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Fading Suns True20

Karl Green

First Post
Company of the Phoenix, Part 1: ‘Visions’
December 20th, the Year of our Lord, 5003 by the Holy Urth Calendar

It has been a grueling two week trek through the Maya Desert, but your ordeal has finally bore fruit… before you stands the great Gargoyle of Nowhere! At least four meters high and five long, the great statue is constructed of some unknown glossy black stone that seems to mute or absorb the harsh morning sun’s rays.

Legends say that one cannot find the Gargoyle of Nowhere by the air, one must ‘journey’ out into the desert on foot if one wishes to see it. And so, Ensign Koko had dropped the team off at the edge of the desert and returned to Necropolis (the planet’s capital and main spaceport are both located here) on the Oceanid. Hiring local guides and animals to make the trek across the desert at a small village the group set out to find this place, and it seems that you have!

Your guilds have remain at the edge of area surrounding the great Gargoyle, whom they refer to as Urzen-Kai while making reverent signs of the holy gate over their chests. Roahto, the leader of the pair, had just told Venus that she must indeed be blessed for finding the great ‘protector’ so quickly.

And now it is the moment of truth… will the great statue grant you a vision? Will it reveal some great secret or guide you towards adventure?

For a second a cold wind, the likes of which you have not experienced once on this hot, forsaken desert, even at night. In just that instant, it seems as if the Gargoyle is obscured behind a desert mirage… and it is exceeding hot again…

[sblock=Venus]…when you seem to be falling… falling down, slowly down, down… when suddenly you are moving... not down but away from the Gargoyle, to the west. Yes you are sure you are flying into the west now… strange, you don’t remember being able to fly? The Gargoyle must be taking you somewhere… it has something for you to see… of course, that must be it…

Then… many kilometers away… the ruins of a once great city comes flying into view. On the horizon a huge dust storm has formed and is blowing this way. Electrical discharges high in the cloud arch though the storm. Something dark is here… some thing so full of hate for the Pancreator and all that is good in the Universe…

A tall, rail-thin cloaked figure, whose ragged robes flap from great gale winds, steps from the dust storm. In its right hand is clutched something… something that seems to be calling out to you, in pain and despair. The figure opens its hand and within it there is a crystal bracelet… and it is calling to you! Its’ a psychic focus, stronger then you have ever felt before… in the hands of this filth!

The figure means to do harm with this focus, harm not only to this world but to others… for somewhere… out there on some distant world… something awaits it. Gathering the forces of darkness to it side, it will have a powerful ally in this figure, if it is allowed to escape Nowhere.

And then you are somewhere else… flying through the clouds on a ship made of glass. As the ship slips through the thick clouds you see another Gargoyle before you… but very unlike the one on Nowhere. This one is huge, at least ten times as large as the one on Nowhere and its shape is somewhat different also. It remains you of all vidcasts from Holy Urth of what they called the Great Sphinx… there is something important here. Something that you need here, to face that great darkness that is coming. But you have never heard of any Gargoyle found on any world that looks anything like this… But where is this place? How will you find it? Will fate guild you here?

Suddenly you are again somewhere else... standing before a gigantic gothic tomb, dark and foreboding. The great evil is here, on some Lost World, awaking from a long slumber, it seeks allies to its side for its dark task… to extinguish all light in the Universe, to bring back the perfect dark… Here, on this world, the fate of the Known Worlds might well be decided.

[sblock=Roz]…when you seem to be falling… falling down, slowly down, down… when suddenly you are moving... not down but away from the Gargoyle, to the west. Yes you are sure you are flying into the west now… strange, you don’t remember being able to fly? The Gargoyle must be taking you somewhere… it has something for you to see… of course, that must be it…

Then… many kilometers away… the ruins of a once great city comes flying into view. On the horizon a huge dust storm has formed and is blowing this way. Electrical discharges high in the cloud arch though the storm. Something dark is here… some thing so full of hate for the Pancreator and all that is good in the Universe…

A squat, hunchbacked, cloaked figure, whose ragged robes flap from great gale winds, steps from the dust storm. In its right hand is clutched something… something that seems to be calling out to you, in pain and despair. The figure opens its hand and within it there is a ring with a familiar crest upon it… your family crest! You somehow know that the ring was buried with an ancient ancestor of yours, from the time when House Delysa was a great house, independent and in control of its own destiny… in the hands of this filth!

The hunchback means to do harm… and somewhere… out there on some distant world… something awaits it. Gathering the forces of darkness to it side, it will have a powerful ally in this figure, if it is allowed to escape Nowhere.

And then you are somewhere else… in a jungle somewhere… it is hot and humid here, and the sweat clings to your body and makes you feel so very tired. Something here is hungry and awaiting its next meal… you. But as much as you wish to run, you can’t… you know you must face it… for the hunger guards something. Something important to you and your family and perhaps everyone. A weapon maybe… but something more also. Where is this place? How will you find it? Will fate guild you here?

Suddenly you are again somewhere else... standing before a gigantic gothic tomb, dark and foreboding. The great evil is here, on some Lost World, awaking from a long slumber, it seeks allies to its side for its dark task… to extinguish all light in the Universe, to bring back the perfect dark… Here, on this world, the fate of the Known Worlds might well be decided.

[sblock=Tarius]…when you seem to be falling… falling down, slowly down, down… when suddenly you are moving... not down but away from the Gargoyle, to the west. Yes you are sure you are flying into the west now… strange, you don’t remember being able to fly? The Gargoyle must be taking you somewhere… it has something for you to see… of course, that must be it…

Then… many kilometers away… the ruins of a once great city comes flying into view. On the horizon a huge dust storm has formed and is blowing this way. Electrical discharges high in the cloud arch though the storm. Something dark is here… some thing so full of hate for the Pancreator and all that is good in the Universe…

A huge cloaked figure, whose ragged robes flap from great gale winds, steps from the dust storm. Beneath its’ cloak the figure is more machine then man. In its right hand is clutched something… something that seems to be calling out to you, in pain and despair. The figure opens its hand and within it there is an old and battered pocket think-machine librarian… and it is calling to you! Contained within its spirit, the librarian holds some untold knowledge, thought lost to the Known Worlds … in the hands of this filth!

The figure means to do harm with this knowledge, harm not only to this world but to others… for somewhere… out there on some distant world… something awaits it. Gathering the forces of darkness to it side, it will have a powerful ally in this figure, if it is allowed to escape Nowhere.

And then you are somewhere else… you are deep underground… in a rounded tunnel, with dirty, polluted water running fast through the middle of it. Is this a sewer system? It must be… and you are moving down the tunnel, going deeper into the place… for something ahead is important. Something evil is down here, lurking just below the surface of the filthy water, hungry for flesh and pain and blood. But as much as you wish to run, you know you have to continue. For the evil also has something important, not just for you or your order, but perhaps everyone in the Universe… Where is this place? You feel that you have at least heard of it, but you can’t remember… will fate guide you here?

Suddenly you are again somewhere else... standing before a gigantic gothic tomb, dark and foreboding. The great evil is here, on some Lost World, awaking from a long slumber, it seeks allies to its side for its dark task… to extinguish all light in the Universe, to bring back the perfect dark… Here, on this world, the fate of the Known Worlds might well be decided.

[sblock=Nicolo]…when you seem to be falling… falling down, slowly down, down… when suddenly you are moving... not down but away from the Gargoyle, to the west. Yes you are sure you are flying into the west now… strange, you don’t remember being able to fly? The Gargoyle must be taking you somewhere… it has something for you to see… of course, that must be it…

Then… many kilometers away… the ruins of a once great city comes flying into view. On the horizon a huge dust storm has formed and is blowing this way. Electrical discharges high in the cloud arch though the storm. Something dark is here… some thing so full of hate for the Pancreator and all that is good in the Universe…

A shadow, steps from the dust storm. In its right hand is clutched something… something that seems to be calling out to you, in pain and despair. The shadow seems to opens its hand and within it there is an old and battered copy of the Omega Gospel, or at least a ‘song’ (chapter) of the Gospel… and it is calling to you! Somehow you know that the Gospel contains the personal writings of a Saint from within the Bothers Battle… in the hands of this filth!

The figure means to do harm with this knowledge, harm not only to this world but to others… for somewhere… out there on some distant world… something awaits it. Gathering the forces of darkness to it side, it will have a powerful ally in this figure, if it is allowed to escape Nowhere.

And then you are somewhere else… on a ship you think, somewhere deep in the dark… so very far away from the Light of the Pancreator… so cold and alone here… this ship, something hungry is here. Something dark, that can bring only pain and despair, and here it feeds... on the innocent trapped here. Pilgrims you believe, hopelessly lost on their journey too transport a sacred relic to Holy Urth… and the laughter of the thirsty daemons… what does it all mean? Is this the future? Will fate guide you here?

Suddenly you are again somewhere else... standing before a gigantic gothic tomb, dark and foreboding. The great evil is here, on some Lost World, awaking from a long slumber, it seeks allies to its side for its dark task… to extinguish all light in the Universe, to bring back the perfect dark… Here, on this world, the fate of the Known Worlds might well be decided.

...and then the heat of the noon day sun is bearing down on you like some great weight. Shaking your heads, you find yourself again before the great Gargoyle, sweating… and hungry? The sun is almost directly overhead, where just a second ago you could have sworn it was morning? Your companions are all right where they were when you approached the Gargoyle and yet, something is different. Glancing back, your two local guides are resting under a tent, out of the sun. To the west, you all see a large dust cloud, obscuring the desert that way… what is out there? If you remember right, there is an ancient city, All-Saints you think it was called, at least three hundred kilometers on the western edge of the Maya Desert… that cloud seem to be moving that way…

[OCC -OK go ahead and describe yourselves and what you might be wearing. Remember you have been traveling for the last two weeks in the desert, so probably no formal clothing. It is about noon time, four hours have pasted sense you first step up to the Gargoyle… how the time has flown. What are your plans??

Note that the basic information if any of you wanted to look over the Imperial survey for Nowhere the wiki site has most of what you could have found on the Oceanid’s think machine data log.
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First Post
Upon waking...

Upon waking from her dream, Venus rises tall and proud from the desert sand, shakes the dust from her elegant-yet-practical linen jumpsuit, and looks at each of her companions.

“Legend tells that those who visit the Gargoyle Urzenkai must never share their prophecies with others,” she states resolutely.

“Never one to break with tradition,” Venus smiles wryly, "I suggest we go West and seek our fortunes in the oncoming storm. There is a lost city there called All Saints that might prove fruitful to find.”

Venus looks westward, then glances back to her companions. "Any other recommendations?"

Relique du Madde

Roz found herself sitting on the sand with both of her knees pointed towards the heavens when she awoke from her dream. For a moment she was unaware of her surroundings as she found her mind replaying bits and pieces of her vision. She was not sure exactly what it meant; if she saw a vision or the future, or if what she witness was merely pieces of a puzzle she was meant to figure out, or both. Which one ever it was, she knew that it would take a while for her to unravel all of its nuances.

She glanced towards Venus and lightly pouted beneath the fabric of the scarf she had wrapped in around her head. "Too bad that it is ill advised to break some traditions, since it makes unraveling the vision's meaning so much harder." She pulled down the scarf before smiling meekly. "Then again, if I were to disclose fragments of what I saw to anyone on Cadavus, they would most likely direct me towards the nearest void kraken spawning grounds..." She glanced away. "Although, I do have a feeling that there are worse places that the vision could lead me to." She chuckled for a brief moment.

It was then that she noticed the slight breeze and was reminded of one of the first images she saw in the vision. She paused and quickly scanned her surroundings before she stood up causing a small clump of sand to cascade down her loose linen pants and onto her dust covered boots. She then brushed the remaining dust off her white linen blouse as she focused on the dust cloud that was rolling in the west. "West sounds good."

She glanced towards the rest of her companions with a smile on her lips, half expecting them to each reenforce the same option that both she and Venus gave.
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First Post
Nicolo stands slowly, the images he has seen still dancing in his head.

Blinking at the sun, he is grateful that his armor's cooling mechanism is functioning. Under normal circumstances, he would be most likely cooked by now.

Taking off one of his gloves to wipe the sweat from his brow, he glances briefly at the two noble ladies standing near.

"It would seem the Pancreator does indeed wish us to go west", he says at last. "But something waits there in the darkness for us. What it is, I don't know. But clearly we are meant to go there."
Donning his glove, he adds, "Should we proceed now, or wait for sundown?"

Relique du Madde

Fighting one's nature..

The expression on Roz's face reflected one of inner conflict. After a brief moment she responded. "I think we should do which ever would be safer; but before we leave we probably should eat."

OCC: I just realized that we don't have anyone (pc or named npc) with a few ranks of survival. So I'm hoping that when Tonguez chimes in his suggestion wouldn't be as bad as Roz's could have been if I played into the nature of her vice (and her wis -1).


A suffusion of yellow
For a moment Tarius remained still, arranging the images in his head sifting for clues, connections and meanings. It was the voices that returned him to the moment, to the sticky sweat of the days heat, and the gnawing hunger within.

He glanced towards the Brother and the two nobles beyond him and as his optics again focussed he considered the suggestions

"Westward to find a lost city" he considered "and to face a rising darkness. If the Pancreator leads us there, to recover something lost, then surely he intends that the knowledge we have gained from Urzenkai should be understood first.

We should not proceed now with the sun at its zenith, that would be suicide. We need to prepare and plan so that we may complete the tasks set for us. So yes let us seek shelter, eat and discuss our next step
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Karl Green

First Post
Moving back to the two local guides, who offer the group water, food and shelter under the sun. They seem unconcerned about the fact that you have been standing out there for almost four hours in the heat of the sun. If asked, Roahto does say that he knows the way to All-Saints but that a rival tribe controls the area around there and that it is generally taboo to go there “The Ancients lived there and in there arrogance, they destroyed themselves with their evil machines.

He does say that they are willing to take you there, but it will take at least five, maybe six days to get there, especially with the dust storm that is brewing that direction.

Relique du Madde

Roz asks Roahto the following questions:

"Considering that All-Saints is in your rival's territory, would we have to deal with their tribe in order to travel to All-Saints? If so do we also have to seek their permission to step foot within those ruins?"

Karl Green

First Post
Roahto simply shrugs his shoulder “No tribe has enough people to watch all their lands. We may have to, but so long as you are willing to pay tribute and gifts, it should be fine. But, we will only take you to the edge of the ruins, for we can not go there. No tribe will set foot on the ruins, but outsiders sometimes come and go there. It is not our way to stop them, your fate is in the hands of the Urzen-Kai.


A suffusion of yellow
"So how long has it been since All Saints was fully inhabited?" Tarius asks in general, as he lets the cool water soothe his body.

He then turns to the guides and in a demure manner so as to not agitate them too greatly he asks more specifically "if I may friends, according to your stories who was the leader of the city when it was abandoned and what was the specific reason of its fall?"

[sblock=Knowldge History]Knowledge 1D20+8 = 26 woohoo!:) for any history of All Saints known as specified in the questions above plus any other interesting tidbits an Engineer is likely to remember[/sblock]
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