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Fallen Angel Ch2 [IC] - Calling Sherlock, Acid_Crash, Thels, Greegan


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Michael gives Akaros a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Ahh, but a week of travel will give us a week's worth of travel scenes, while staying here will give us the inside of the same inn over and over again. I'm in for it. We've been sitting on our butts for too long already!"

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Fat Jack looks up from his meal as you stand, "Whoa, hang on a sec there gentlemen you heading out so soon? I havent finished my meal or even had a rest from my travels. Oh I see, leaven Fat Jack behind eh? Alright then well may your travels be fruitful and your life longlived. Good luck with the war and all. And dont pay no mind to that No-god talk, its all just old wives tales to scare children. He dont really exist nor did he." With that he returns with zeal to his stew and ale.

OOC: As Fanog said, the info about the stronghold was for him only at the moment. Hehe I just noticed that in the three times that the river was mentioned never once was it spelled the same way. Im gonna go with the River Jaros and edit my post above to reflect that.


You gather outside the tavern, getting ready to head off quickly before Fat Jack can catch up. As you are stowing your packs and such the Mayor approaches you, "I thought you might have been heading out soon. We have one more thing that we can offer the heroes of our small town. We have some horses that we could let you have cheap. We cant give em away cause we will need to replace them before the harvest, but they are available if you want them."

You can see that the sun is high in the sky and there are currently no clouds. The heavy storm blew itself out the day after you returned. Bright sunshine seemed to follow in your wake. Some people are gathered in the center of town talking in small groups, it appears that things are getting back to normal.


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"Oof, I'm glad we've got rid of him", Nalya sighs as they exit the inn. "I happen to know a few things about the river, there is - or was - a structure nearby that is connected to the No-God. We might find something there." She thinks back of Fat Jack and adds "Don't believe him. The No-God did exist. It is a long time ago, and most Men have forgotten. If nothing is done, they will be caught totally unaware, and unprepared."

As they meet the mayor, Nalya makes an imposing bow before him. "Greeting, good Sir. I am glad to meet you. These are some great heroes, indeed. I am Nalya Deepeye, hailing from the West, and these fine people have allowed me to travel with them. Which I must say, I am quite honored by. If we are to travel by horse", she looks askance at the three others, confirming whether they will buy the horses, "would it be possible for me to buy one as well? I am aware that your fair town owes me nothing, buy I hope to aid them in their further ventures. Therefore, I would humbly ask of you to allow me to buy a horse as well. I will pay fairly, of course."


"I really hope there´s a fortress, No-God or not (?)" says Akaros. "And that we find something interesting there"

"Ah, horses." replies to the Major. "Well, I guess they could be useful"

[OOC: I forgot if you mentioned it early, but ¿How much money did each of us got? I still think we should buy another CLW wand before splitting it up; the one I used in the bug´s cave is dangerously low, and they are too useful for not having one of them]


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OOC: I'm fine with buying a CLW wand before splitting.

"Yeah, horses could come in handy. You never know who catches up to you when you're on foot." Michael says with a grin on his face. "Ahh, going out to travel feels good. I was about to grow roots sitting in this little town. No offence." He quickly adds to the mayor.

Michael looks around, appearantly in thoughts, when something Nalya said strikes his mind: "Oh, and don't be that honered. We're only human, unlike some other beings we encountered around here recently. They still leave me dazzled."


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"Only human, huh?", Nalya says as she eyes Michael and Akaros with a knowing look in her eye. "Well, don't dismiss yourself that quickly, it might just prove to be very important." The young half-elf has a very sly smile around her mouth as she says this, but doesn't seem all that willing to elaborate.

"But what's that about other things you encountered here? You mean the angel, or were there other beings of interest?"


The mayor replies to Nalya, "Certainly I will have four horses brough around, good sturdy horses they are. Belong to a few of the farmers in the area. The town will help you negotiate the price but I think 60 gold coins a peice should be good. Definitely no offence taken Mr. Swordsbane, other people may have need of heroes too. We wouldnt want to take advantage of you too much. Oh and I have heard that you are looking for a wand of healing eh? Hmm. I can ask the local clergy of the temple, they may have one that they can sell you. I am not too sure though as they normally keep those for healing the folks who get sick in town." He calls someone over and sends them on a errand to fetch the abbot.

As you are preparing to leave, Arithel comes out to say his goodbyes too. He is accompanied by his adoptive parents. He looks like he has grown already. You might be mistaken but he looks like he has another 2 inches on him. And looking into his eyes he has a look of maturity. He is very excited and sad when he says, "Thank you all very much for rescuing me from my ordeal. Maybe we shall meet again. My parents thank you too." He is smiling, but tears look like they are begining to tug at the corners of his eyes.

While you stand, talking with Arithel and the Mayor four horses are brought out and a little man in grey and white robes comes out as well. The farmers speak to the mayor for a moment, arguing on the price. The abbot speaks, "I hear that you are looking for a wand of healing. We have such an item that we could perhaps let go. It is only a minor item, but for our little village it is very important. We have another 2 that are running out and I will set to make another very soon. As it is though, I can only afford to let you have it for 1000 gold coins and I am afraid that it has been used a few times (47 charges)."

So they want 240gp for the horses and 1000gp for the wand.

The total haul from Chapter 1 came too:
2500xp each (lots of rp and story awards cause the monsters were wussy)
5 gems (400gp ea)
1 ring (300gp)
White Swan of Trillarn: When you whisper the command word ("Trillarn Aereon") this figurine summons a great white swan (stats as a Hippogriff) that will bear you for as long as it exists. It can also attack if you direct it too. The figurine can only be activated once. The swan exists for only 5 hours.
Faint Conjuration; Caster Level 5th; Craft Wonderous Item, summon monster 3; Price: 1500gp.

Black Dog of Derlin: When you whisper the command word ("Derlin Feros") this figurine summons a black dire war dog (stats as a Dire Wolf) that will attack if you direct it too. The figurine can only be activated once. The dog exists for only 7 hours.
Faint Conjuration; Caster Level 7th; Craft Wonderous Item, summon monster 4; Price: 2800gp.


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Nalya listens with interest as the mayor, the aboot and the farmer come to a deal. While she does so, her mood seems to drop a bit and she can be seen rubbing the emerald on her necklace rather vigorously. She is especially interested in Arithel, quite awed by his presence. Stil, there are more pressing matters at hand.

After the mayor has made his offer, Nalya turns to her newfound companions. She looks rather embarrased and still rubs the emerald, this time seeming to soothe it by stroking it softly. "I would like to chip in my fare share of all these expenses, but I am afraid that my resources have dwindled during my journey here. Of the gold and gems the elders gave me, a large portion I had to spend to get here. I can offer what money I have left - 50 gold pieces - and I still have this potion. It is reasonably potent, and it is worth quite something, I believe. I hope this would help pay for my horse and other needs." Nalya, looking a bit distressed, looks from one face to the other, hoping that they will take her offer.

Syfis moves in to give Arithel a warm hug as a good bye, and whispers to him, "Take care of yourself, angel

With that, she gathers her things and swings up on her horse, signalling to her companions that she's ready to go. She hears a slight jingle of platinum coins in her pouch, and a slight smile forms on her face, but by that time she's turned around from the rest, It's good to be an adventurer. She thinks.

OOC-Syfis will just take her share of the platinum coins, and the onyx dog if no one else wants it.
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