The latest usage stats for Fantasy Grounds are in... and D&D is up again in the latest updated stats from Quarter 1 of 2018 through to Quarter 1 of 2019, rising to a whopping 69% of the market since the stats from Q1 2018! Pathfinder drops from 12% last year to 9% (possibly due to the edition change coming soon), and Savage Worlds drops nearly 2%.
"CorePG" is the "general" module Fantasy Grounds uses when there isn't a more specific one.
The changes from Q1 2018 (rounded to the nearest whole) are as follows. Note that share can go down while a game's total number of games goes up as the pool expands, so a reduction in market share doesn't equate to a reduction in sales, games played, profit, or anything else.
[FONT="]Ruleset[/FONT] | [FONT="]Total Games[/FONT] | [FONT="]Sum of total[/FONT] |
[FONT="]5E[/FONT] | [FONT="]619,071[/FONT] | [FONT="]68.97%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]PFRPG[/FONT] | [FONT="]84,214[/FONT] | [FONT="]9.38%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]SavageWorlds[/FONT] | [FONT="]38,958[/FONT] | [FONT="]4.34%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]SFRPG[/FONT] | [FONT="]21,654[/FONT] | [FONT="]2.41%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]3.5E[/FONT] | [FONT="]18,550[/FONT] | [FONT="]2.07%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]MoreCore[/FONT] | [FONT="]15,435[/FONT] | [FONT="]1.72%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]CoreRPG[/FONT] | [FONT="]13,774[/FONT] | [FONT="]1.53%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Call Of Cthulhu[/FONT] | [FONT="]13,465[/FONT] | [FONT="]1.50%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]4E[/FONT] | [FONT="]9,440[/FONT] | [FONT="]1.05%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Star Wars[/FONT] | [FONT="]8,163[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.91%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]PFRPG2[/FONT] | [FONT="]7,979[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.89%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]GURPS[/FONT] | [FONT="]6,883[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.77%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]AD&D[/FONT] | [FONT="]6,344[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.71%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Castles and Crusades[/FONT] | [FONT="]4,817[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.54%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]WFRP[/FONT] | [FONT="]4,397[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.49%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]DSA[/FONT] | [FONT="]3,679[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.41%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]RolemasterClassic[/FONT] | [FONT="]3,476[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.39%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Cypher System[/FONT] | [FONT="]3,287[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.37%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Fate Core[/FONT] | [FONT="]2,869[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.32%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]VtM[/FONT] | [FONT="]2,412[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.27%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]WH40K[/FONT] | [FONT="]2,285[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.25%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Numenera[/FONT] | [FONT="]2,000[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.22%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]DCCRPG[/FONT] | [FONT="]1,644[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.18%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Mongoose Traveller 1E[/FONT] | [FONT="]1,577[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.18%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Shadowrun[/FONT] | [FONT="]1,197[/FONT] | [FONT="]0.13%[/FONT] |
[FONT="]Grand Total[/FONT] | [FONT="]897,570[/FONT] | [FONT="]100.00%[/FONT] |
"CorePG" is the "general" module Fantasy Grounds uses when there isn't a more specific one.
The changes from Q1 2018 (rounded to the nearest whole) are as follows. Note that share can go down while a game's total number of games goes up as the pool expands, so a reduction in market share doesn't equate to a reduction in sales, games played, profit, or anything else.
D&D 5E | +4% |
Pathfinder | -2.6% |
Savage Worlds | -1.7% |
D&D 3.5 | +1% |
Star Wars | -0.1% |
Starfinder | +1.4% |
Call of Cthulhu | -0.5% |