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Eyes Of The Lich Queen

Mista Collins

First Post
Hoping to drop his enemy swiftly, Rogan thrusts with both his daggers and prays Aern is enough of a distraction to allow him to easily target the lizardfolks vital spots.

[sblock=ooc]Not sure if you wanted us to roll or not. I don't recall. But here are Rogan's attacks.

Attack 1: 1d20+6 = 25
Damage: 1: 1d4 = 3
Sneak Damage 1: 3d6 = 10
Attack 1 Crit Confirm: 1d20+6 = 23
Attack 1 Crit Damage: 1d4 = 4

Attack 2: 1d20+6 = 14
Damage: 2: 1d4 = 3
Sneak Damage 2: 3d6 = 6

EDIT: Forgot to add the +2 for flanking to both attacks.[/sblock]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Hoping to catch the lizards off guard, Ari charges through the dark forest, his ebon companion at his side. He clutches his sword in two hands, preparing a vicious swipe.

OOC: Charge L6, with Onyx applying a -2 to its AC and saves.


First Post
Aerndel begins to sing granting his allies the blessing of the Silver Flame at the same time assisting Rogan in flanking his opponent hoping that his visage of being a Lizardfolk like the others would keep them from attacking a potential 'ally' in favor of the more visible threats.

ooc: Begins singing granting all allies +2 to attack and damage (Not sure if Rogan recieved this due to his turn being before Aern, and Jina running into the area) to everyone outside of the Silence. Not sure since Jina is a center of the silence effect if he will benefit or not. When anyone looses contact with the Song they have 6 rounds before the effects wear off.

Aern prepairs a visible wince as Rogan strikes his opponent
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First Post
It's a rather eery feeling, striding out into full view of the hostile lizards in this unnatural silence that now surrounds her. Her determination sticks, though, and she carries it off with a cocky strut and a wide grin on her face as she draws her twin swords noiselessly from their sheathes and twirls them flashily about her.

Inwardly her confidence slips a little as she sees the bows the lizards are carrying, but she doesn't let it affect her outward demeanor. She drops low for a moment, poised as if to pounce. Her eyes lock with the reptilian gaze of the closest lizard, flashing a taunting challenge to the creature as she darts through the undergrowth and closes the distance. One blade slashes out unnervingly towards the lizard's face as the other drops into an underhanded thrust.

[sblock=OOC]Jina takes a 5' step SW into melee range with L6 and attacks.

+1 Elven Thinblade +9 melee, damage 1d8+4, crit 18-20/x2
and MW Elven Lightblade +9 melee, damage 1d6+3, crit 18-20/x2

I spent quite a while thinking about the tactical implications before I realised, 'pffft, she only has an 8 Wis, screw it'. :p

AC 21
HP 37/37[/sblock]


First Post
Unkabear said:
ooc: Begins singing granting all allies +2 to attack and damage (Not sure if Rogan recieved this due to his turn being before Aern, and Jina running into the area) to everyone outside of the Silence. Not sure since Jina is a center of the silence effect if he will benefit or not. When anyone looses contact with the Song they have 6 rounds before the effects wear off.

ooc: Note that since inspire courage is a morale bonus, it does not stack with Khalia's Bless spell (though since it provides a better bonus, it supercedes it.

Khalia moves up a bit, unwilling to fire into melee in anything less than a dire emergency. This is not really my kind of fight, the archivist thinks.


The surprise goes better than they could have hoped. With Jina in the thick of things and Ari's javelin lodging itself in a tree, many sections of the forest are enveloped in silence. The groups rushes in and begins to engage the lizardfolk, most of which are caught completely flat-footed. Because of the need to advance as quietly as possible, Aern was unable to begin his inspiring song until the group engaged the enemy... but now that combat has begun, the sound of his voice can be heard by anyone who starts outside the circles of silence.

[sblock=Encounter A2 - Jungle Attack: Round 1]
Initiative Order:
23 Rogan
17 Jina
17 Horatio
16 Lizard L1
13 Khalia
12 Ari
12 Aern
6 Lizards L2-L6
5 Jango

Bless: Jina, Horatio, Khalia, Ari, Aern: +1 to hit & saves vs. fear
Inspire Courage: Jango: +2 to hit & damage


With weapons drawn, the party begins their attempts at taking out the patrol before a signal can be sounded.

Rogan's twin dagger style as taught to him by the Daggerspell Guardians allows him to attack swiftly and deftly. With a quick juke by the rogue plus the odd arrival of an unknown lizardfolk behind him, the poison dusk guard gets confused and Rogan's knife stabs him in the stomach almost immediately. The lizard's eyes widen and he drops to the ground.

(Attack Dagger on L4: AC 15 flatfoot + 2 undergrowth = 17 / Conceal 1d5 [4] *hit*: [15] + 6 + 2 flank = 23 *hit* / [3] + [12] sa = 15 damage *dead*)

The Guardian immediately turns to his left and steps forward to engage the second lizardfolk with his off-hand attack... but the undergrowth makes for uneven footing and his swing doesn't come close. (5' step to G12)

(Attack Dagger on L2: AC 15 flatfoot + 2 undergrowth = 17 / Conceal 1d5 [2] *hit*: [4] + 6 = 10 *miss*)

In the midst of this combat... one of the first real ones she's ever had in her life... Jina drops low for a moment, poised as if to pounce. Her eyes lock with the reptilian gaze of the closest lizard, flashing a taunting challenge to the creature as she darts through the undergrowth and closes the distance. (5' step to J9)

One blade slashes out unnervingly towards the lizard's face as the other drops into an underhanded thrust. Her first shot gets dodged at the last second, but her underhanded thrust comes up and stabs the lizard in his thigh. She sees the creature open his mouth to yelp in surprise, then sees the lizard's reaction to the fact that he heard no sounds coming from himself or her whatsoever.

(Attack Thinblade on L6: AC 15 flatfoot + 2 undergrowth = 17 / Conceal 1d5 [5] *hit*: [7] + 8 + 1 bless = 16 *miss*)

(Attack Lightblade on L6: AC 15 flatfoot + 2 undergrowth = 17 / Conceal 1d5 [5] *hit*: [14] + 8 + 1 bless = 23 *hit* / [5] + 3 = 8 damage *hurt*)

Horatio moves forward through the underbrush and knows he'd never be able to reach any of the lizardfolk even if he charged. He sees that three of the lizards (all of which wield longbows) will be unengaged with the group. Rather than see his firends get peppered with arrows, he shuffles himself forward (Move action to O10), then chants a prayer and a giant wall of wind springs up between the three lizards and the party. This will stop any arrow shots the lizards might try and take.

(Cast Wind Wall: 50' long / 25' high: duration 5 rounds)

The lizardman to the north takes in a deep breath and the blows hard into his reed whistle (Move action) to call for reinforcements... and is incredibly shocked when he hears no noise. Those who might be looking in his direction would see him start speaking to himself in shock, then react to the fact that his voice is making no noise either. He whips his head back and forth wondering what is going on, then immediately ducks down to hide himself in the undergrowth before possibly moving off. (Hide check: [11] + 18 = 30)

Khalia moves up a bit, unwilling to fire into melee in anything less than a dire emergency. And with Horatio's Wind Wall blocking any return fire on the western lizards as well... she ponders her next action. (Move action to O9)

Ari charges forward as fast as he can go, his dark companion Onyx right at his heels. He sees Jina make the lizard stumble with the stab to his leg, and the hunter adjusts his attack to maximize the impact. With his sword gripped in two hands, he brings it down across the lizard's chest... and cleaves the creature almost in half.

(Attack Longsword: AC 15 flatfoot + 2 undergrowth - 2 companion = 15 / Conceal 1d5 [3] *hit*: [19] + 8 + 1 bless + 2 charge = 30 *hit* / Confirm [10] + 8 + 1 bless + 2 charge = 22 *crit* / [2] + 5 + [4] + 5 = 16 damage *dead*)

With Rogan killing the lizardfolk between them, Aern decides to continue to assist the rogue. He begins singing a lovely tale, meant to inspire the courage of all his compatriots that can hear him. (Standard action: Inspire Courage +2) He then moves around the tree to get on the other side in hopes of flanking Rogan's new target, but the underbrush slows him down just enough that he can only reach the road. (Move action to D10)

With two of their number down, and one of them ducked off into the underbrush, the remaining three react almost on instinct. The one facing Rogan drops his longbow to the ground, and in desperation throws himself at the rogue. He tries to rake at him with his claws and bite him... all of which prove fruitless against the well-armored foe.

(Attack Claw on Rogan: AC 18 + 2 undergrowth = 20 / Conceal 1d5 [4] *hit*: [9] + 4 = 13 *miss*)

(Attack Claw on Rogan: AC 18 + 2 undergrowth = 20 / Conceal 1d5 [1] *miss*)

(Attack Bite on Rogan: AC 18 + 2 undergrowth = 20 / Conceal 1d5 [4] *hit*: [8] + 2 = 10 *miss*)

The other two lizardfolk further off to the west try and fire their longbows at Khalia and Horatio... but having not ever experienced a Wind Wall before, are amazed when their arrows go flying off in wild directions when they hit it. (Attack Longbow: automatic *miss*) The two immediately decide to use the cover to their advantage and they duck down into the cover to hide and move around.

(Hide check L3: [12] + 15 - 20 sniping = 7)
(Hide check L5: [17] + 15 - 20 sniping = 12)

Jango sees all that is happening around him and has to decide what his next action is. Only one living lizard is in plain sight... the other three would require a bit of spotting to see if he could find them in the brush.



Jango has his final action of Round 1, then we move onto Round 2. Mista Collins inquired about it, but as you've no doubt noticed... I'll do all the rolls as needed. Saves time, and plus I just hate having to keep going to Invisible Castle. :)

Please post actions for Round 2. Based on the movement of the Silence fields in Round 1, Aern, Rogan, Khalia, Horatio, and Jango will all gain +2 to hit and damage because of Aern's Inspire Courage. Also, you can see the Hide checks of the three remaining lizardfolk. Please write in your post if you are attempting to Spot either group and then attacking them, and I'll be rolling to see if you indeed Spot them before checking making attack rolls.
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First Post
To gives a chance to Rogan to go after the lizardfolk with the whistle, Jango moves foward and then cast a Magic Missile at the lizard threatning him.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Move action: Move to O11
Standard action: Cast an Magic Missile, empowered by his prophetic Favor, at L2[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[SBLOCK=Mista Collin]
Mista Collins said:
Rogan gives the lizardfolk who failed to hit him a smile as he counter-attacks with both daggers.

Note that this lizard will recieve an Empowered Magic Missile before your action. That might kill him, so what would you do if he dies?[/SBLOCK]


Encounter A2 - Jungle Attack: Round 1 (End)

Jango moves forward as much as he can through the undergrowth (Move action to O11), then sends three small spheres of force out from his hand. The glow from these missiles are more intense than normal as Jango has infused them with the power of the dragons. They fly through the air at high speed and slam silently into the poison dusk lizardfolk engaged in melee with Rogan. The rogue sees the creature's eyes roll back in immense pain, and then it staggers back and drops to one knee.

(Cast Empowered Magic Missile: [2] + 1 empower + [2] + 1 empower + [3] + 1 empower + 3 = 13 damage *gravely hurt*)

Voidrunner's Codex

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