Fantasy Grounds Game Stats for 2017: D&D 5E Up By 6%, Pathfinder Holds Steady!

It's time for the statistics which tell us what games are being played on Fantasy Grounds, the virtual tabletop. This always gives a great sampling of which games are popular at the moment. As usual, D&D 5E leads by a large margin, followed by Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, then Savage Worlds. "Core RPG" in the data below refers to Fantasy Grounds' 'default' RPG module, so can reasonably be viewed as the "other" option. These stats represent the whole of 2017.

It's time for the statistics which tell us what games are being played on Fantasy Grounds, the virtual tabletop. This always gives a great sampling of which games are popular at the moment. As usual, D&D 5E leads by a large margin, followed by Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, then Savage Worlds. "Core RPG" in the data below refers to Fantasy Grounds' 'default' RPG module, so can reasonably be viewed as the "other" option. These stats represent the whole of 2017.

Fantasy Grounds' Doug Davison notes that there is a bit of a dip around December, but that same thing happened in the previous two years.

See 2016's figures here. Over the year, D&D 5E increased again, this time from 58% in 2016 to 64% in 2017. Pathfinder held steady at 12%, and Savage Worlds at 6%, while D&D 3.5 dropped from 6% to 4%.​



Ruleset Total Games
5E 395,748
PFRPG 74,551
SavageWorlds 37,693
3.5E 21,992
CoreRPG 12,704
Call Of Cthulhu 10,928
4E 9,948
MoreCore 8,975
Star Wars EotE 7,642
GURPS 6,176
AD&D 4,028
DSA 3,657
Castles and Crusades 3,638
WFRP 3,261
RolemasterClassic 3,208
WH40K 2,593
Numenera 2,507
Fate Core 2,300
VtM 1,852
Basic Roleplaying 1,482
Shadowrun 1,044
Mutants and Masterminds 1,006
World of Darkness 997
d20 Modern 768
Grand Total 619,481

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I believe it's in CoreRPG at the moment? There's no Starfinder module on FG yet. I assume there's one coming.


Starfinder released in August, and we got our big Pathfinder bump in September. That's why I think it might be in those numbers.


I believe the numbers may be split across the CoreRPG, MoreCore and PFRPG rulesets. We are getting ready to release an official Starfinder ruleset under the SFRPG name this month, so we'll be able to sample those numbers separately.

Also, I noticed that I sent Morrus the wrong table data that was from 2014 or 2015 instead of the ones from 2017. Those numbers should match the chart. I've sent an updated list over so it should be updated at some point.


I believe the numbers may be split across the CoreRPG, MoreCore and PFRPG rulesets. We are getting ready to release an official Starfinder ruleset under the SFRPG name this month, so we'll be able to sample those numbers separately.

Also, I noticed that I sent Morrus the wrong table data that was from 2014 or 2015 instead of the ones from 2017. Those numbers should match the chart. I've sent an updated list over so it should be updated at some point.

That will be awesome! That's way sooner than I thought Starfinder would be ready!

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