Fantasy Grounds Usage Stats Through Q1 2019: D&D Up, Pathfinder Down

The latest usage stats for Fantasy Grounds are in... and D&D is up again in the latest updated stats from Quarter 1 of 2018 through to Quarter 1 of 2019, rising to a whopping 69% of the market since the stats from Q1 2018! Pathfinder drops from 12% last year to 9% (possibly due to the edition change coming soon), and Savage Worlds drops nearly 2%.

The latest usage stats for Fantasy Grounds are in... and D&D is up again in the latest updated stats from Quarter 1 of 2018 through to Quarter 1 of 2019, rising to a whopping 69% of the market since the stats from Q1 2018! Pathfinder drops from 12% last year to 9% (possibly due to the edition change coming soon), and Savage Worlds drops nearly 2%.



[FONT=&quot]Total Games[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sum of total[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Call Of Cthulhu[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Star Wars[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Castles and Crusades[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Cypher System[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Fate Core[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mongoose Traveller 1E[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Grand Total[/FONT]

"CorePG" is the "general" module Fantasy Grounds uses when there isn't a more specific one.

The changes from Q1 2018 (rounded to the nearest whole) are as follows. Note that share can go down while a game's total number of games goes up as the pool expands, so a reduction in market share doesn't equate to a reduction in sales, games played, profit, or anything else.

D&D 5E+4%
Savage Worlds-1.7%
D&D 3.5+1%
Star Wars-0.1%
Call of Cthulhu-0.5%


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Looks like everyone but DnD 5e are basically stagnant in growth. 5e though looks like it's growing at not a bad rate.

Agreed; and it begs the question as to whether the market is growing in size. To which I believe the answer is yes - RPGs are growing in popularity, and 5e is responsible for the lion's share of that growth, as opposed to growing by cannibalizing customers from other games.

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
Agreed; and it begs the question as to whether the market is growing in size. To which I believe the answer is yes - RPGs are growing in popularity, and 5e is responsible for the lion's share of that growth, as opposed to growing by cannibalizing customers from other games.

That would be my take on it as well. Which makes me happy that there is some growth going on in the tabletoprpg genre. :)


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
The growth in 5e will eventually result in the growth of other systems. There will be a number of people who will look to diversify the games they play or who get tired of D&D and want to try something else. It'll be interesting to see how long it will take to observe this trickle down effect. I would have thought we'd see more of this already. I started trying and buying other systems about a year after getting into 5e.

Then again, I've never played a Fantasy Grounds game and I don't think any of the games I play other than D&D have FG support.


Book-Friend, he/him
The growth in 5e will eventually result in the growth of other systems. There will be a number of people who will look to diversify the games they play or who get tired of D&D and want to try something else. It'll be interesting to see how long it will take to observe this trickle down effect. I would have thought we'd see more of this already. I started trying and buying other systems about a year after getting into 5e.

Then again, I've never played a Fantasy Grounds game and I don't think any of the games I play other than D&D have FG support.

I would imagine most of the trickle down will eventually go to games that do something substantially different thematically, if anything.


Until we see a significant slowdown in the growth of 5e, I doubt we'll see much trickle down to be honest. After all, for growth rates to remain steady, the only way trickle down works is if we're actually growing faster than those leaving for other games. Which would require an even faster growth rate than we're seeing currently.

I imagine eventually it will, but, I wouldn't expect much trickle down for some time yet.


Well, if you look at the total number of games played, rather than percentages, it appears that 4e and PFRPG are pretty stable overall. Not growing, not shrinking.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Until we see a significant slowdown in the growth of 5e, I doubt we'll see much trickle down to be honest. After all, for growth rates to remain steady, the only way trickle down works is if we're actually growing faster than those leaving for other games. Which would require an even faster growth rate than we're seeing currently.

I imagine eventually it will, but, I wouldn't expect much trickle down for some time yet.

Well, you don't have to leave 5e to try another system. I got back into TTRPGs with 5e after decades out of the hobby. Within a year I was buying other systems. When I join games on Roll20, they are almost always one-shot/pickup games of more obscure systems. When I play at conventions, I may play a 5e game or two, but mostly use it as an opportunity to play other systems.

I don't currently use Fantasy Ground, but if I did, I would likely be starting with 5e, but would also be trying other systems now and then.

I don't think I'm that unusual in this regard and I am optimistic that the popularity of 5e will bring new players to other systems as well.

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