-of-Lloth brand; they're scorpion worshping tribal avengers and defenders of Xen'drik with evil tendencies. Shugenja (not called that name in game, they're part of the "Path of Elemental Masters") are described a forsakers of the traditional religions of Khorvaire, and instead worshiping dragons themselves in a manner to be more like them. It isn't totemic worship (that's the Argonessen barbarians), more a complex philosophical set of beliefs. They have eight orders (one for each true dragon type) and identify themselves with one of the four classical elements.

Being that Q'Barra has been touched by dragons, it is possible there is a Shugenja cult/school/whatever in it. A member may have heard about the Church expedition and signed on not so much to fight the evils, but to potentially see how the draconic ruins they may be visiting have something to do with the troubles. Or they may be members of the Daggerspells.

DEFCON 1 said:
Unkabear: Again, as I've said to the others above... it's not impossible, but you'd really need to dazzle me with a logical and believable explanation as to why your character as you've designed would find himself involved with the group.
Can't really add much here. I like the concept, but its more for a Sharn setting.

Again, trying to be helpful. :)


stonegod said:
Shugenja (not called that name in game, they're part of the "Path of Elemental Masters") are described a forsakers of the traditional religions of Khorvaire, and instead worshiping dragons themselves in a manner to be more like them. It isn't totemic worship (that's the Argonessen barbarians), more a complex philosophical set of beliefs. They have eight orders (one for each true dragon type) and identify themselves with one of the four classical elements.
Voda Vosa... having seen what stonegod says about shugenja (our resident hexblade player), if you are really interested in playing one, I've figured out exactly how/why this could occur.

- You are a member of the Daggerspell Guardians (and wield daggers like all members do)
- You worship silver dragons and align yourself with the element of air (since silver have cold and gas breath)
- You are a devout student of Zendarrill Lorren, the Valenar elf trainer and leader of the Guardian party that currently resides in the Q'Barran jungle outside one of the ancient ruins, and have followed him for many years

If you take these three parts as the foundation of your character, anything else you create should be fair game. If this works for you... go ahead and start building a background and identity. Any race should be okay, although preferably not kalashtar, warforged, or Aerenal elf. (Valenar or urban elves are fine).

Hope these three small bits are okay with you, but trust me when I say that they are quite important as we lead into Eyes Of The Lich Queen itself. Thanx!


First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
- You worship silver dragons and align yourself with the element of air (since silver have cold and gas breath)

Any relation with the fact that I use fire based magic? Nice opposition at least.


First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
Character thoughts for the entrants thus far:

Mista Collins: I'm following the tenets of the Daggerspell Guardians organization in the Complete Adventurer pretty closely, and thus it isn't an organization one just happens to fall into... you active have to pursue membership, get a sponsor, go through training etc. Thus trying to fit your city rogue concept of Rogan into the spellcasting/nature fighter concept of the Guardians might not be your best option for finding a place to get Rogan involved in the scenario the characters currently are in. Keeping Rogan urban-based is fine if you can design a solid reason for him to come upon or interact with any of the current characters as they advance forward... or modifying Rogan to be more in-line to what the Daggerspell Guardians actually are. Your choice. But trying to fit your square peg into the round hole makes you face an uphill battle come character selection time.

FWIW, add a level or three of paladin -- aiming for one of the Shadowbane PrCs -- and you've got an urban rogue type from Flamekeep, out adventuring on his own, who was snagged into the Elder's crusade much like Khalia was.

Mista Collins

First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
Character thoughts for the entrants thus far:
Mista Collins: I'm following the tenets of the Daggerspell Guardians organization in the Complete Adventurer pretty closely, and thus it isn't an organization one just happens to fall into... you active have to pursue membership, get a sponsor, go through training etc. Thus trying to fit your city rogue concept of Rogan into the spellcasting/nature fighter concept of the Guardians might not be your best option for finding a place to get Rogan involved in the scenario the characters currently are in. Keeping Rogan urban-based is fine if you can design a solid reason for him to come upon or interact with any of the current characters as they advance forward... or modifying Rogan to be more in-line to what the Daggerspell Guardians actually are. Your choice. But trying to fit your square peg into the round hole makes you face an uphill battle come character selection time.

From my understanding of what the Daggerspell Guardians stand for is rooting out evil in civilized areas. At least that is what the description of the group in Complete Adventurer states. That is why I was playing the angle from a city based rogue.

By no means did I mean to make it seem like he just "fell" into the organization. He would have joined at a fairly young age and been a member for some time. His recent duty with the Daggerspell Guardians (at the ruins you mentioned) is starting to wear him thin.

But if you feel this doesn't fit with the way the organization is structured in your campaign, I can change how he has met up with one of the characters. I'll have it changed and updated by tomorrow night. (I got to go watch the Tigers beat the Angels tonight :D )


First Post
You are right a Changeling just doesn’t fit the bill. So I will make him human. And there will be a bit of a change in the history. After reading a bit more on the previous play and about the CotSF I will have another go. But I like the concept too much to drop him so that much will remain. Here is another go. If he still doesn’t fit then it will be alright.

Aern has done work for many organizations originally working freelance for the militia and clandestine guilds alike, but eventually found himself working near constantly for one organization. The church of the Silver Flame. It began simply with a friar asking him to perform a simple task. He was sent to find a certain individual within a community. It was a simple task and for it a man who was an accused Blood of Vol was removed from the community. As to the location or condition of this man Aern never asked. But as it was the friar was grateful as the word of the Silver Flame could be more aptly preached in the community. The little known bard in Seawell began to receive more and more assignments from the Silver Flame. Aern began to find himself drawn to the teachings of the Church of the Silver Flame, believing that the world could indeed be purified and that he could be a part of it.

It was within this time that he was approached by one particular Cardinal for a few more personal missions. The bulk of his missions tended toward finding people or information. A bard could blend in and would often catch snippets of things that would not otherwise be said in the company of a Templar or Paladin. His ability to view and investigate a scene would allow him to discover what may have happened through non magical means allowing him to work undetected. Aern began to develop quite a reputation in Seawell as a more than decent bard if not the best and has on occasion been requested to perform at Noble parties there. Ever with an open ear to catch what whispers would be carried on the wind.

Those whisperings would always find their way into the ears of the agents of the Church. It was better that he not announce himself, though he knew that the time would soon come that he may have to. But as a bard yet he may still find favor and as drink still loosens lips he may be able to continue in his calling.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Well here is my gold dwarf (can I use a gold dwarf?) Shugenja

Krorn Huzdam lived in the distant mountains of the periphery of Mror Holds for all his youth. There he learned the ways of the Shugenja, the master of the elements, from a local temple, with many other dwarfs. He specialized in the element Earth, the one with which he had more affinity. A lot of his peers choose Fire instead of Earth, seduced by the power that element promised, but Krorn is very stubborn, and in this choice he showed precisely that, stubbornness.
Upon completing his studies, some sort of strange events start to happened at the lyceum. Some of his Earth focused comrades suddenly started dying, poisoned by some strange substance. All of them show the same syndromes. They where lazy some hours before their deaths, then, they start bleeding from the mouth and start convolve, after what they die. Scared, Krorn appeal to his former master, Drum Kuzdal leader of the Perfect Sculpture Order in that city. His master told him that there where assassins in the lyceum, and that they where looking to exterminate the Order of the Perfect Sculpture. The Order was already taking cards in the business, together with the others Orders in the Lyceum. “The assassins will soon be terminated” Drum said.
Although things where not going as well as Master Drum told him. More deaths happened, even the Order of Forbidding Wasteland, which group the masters of Water, was unable to succeed in decipher the kind of toxin used in the killings.
Chaos ran in the city streets, as the mysterious killers spread the poison to the water supply. Thousands where killed by the hazardous poison.
Finally, the remnants of the city, abandon it. At the gates of the city, all dwarves cursed the invisible assassins, and pledge vengeance. After that, the scattered, some went in groups, others by themselves, searching a new home, hoping that some day they will be able to gain the needed knowledge to return home and gain back what was theirs by right.
Krorn traveled many miles, searching and acquiring knowledge. He visited towns, forests, big cities, swim across the rivers and lakes and get to the top of the mountains. And still, he felt inside him, that the knowledge he needs still eludes him.
In one of his journeys he got his hands over an old scroll, in the town of Seawell. There he read about an ancient temple of Shugenjas, buried in one of the ruins of Q’Barra. Enthusiasm filled his soul. Hastily, he makes his way to the ruins hoping to find out the lost enclave and its secret kowledge.
Krorn entered the jungle expecting not more than some angry animals, not an entire adventurers group in training. Thinking Krorn was planning to steal something in the ruins, the Daggerspell Guardians took him prisoner, after a short skirmish. The dwarf wasn’t an easy target, evoking the power of Earth to protect him. The Guardians tie the dwarf up and take him with their leader.
What seems to be an elf, introduces himself as Zendarrill Lorren, the leader of the Daggerspell Guardians. At first, the elf and Krorn didn’t have much of a polite discussion, but an hour after the two of them met, they were talking normally and Krorn was untied.
The dwarf told Zendarrill his story, and that there could be some remnants of knowledge, lost in a secret temple inside one of the ruins, which could prove useful to him.
Zendarrill Lorren offered Krorn a deal: If Krorn prove to be a worthy member of the Daggerspell Guardians, he would grant him access to the ruins and help him in his search of the temple. Happily, Krorn accepted the deal.
There has been three years since that happened. Krorn has proved his worthy many times, but his stubbornness in sticking with his Shugenja tradition, despite the efforts of Zendarrill, force the elf to retain the dwarf some more years under his tutelage.

Krorn is a very kind dwarf. He smiles easy, drinks a lot and eats as much. He is somehow clumsy, and often drop the things he is holding, even his sacred scrolls, through which he cast his divine spells.
Usually he scratch his bold head when facing an intellectual challenge, showing an incredible stubbornness when reaching to a decision, sticking with it, no matter what.
Krorn is a tough gold dwarf, with a red, tidy and groomed beard and no hair in his head. He has big hands, and short legs. He uses a wide tunic, of yellow and brown tones. Many of his scrolls hang from his belt. And he is usually manipulating one, when not doing anything.

Str 12
Dex 12
Con 12+2
Int 11
Wis 10
Cha 18-2
Skills: concentration, heal, diplomaci, spellcraft, knowledge religion, knwoledge the planes.
Feats: Iron will, Toughness, Domain focus (earth), Dodge.
The crunch part needs some revision. The first two feats are related with the pc personality and appearance
Hop you like it
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