Fantasy Grounds Usage Stats Through Q1 2019: D&D Up, Pathfinder Down

The latest usage stats for Fantasy Grounds are in... and D&D is up again in the latest updated stats from Quarter 1 of 2018 through to Quarter 1 of 2019, rising to a whopping 69% of the market since the stats from Q1 2018! Pathfinder drops from 12% last year to 9% (possibly due to the edition change coming soon), and Savage Worlds drops nearly 2%.

The latest usage stats for Fantasy Grounds are in... and D&D is up again in the latest updated stats from Quarter 1 of 2018 through to Quarter 1 of 2019, rising to a whopping 69% of the market since the stats from Q1 2018! Pathfinder drops from 12% last year to 9% (possibly due to the edition change coming soon), and Savage Worlds drops nearly 2%.



[FONT=&quot]Total Games[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sum of total[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Call Of Cthulhu[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Star Wars[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Castles and Crusades[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Cypher System[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Fate Core[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mongoose Traveller 1E[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Grand Total[/FONT]

"CorePG" is the "general" module Fantasy Grounds uses when there isn't a more specific one.

The changes from Q1 2018 (rounded to the nearest whole) are as follows. Note that share can go down while a game's total number of games goes up as the pool expands, so a reduction in market share doesn't equate to a reduction in sales, games played, profit, or anything else.

D&D 5E+4%
Savage Worlds-1.7%
D&D 3.5+1%
Star Wars-0.1%
Call of Cthulhu-0.5%


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The Amazon sales rankings suggest otherwise.

Or they suggest what these stats also suggest and that is the market is growing.

5E is without any doubt the best selling D&D variant and D&D has almost always been the best selling RPG (bar that period during 4E that we dont talk about in polite company).

I have shelves and shelves of dead tree RPG books. But I have even more digital RPG content. And I buy digital RPG content at more than 10:1 ratio to physical books these days. I havent stopped buying physical RPG books but Im far more selective about the physical ones that I do buy.

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aramis erak

I am a little shocked at how well Rolemaster Classic does compared to others.

Rolemaster front-loads most of the complexity, and automating the tables makes it play MUCH MUCH faster. In a way, that makes VTT a superior platform to the home table for it. If fully set up, it could even make character gen superior. Plus, when you ignore all the optional rules, tis a fairly simple ruleset.

Plus, it's a system with lots of meaningful choices in Character Generation, despite being a random roll.

Am I missing it, or is there not a single super-hero themed RPG showing up? That seems amazing to me, considering the popularity of super-hero themed films, TV shows, et cetera.

FG doesn't have a super-hero game module worth talking about. Anyone playing superhero games on FG are probably lumped into the "corerpg" and "morecore" catagories.


First Post
The M&M module Brazzers Youporn Xhamster is FG 2.99 based and lacks most of cool things you can do in corerpg and morecore. Savage worlds is more than just supers.

Licensing also plays a big role in this. Officially licensed rulesets almost always outperform community rulesets by a large margin. Most RPGs for super hero or other film based items are already licensed out to a tabletop RPG publisher. Getting a license with the publisher for these would mean that the proceeds would now need to split to an additional party and the contracts become more and more complicated. As an example, we have official licenses with Green Ronin but only for their first party game systems and not for stuff that they had to license from someone else - A Song of Ice and Fire , DC Comics based content, etc. The same thing limits the ability to get any sort of official Star Wars RPG support.
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Licensing also plays a big role in this. Officially licensed rulesets almost always outperform community rulesets by a large margin. Most RPGs for super hero or other film based items are already licensed out to a tabletop RPG publisher. Getting a license with the publisher for these would mean that the proceeds would now need to split to an additional party and the contracts become more and more complicated. As an example, we have official licenses with Green Ronin but only for their first party game systems and not for stuff that they had to license from someone else - A Song of Ice and Fire , DC Comics based content, etc. The same thing limits the ability to get any sort of official Star Wars RPG support.

M&M is wholly owned by Green Ronin. They don't need anyone's permission to grant you permission to make an M&M module that is more functional. It is a catch-22. People don't play M&M on FG because the module support is lacking. And module support for M&M is lacking because people don't play M&M on FG. Someone was supposedly working on a M&M module based off CoreRpg but they seem to have lost interest.

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