D&D General Favourite Outer Plane?

Favourite Outer Plane?


Dragon Lover
I don't know if others have the same mindset, but that plane as written in my mind seems devoid of reasons to use for adventuring. Don't know if its a mental block of its actually been written in a way to discourage using it for adventure.
I can think of several quests one can partake of in Mount Celestia, but I have scoured through much of the lore of the plane so I know of all the different things one can encounter.

A plane like Bytopia or Elysium, for comparison, have far less potential for interesting plot hooks in my opinion.

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Favorite plane? That's a hard one.

For adventuring? The Nine Hells or the Abyss.
For Worldbuilding? Concordance (far away from the center), or Ysgard. Ysgard is probably home to Narnia, given that Narnia is a flat-earth surrounded by mountains on the other side of an airy void. Concordance is great as a faux-material-plane, especially if you set it far from the center.
For cool description? Bytopia.


I don't know if others have the same mindset, but that plane as written in my mind seems devoid of reasons to use for adventuring. Don't know if its a mental block of its actually been written in a way to discourage using it for adventure.
I always felt the same. Alot of the elemental planes seemed pointless. I never liked having to give the players means for surviving a trip to a lot of the planes. Then the spell mechanics of how they worked on the various planes just added what I thought was an unnecessary complication. We played Planescape on and off for a few years in the late 90s and early 2000s but I wasn't a huge fan. I always thought it was good in theory but not so much in practice.

I like Elysium for its geographic diversity and that Oceanus gives access to so many adjacent planes for more exploration (including the gnome lands of Bytopia) and that despite being a Good plane, elysium has a number of creepy elements including the whole 'lotus eater' entrapment and the thing in the swamp

Oceanus does not connect to Byopia, its starts on Elysium, goes through all its layers, then moves on to the First Layer of Beastlands, where streams from the second layer feed into it, and finally it hits Arborea's First Layer (although depending on the tide it might hit Gates of the Moon in Ysgard First), before ending in Arborea's second layer. It really only connects Elysium's Layers and the Choatic Good Planes, why it doesn't reach the Lawful Good Planes I don't know.

Got any example plothooks? A Plane chock full of Paladins and their gods doesn't feel like a place ripe with adventure

The Abyss invades Mount Celestia. Tests invovling illusionairy enemies that are metaphors for the Players vices to help over come them.

A war between Mount Celestial vs Arborea over the right way too be good.

A cadre of abishai discreetly hire a pack of neutral mercenaries to execute a heist from the Palace of Bahamut.

You are either the mercenaries themselves, faced with the moral quandary as you discover your heist is not all it's cracked up to be, or a group who stumbles upon hints of the heist and has to suss it out while the stodgy Bahamites insist they need no help.

Voidrunner's Codex

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